Complaint Report to US DOJ

Armstrong 8

Ralph F. Boyd, Jr.
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (#3623)
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 514-2151
Fax: (202) 514-0293
TDD: (202) 514-0716

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Criminal Section, PHB
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 514-3204
Fax: (202) 514-8336


I, Gerry Armstrong, declare:

1.      My address is:
#1-45950 Alexander Avenue
Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 1L5

2.      I am a citizen of Canada with Canadian passport No. JS274969. I became
a legal resident of the U.S. in 1977, with Alien Registration No. A036304599.

3.      Federal crimes have been committed by the violation of the following:

1. 18 U.S.C. §241
2. 18 U.S.C. §242
3. 18 U.S.C. §371
4. 18 U.S.C. §1512

4.      The participants in these crimes include those individuals or entities who
comprise the “beneficiaries” identified or described in paragraphs 1 and 4 of a document
entitled “Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement,” which purports to be a contract
between those individuals and entities and me executed in December, 1986, specifically:

Church of Scientology International, its officers, agents,
representatives, employees, volunteers, directors,
successors, assigns and legal counsel;
Church of Scientology of California, its officers, agents,


representatives, employees, volunteers, directors,
successors, assigns and legal counsel;
Religious Technology Center, its officers, agents,
representatives, employees, volunteers, directors,
successors, assigns and legal counsel;
all Scientology and Scientology affiliated organizations and
entities and their officers, agents, representatives,
employees, volunteers, directors, successors, assigns and
legal counsel; Author Services, Inc., its officers, agents,
representatives, employees, volunteers, directors,
successors, assigns and legal counsel;
L. Ron Hubbard, his heirs, beneficiaries, Estate and its
Author's Family Trust, its beneficiaries and its trustee; and
Mary Sue Hubbard.

5.      I am providing URLs, as such exist on the date of this complaint, for documents
cited to herein, because the photocopying of these documents and appending the
photocopies hereto as exhibits, and mailing these exhibits, is financially prohibitive. All
webbed documents cited to herein are, to my knowledge and to the best of my ability,
true and correct copies of the original documents from which the webbed copies have
been made. If required, in the course of the official investigation and prosecution
resulting from this complaint, I can and will provide true and correct hard photocopies of
any documents cited to herein.

6.      All of the individuals and entities that comprise the “beneficiaries” are under the
ultimate control and direction of one David Miscavige, who possesses the official titles
within the global Scientology enterprise of Captain of the Sea Organization (“SO”) and
Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center (“RTC”). The SO is an
unincorporated pseudo-military entity, members of which occupy positions in other
Scientology organizations, corporations and entities. The global Scientology enterprise is
a dictatorship, Miscavige is the dictator, and corporate identities and borders are ignored,
or are employed by Miscavige and his ruling clique at their whim for purposes of control
and evading legal liability for the enterprise’s crimes and torts.

7.      The events relating to these crimes committed by these individuals and entities
span a thirty-five year period, occurred in many locations, and involve numerous civil
and criminal legal cases and proceedings. I am limiting what facts and events I am
including in this report to only those I believe are necessary to demonstrate the
commission of these crimes and to make the circumstances and actions and the special
Scientology terms, policies and practices understandable. I am also providing some of
my arguments or reasoning for why certain acts or communications by these individuals
and entities constitute these crimes in order to assist investigators and prosecutors, to
explain my own actions, and to ensure that these arguments or reasoning are considered
and addressed.


8.      I got into Scientology in 1969 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and left the
organization in Los Angeles, California in December 1981. I was recruited into the
organization with a number of promises or representations, which included:

-      that Scientology was a mathematically precise and exact science;
-      that no other subjects on earth except physics and chemistry have had such
grueling testing;
-      that it was based on the scientific research of L. Ron Hubbard;
-      that he was a Civil Engineer and a Nuclear Physicist;
-      that he had many degrees and was very skilled by reason of study;
-      that he was crippled and blinded in the Second World War and cured
himself with his mental science;
-      that Scientology “auditing” psychotherapy raises IQ an average of a point
per hour;
-      that auditing is conducted using an “electropsychometer,” or “E-meter,”
which is a precision scientific instrument that sees below a person’s
consciousness and gives an “auditor” a keen look into the heads and hearts
of people being “audited;”
-      that Scientology improves the health, intelligence, ability, behavior, skill
and appearance of people;
-      that Scientology produces the ability to handle any and all problems;
-      that Scientology auditing produces a mental state called “Clear,” whereat
the person has complete recall of everything that ever happened to him or
anything he ever studied, he does mental computations and studies
anything in less than one-hundredth the time such computations or studies
took before “clearing,” he never gets colds, his vigor, persistence and
tenacity to life are very much higher than anyone has thought possible,
and his physical vitality and health are markedly improved and all
psychosomatic illnesses have vanished and will never return;
-      that Scientology is offered with a money-back guarantee;
-      that Scientology is the most ethical organization on the planet;
-      that Scientology works, works uniformly, and is the only system on earth
that works for improving the health, intelligence, ability, behavior, skill
and appearance of people;
-      that Scientology is the only hope for mankind’s survival;
-      that Scientology can and does do exactly what it says it can do.

9.      From February 1971 until I left in December 1981, I was a member of the SO,
which is structured similarly to the United States Navy. Within the SO “ranks and
ratings” system, I rose to the rank of Ensign. Until September 1975, I was on board the
“Apollo,” the SO’s “flagship,” from which during those years Scientology was operated.
L. Ron Hubbard, his wife Mary Sue, and their four children were on board, along with an
average of over 400 other people comprising “crew,” plus auditing or training customers.
During those years, the ship moved between ports in Morocco, Portugal, Spain and the


10.      Hubbard, as the “Commodore” of the SO, controlled and directed all activities on
board the “Apollo,” and all Scientology organizations and activities internationally
through a number of networks including the Commodore’s Staff Aides (“CS Aides”), the
Flag Bureaus (“FB”), the Commodore’s Messengers Organization (“CMO”), the Flag
Banking Officers (“FBOs), the L. Ron Hubbard Communicators (“LRH Comms”), the
Flag Operation and Liaison Offices (“FOLOs”) and the Guardian Office (“GO”). Under
Hubbard, Mary Sue Hubbard, as the “Controller” ran the GO, which dealt with
Scientology’s non-Scientologist contacts and public, and included the organization’s
finance, public relations, legal and intelligence activities.

11.      During my years on board, I held the positions of “Storesman,” “Boats and
Transport In-Charge,” “Legal Officer,” “Public Relations Officer” and “Intelligence
Officer.” I gained knowledge of organization communication and command channels,
operations, personnel and security. During those years, the ship operation and all
personnel maintained an intelligence cover of, and pretended to be, “Operation and
Transport Corporation” (“OTC”), a Panamanian business management company. All
personnel were required to hide the fact and deny that we were Scientologists or had
anything to do with Scientology. Any failure to maintain our OTC “shore story” or
cover, or any disclosure of any connection to Scientology was a “security breach,”
considered “treason,” and severely punished.

12.      I also gained knowledge of Hubbard’s and Scientology’s worldview, aims, and
“Ethics,” which is the organization’s system of rewards and punishment, including its
“Suppressive Person” (“SP”) doctrine and “Fair Game” policy. In their worldview,
Hubbard and Scientology divide mankind into two groups, Scientologists and non-
Scientologists, called “wogs.” The term “wogs,” in its original meaning, and in its present
meaning outside of Scientology, is a racial epithet equivalent to “niggers.” Inside
Scientology, “wogs” is also a racial epithet, referring to “Homo sapiens.” Hubbard and
Scientology teach that wogs or Homo sapiens are an inferior race, also described
derogatorily in Scientology teachings as “homo sap,” “raw meat,” or “common ordinary
run-of-the-mill garden-variety humanoids.” Hubbard and Scientology teach that
Scientologists comprise a new and superior race of hominid called “Homo Novis” or
“Homo Scientologicus.”

13.      Hubbard and Scientology teach that wogs are less aware, less intelligent and less
ethical than Scientologists, and that wogs think in two dimensions, whereas
Scientologists think in three dimensions. Hubbard and Scientology teach that wogs have
never evolved a workable mental technology but only vicious technology, whereas
Scientologists have in Scientology the only workable mental technology. Hubbard and
Scientology teach that outside of Scientology is the “wog world,” which is a “hell,” and a
“jungle of noncompliance and false reports.” Hubbard and Scientology teach that “wog
justice” is “injustice” and that only Scientology’s “ethics and justice” system works.

14.      Hubbard and Scientology teach that Suppressive Persons, or SPs:

-      are the two and one-half percent most evil wogs in the world;
-      are insane;


-      are psychotic;
-      are criminal;
-      are destructively antisocial;
-      are committing hidden crimes continuously;
-      are dramatizing the overt or covert but always complex and continuous
determination to destroy;
-      goof up or vilify any effort to help anybody and particularly knife with
violence anything calculated to make human beings more powerful or
-      automatically will curve any betterment activity into something evil or
-      are the only thing wrong in this universe;
-      are at the root of every bad condition;
-      can have no friends;
-      include Hitler, Stalin, Dillinger and Genghis Khan;
-      fill the institutions with victims, the hospitals with the sick and the
graveyards with the dead;
-      are the only people who do not get gains from Scientology auditing
-      are without any rights of any kind and actions taken against them are not

15.      Hubbard and Scientology teach that it is acceptable, ethical, and in fact laudable,
for Scientologists to take aggressive, antisocial and even criminal actions against SPs.
Hubbard called this philosophy, policy and practice “Fair Game.” In one of his “ethics”
policy letters, which is commonly known as the “Fair Game Policy,” Hubbard laid out
how people declared to be SPs were to be dealt with.

ENEMY – SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured
by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the
Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.

HCO Policy Letter 18 October 1967, “Penalties for Lower Conditions”

16.      Hubbard and Scientology taught that anyone connected to a Suppressive Person is
a “Potential Trouble Source” (“PTS”), so called because he is going to make trouble for
the organization. They taught that connection to an SP is the cause of all illness, and that
a PTS will get better then get worse because of that connection. A person determined to
be PTS was denied auditing and training and removed from certain organization positions
until he had “handled” the SP he was connected to or “disconnected” from the SP.
Scientology has claimed throughout the past thirty-five years that “disconnection” is not a
practice of the organization, but it definitely was and continues to be.

17.      The “Suppressive Person Doctrine,” “Fair Game,” “conditions” – such as
“liability,” “enemy” and “treason” – and penalties or punishment are part of the body of
Scientology writings and practice called “Ethics.” The other two sectors are
“technology,” or “tech,” and “administration,” or “admin.” “Tech” generally refers to


“auditing,” which is Scientology’s psychotherapy, and “training,” which is the provision
of courses to teach students in Scientology materials and procedures. “Admin” generally
refers to the management of organizations and the “technology” of management,
including recruitment, advertising, marketing, selling, personnel, communication
systems, finance and productivity control.

18.      “Ethics” was considered the most vital of the three sectors of Scientology, and
was administered very rigidly. The Sea Org’s stated purpose was “To get in Ethics on
the planet,” and the SO operated on a military-like system with military-like discipline.
Command lines ran down from Hubbard as the Commodore and compliance lines ran up
to him. Non-compliance with any order from any senior staff member was immediately
punished with a minimum of a “liability condition” assignment, and could be considered
“mutiny.” “Liability” meant that the person assigned that condition had “taken on the
color of the enemy,” so he was ostracized, had to do an “amends project” consisting of
many hours of extra work, had to “deliver an effective blow to the enemies” and then had
to petition the group to be readmitted.

19.      Organization Ethics personnel used the E-meter to perform “meter checks” on
staff to determine if they were “out-ethics;” e.g., committing “overts” (the Scientology
word for “crimes”) against the organization, “counter-intention” to the organization, or a
“security risk” to the organization. Auditors used the E-meter as a lie detector to perform
“security checks,” or “sec checks,” on staff or public Scientologists to discover their
overts or crimes, their sexual histories, incidents from their past that might be
embarrassing, or incidents for which they could be prosecuted or blackmailed. What a
person being audited or sec checked said was written down in detail, and this record was
maintained by the organization in “auditing files,” “ethics files” and “intelligence files.”

20.      In 1974, Hubbard created the “Rehabilitation Project Force” (“RPF”), a guarded
labor detail or camp, where Sea Org personnel were summarily ordered for indefinite
periods for any infraction or on any whim. Hubbard’s published criteria, any one of
which could result in assignment to the RPF were: 1. an “R/Ser;” 2. a “low OCA non-
producer;” 3. a “repeated stat crasher;” or, 4. an “overt product maker.” An “R/Ser” is a
person on whom an auditor observes a “Rock Slam,” a particular needle movement on
the E-meter, during auditing or sec checking. An R/S meant that the person had an “evil
intention” toward Hubbard or Scientology.

21.      The “OCA,” or “Oxford Capacity Analysis,” is a “personality test” that
Scientology uses as a recruitment device to draw people into the organization, and as a
measurement of people’s personality “improvement” as they progress on their “auditing
programs.” A “low OCA” is a test score with one or more points below an arbitrary line.
A “stat crasher” is a person deemed to be responsible for a statistic dropping in an area,
or project or on an organization post. All of Scientology is operated and controlled by a
system of “statistics” or “stat management.” Every person and post is “statistized” and
must report stats daily and weekly. “Downstats” are punished, whereas “upstats” can to a
degree protect a person from punishment. An “overt product maker” is a person whose


work contains errors, whose production is deemed unacceptable for some reason, or
requires correction or repair.

22.      People ordered to the RPF were subjected to a number of punitive and
degrading conditions that included segregation from the “crew,” restriction from crew
areas, wearing black boiler suits, reduction in “pay” to one-quarter the base amount, not
speaking to a crew member unless spoken to, having to run everywhere, doing hard
manual labor and all the dirtiest work, getting a maximum of seven hours sleep, and
eating after the crew whatever was left over. RPFers had to audit each other through a
long auditing program that contained many hours of sec checking, and which could last
for months or even years. RPFers had no free time, got no days off, and could not read
newspapers or magazines, listen to radio, or watch TV. RPFers could not make
telephone calls unless such were specifically ordered and monitored, and Ethics
personnel read all mail RPFers received, and read and censored all mail RPFers sent out
from the RPF.

23.      Scientology claims that assignment to the RPF is voluntary, or even a privilege,
but that is not true. Anyone who asked to leave instead of doing the RPF program was
assigned to the “RPF’s RPF,” an even more degrading and punitive experience, where the
person was guarded at all times, allowed only six hours sleep, docked all pay, had to eat
after the RPF had eaten whatever they left, and did the filthiest of the dirty work. The
RPF’s RPF member could not leave, and in fact no Sea Org member could leave, until he
had been intensely sec checked and had signed a list of his “crimes” that had been
“culled” from his auditing files. Also before the person could leave, all his personal
belongings were searched and he was stripped of any Scientology materials, even if he
had personally purchased them.

24.      The RPF and the RPF’s RPF operated as a forced labor and reindoctrination
camp and as a system and procedure to break the will of anyone thought to be “out
ethics” or “counter intention” to Hubbard or his organization and activities. It was a
shocking, degrading experience to be ordered to the RPF, and the threat of RPF
assignment was used to keep non-RPF crew in line and producing. I was threatened
several times with RPF assignment during my SO years, and assigned twice for a total of
twenty-five months.

25.      Hubbard and Scientology taught that the need for the severe “Ethics” penalties
and conditions such as the RPF was because for the “technology” to work it was first
necessary to “get in ethics.” Hubbard and Scientology taught that since the “tech” was
mankind’s only hope for survival, it was necessary that the people using and delivering
that “tech” be highly disciplined and ethical. Hubbard and Scientology taught that:
“The purpose of ethics is to remove counter intentions from the environment. And
having accomplished that the purpose becomes to remove other intentionedness from the
environment.” In other words, anyone or anything that was “counter intention” to
Scientology’s intentions or activities, and anyone with an intention that differed from the
organization’s intentions was unethical and was to be removed from the environment.


Hubbard laid down Scientology’s intentions by order and as policy, and his intentions
were forwarded and opposition removed down through the organizational hierarchy.

26.      In the fall of 1975, almost all of the “Flagship Apollo’s” crew left the ship and
flew from the Caribbean to the U.S. to establish the “Flag Land Base” (“FLB”) in
Clearwater, Florida. A skeleton crew was left on board to maintain and sell the ship. The
organization’s equipment, files and other materiel were shipped by containers to Florida
and brought to Clearwater. The majority of the non-U.S. citizens went to Daytona Beach
to set up a temporary base in a leased motel, and the majority of the U.S. citizens went to
Clearwater to clean up and renovate buildings the organization had purchased to set up
the FLB. Hubbard and his immediate personal staff lived during this period in a Daytona
Beach apartment building not far from the temporary base. In early December 1975, the
Daytona Beach operation moved into the Clearwater buildings, and Hubbard and an
expanded personal staff moved into a vacant apartment complex in Dunedin, Florida, just
a few miles from Clearwater.

27.      Upon my arrival at the Daytona Beach base, I was posted in the Guardian’s
Office Intelligence Bureau, coding and decoding GO telexes, gathering information
locally in areas of concern to base operation and our beachhead in Florida, and compiling
information on potential security risks among the crew, and among customers arriving for
auditing or training. My then wife Terri was posted as Commanding Officer of the
Commodore’s Messenger Organization (“CO CMO”), and worked directly with
Hubbard. After a few weeks, Mary Sue Hubbard decided that I was a security risk
because my mother was “antagonistic to Scientology” and Mrs. Hubbard had me
transferred out of the Intelligence Bureau. I spent a number of days typing and printing
mission orders that Hubbard was writing that ordered and operated various missions,
projects or phases concerning the base being established in Clearwater. I was then
assigned to L. Ron Hubbard’s External Communications Bureau (“LEC”), posted as
Deputy LEC Aide, and sent to the Dunedin apartment complex to set up an office for the
LEC Bureau.

28.      Until into 1976, Scientology hid its purchase of the Clearwater properties, and
the fact that it was Scientology and Scientologists operating in Clearwater, behind a cover
organization called “United Churches of Florida” (“UCF”). The FLB crew, as well as
people arriving for auditing and training, were required to hide from public view any
jewelry, insignia, mimeographed issues, books or other literature that might identify them
as Scientologists, or the operation as Scientology, and it was an act of “treason” to
commit any security breach that might reveal what was going on. The cover was
eventually blown because of official scrutiny from the city government, media
investigations and security lapses.

29.      I was on post as D/LEC Aide at the Dunedin apartment complex, which had the
cover of “United Churches Extension” (“UCE”), until late May 1976. I coded and
decoded L. Ron Hubbard’s telex traffic, and handled his dispatch traffic and mail to and
from Scientology organizations around the world. Hubbard continued to run all aspects


of the global Scientology enterprise, and directly ordered and supervised activities at the
Clearwater base, including GO legal, media, PR and intelligence actions.

30.      In about February 1976, the UCE cover was blown and Hubbard and his
location were identified in the local press. As a result, he fled by car from Dunedin with
two crew, including my senior, the LEC Aide, and eventually hid out for four months in a
secret location in Washington, D.C. During these months, I relayed Hubbard’s telex and
dispatch traffic from Scientology organizations around the world via UCE to the
Washington, D.C. hideout, and relayed his telex and dispatch traffic via UCE to the
FLB and to organizations internationally. I also was required to participate in creating the
illusion for organization personnel that Hubbard was still in Dunedin, and creating the
illusion for non-organization persons that Hubbard was outside the U.S.

31.      In May 1976 I was sent on a mission to establish a staging area in an apartment
complex in Culver City, California for Hubbard and his personal staff in anticipation of
their moving to a new secret base then being purchased in La Quinta, California. I drove
by car along with three CMO personnel from Dunedin to Culver City and set up an office
and telex relay unit in the apartment complex. Mrs. Hubbard and her personal staff
arrived within a few days, and L. Ron Hubbard and the SO personnel traveling with him
arrived a day or so later.

32.      Within a few days of Hubbard’s arrival, I got into an argument with Mrs.
Hubbard’s “Communicator,” or secretary. Hubbard deemed me a security risk, and
ordered the head of the U.S. GO Intelligence Bureau to come to the apartment and drive
me to the Los Angeles Intelligence Bureau offices then located in a building called the
Fifield Manor. For the next approximately three weeks I was locked up in a small room
with Intelligence Bureau staff members posted to guard me at all times, and I was kept
under guard whenever I was allowed out of the room to go to the bathroom or for other
needs. While locked up, I was required to write up “confessions” of my overts, or
crimes, and critical thoughts about Hubbard and the organization. Toward the end of that
period, my wife Terri arrived from Florida and was also locked up and guarded with me.

33.      In the beginning of July, Hubbard ordered Terri and me to return to Florida by
plane accompanied by two GO Intelligence personnel as guards. Upon our arrival at the
Flag Land Base we were shown a telex from Hubbard ordering us to the RPF, and a “Flag
Conditions Order” announcing our assignment was issued.
Initially, we were the only RPF members in Clearwater. Within a few days, more FLB
crew began to be assigned, and over the next seventeen months until I graduated the RPF
complement grew to about eighty.

34.      During the majority of those months, I was the RPF Bosun, the most senior RPF
member. At one point, I was demoted from the Bosun post, and Terri was demoted from
the “Master at Arms” (“MAA”) post, the second in command of the RPF, for “out

9 We were both also
assigned an extra month in the RPF as punishment for “criminal neglect” and
After about four months, I was reposted as Bosun, and kept that post until I “graduated”
at the beginning of December 1977.

35.      As the Bosun, I acquired knowledge of RPF policies, punishments and other
practices. I was required to detain people against their will, prevent them from leaving,
keep them under guard, force them to perform hard labor as punishment without pay,
subject them to invasive and coercive interrogations, and force them to sign lists of their
“crimes” extracted from their auditing files. I was required to forcibly separate RPF
members from spouses and children, cut them off from information in the outside world,
and enforce the idea that they were “criminals.” The RPF was a degrading experience
that violated people’s civil rights and human dignity.

36.      I was also required to participate in deceiving local officials, people’s families
and the whole world about conditions in the RPF and about violations of local housing
and safety regulations. On a number of occasions while I was in the Clearwater RPF, we
received advanced warnings of official inspections and the whole of the RPF complement
were required to hide the fact that approximately forty people were sleeping in an
unventilated storage room, and more were sleeping in a parking garage. We were
required to hide the fact that the RPF “course room” was in the same unventilated storage
space, and we were required to cover all our mattresses, clothing and course materials
with sheets or blankets to make the space appear to be used for storage. We were
required to delay any punishments of RPF members until the inspectors had left, and we
were required to move any RPF’s RPF details out of any area that might be inspected.

37.      In July 1977, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided Scientology’s
GO Intelligence Bureaus in Los Angeles and Washington D.C. as a result of an
organization intelligence operative informing the FBI about illegal activities. Eleven
intelligence personnel were subsequently charged with Federal crimes, nine of whom,
including Mary Sue Hubbard, were found guilty of one plea-bargained felony count after
a non-jury trial based on an October 1979 Stipulation of Evidence. The remaining two GO personnel were
tried and found guilty of nine counts of aiding and abetting second degree burglaries. All
eleven were ultimately fined and incarcerated in Federal prisons. At least thirty-four
other Scientologists, including L. Ron Hubbard, were named as unindicted co-
conspirators. The Scientologist informant was granted protective custody by the U.S.
Marshals Service.

38.      The illegal activities detailed in the Stipulation of Evidence included infiltrating
and burglarizing U.S. Federal offices, theft from those offices, buggings, forging of
official identification cards, making false statements before a grand jury, cover-up of
crimes, harboring and concealing a fugitive, and kidnapping. Offices infiltrated or
burglarized by the Scientology operatives included the Intelligence Division of the U.S.
Coast Guard, the U.S.Department of Justice, the Internal Revenue Service, the Drug


Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Courthouse for the District of Columbia, the U.S.
Post Office, the Labor Department's National Office, the Federal Trade Commission, the
Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Customs Building, U.S. Attorney’s office, and
private law firms. The Scientology operatives’ plans also included the penetration of one
hundred thirty-six additional government agencies including the Administrative Office of
the U.S. Courts, the CIA, the Executive Office of the U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, and a
number of U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad.

39.      The Sentencing Memorandum dated December 16, 1980 filed in case of the two
separately tried Scientology officials provides the Government’s view of the
organization’s criminal conspiracy, its “fair game doctrine,” and its campaign to destroy
its “enemies’” civil rights.

[The Scientology conspirators] challenged and attempted to undermine the
judicial and governmental structure of the United States.
Thus, they perpetrated a fraud upon the American judicial system.
These crimes included: the infiltration and theft of documents from a
number of prominent private, national, and world organizations, law firms,
newspapers, and private citizens; the execution of smear campaigns and
baseless law suits for the sole purpose of destroying private individuals
who had attempted to exercise their First Amendment rights to freedom of
expression; the framing of private citizens who had been critical of
Scientology, including the forging of documents which led to the
indictment of at least one innocent person; and violation of the civil rights
of prominent private citizens and public officials.
[T]hese documents establish beyond question that the defendants, their
convicted co-defendants, and their unindicted co-conspirators, as well as
their organization, considered themselves above the law. They believed
that they had carte blanche to violate the rights of others, frame critics in
order to destroy them, burglarize private and public offices and steal
documents outlining the strategy of individuals and organizations that the
Church had sued. These suits were filed by the Church for the sole
purpose of financially bankrupting its critics and in order to create an
atmosphere of fear so that critics would shy away from exercising the First
Amendment rights secured them by the Constitution. The defendants and
their cohorts launched vicious smear campaigns, spreading falsehoods
against those they perceived to be enemies of Scientology in order to
discredit them and, in some instances, to cause them to lose their
To these defendants and their associates, however, anyone who did not
agree with them was considered to be an enemy against whom the so-
called "fair game doctrine" could be invoked. Allard v. Church of
Scientology of California
, [58 Cal. App. 3d 439, 129 Cal. Rptr. 797 (Ct.


App, 1976), cert denied, 97 S. Ct. 1101 (1977)]. That doctrine provides
that anyone perceived to be an enemy of Scientology or a "suppressive
person," "[m]ay be deprived of property or injured by any means by any
Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. [He m]ay be
tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed." Id. This policy, together with the
actions of these defendants who represent the very top leadership of the
Church of Scientology, bring into question their claim that their Church
prohibited the commission of illegal acts.
The defendants directed and encouraged a number of covert operations
against private individuals and public officials to destroy and discredit
these persons because they had either attempted to exercise their First
Amendment rights by criticizing Scientology or by attempting to carry out
their duties as public officials.
That these defendants were willing to frame their critics to the point of
giving false testimony under oath against them, and having them arrested
and indicted speaks legion for their disdain for the rule of law. Indeed,
they arrogantly placed themselves above the law meting out their personal
brand of punishment to those "guilty" of opposing their selfish aims. ¶The
crimes committed by these defendants is of a breadth and scope previously
unheard. No building, office, desk, or files was safe from their snooping
and prying. No individual or organization was free from their despicable
scheming and warped minds.
These defendants rewarded criminal activities that ended in success and
sternly rebuked those that failed. The standards of human conduct
embodied in such practices represent no less than the absolute perversion
of any known ethical value system. In view of this, it defies the
imagination that these defendants have the unmitigated audacity to seek to
defend their actions in the name of "religion." That these defendants now
attempt to hide behind the sacred principles of freedom of religion,
freedom of speech and the right to privacy -- which principles they
repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to violate with impunity -- adds
insult to the injuries which they have inflicted on every element of society.
These defendants, their co-conspirators, their organization, and any other
individual or group that might consider committing similar crimes, must
be given a clear and convincing message: criminal activities of the types
engaged in here shall not be tolerated by our society.

40.      At the end of December 1977, Terri and I were ordered to the secret
Scientology base that had been established on some properties in La Quinta, California.
Within a day of our arrival, Hubbard also arrived at the properties from Sparks, Nevada.
He had fled from La Quinta in July 1977 at the time of the FBI raids on the GO’s


Intelligence Bureaus, and had hidden out in Sparks with a very few personal staff
Scientologists. When the GO determined that Hubbard would not be indicted in the
Grand Jury investigation resulting from the FBI raid, it was considered that it was safe for
him to return to the La Quinta base.

41.      For the next approximately nine months, I worked in various positions on a
Cinematography crew Hubbard had ordered be assembled at La Quinta to shoot
Scientology training movies for which he had written the scripts. My posts included Set
Builder, Assistant Camera, Lighting Grip, Location Scout, Sets In-Charge and Assistant
Producer, and I acted in several of the films. The base personnel’s initial “cover” for the
people and activity on the properties was that we were all “friends of Norton Karno.”
Karno was an attorney who had worked for the GO, handled aspects of Hubbard’s tax
matters, and had been involved in the purchase of the La Quinta properties. When the
movie making increased and started including night shoots, the Cine crew grew to about
a hundred Sea Org members, and a studio was built on another property that had been
purchased nearby in Indio, our cover was changed to “Perfect Pictures,” a company
producing “educational films.”

42.      Security was top priority at La Quinta, as it had been at the Dunedin, Florida
and Culver City, California apartments where I had been with Hubbard. The location of
the base was kept secret from our families, and even from almost all other Scientologists.
In addition to my movie-making duties, for my first few months at La Quinta I also stood
a shift every second day as a night guard outside Hubbard’s residence. I had to stay
perched in a tree, watch for anyone approaching the property, and alert a security unit and
Hubbard’s Messengers by radio if anyone did approach. I was drilled to deny I knew
Hubbard, to refuse service of process, kick into the dirt any documents served, and delay
anyone coming onto the property long enough so that Hubbard could make an escape in a
car that was kept close by for that purpose.

43.      In late September 1978, Hubbard got the idea that I, and five other Cine crew
including Terri, were “joking” about his movie making, and he ordered all of us to the
RPF unit that had been formed at the La Quinta base. I had not been “joking,” and I
requested a “Committee of Evidence,” a Scientology “justice” procedure, to review my
assignment. The “Committee” found me “guilty,” however, and it took me another eight
months to get “reprieved” and admitted back into regular crew.
During most of my time in the RPF at La Quinta I worked on renovating Hubbard's
residence, carpeting and tiling floors, painting rooms, cleaning and re-insulating the
ducting, and laying brickwork for his walkways.

44.      Around the time of my RPF assignment, the La Quinta cover was blown by
some former crew members who went to the media about abuses at the base. As a result,
Hubbard ordered another property purchased, a resort and golf course at Gilman
Hotsprings, near Hemet, California, and he himself left the La Quinta base and hid out for
some weeks in motels with a few personal staff. In early December 1978, the RPF
members at La Quinta were ordered to Gilman Hotsprings, also known as the “Special


Unit,” or “SU,” to renovate and decorate a house that Hubbard had chosen for his
residence, and to renovate and decorate offices for him on the property. Over the next
several months, the RPF removed all old insulation from Hubbard’s house, and re-
insulated, rewired, replumbed, cleaned, painted, tiled, refurnished and redecorated it, and
did the same for his offices.

45.      In the spring of 1979, on the same day that I was reprieved from the RPF, my
wife Terri announced to me that she had been ordered that either she divorce me or she
could not continue to be a Messenger for Hubbard. She said that she had chosen
Hubbard and that was the end of our relationship. I continued to work on renovating
Hubbard’s home, posted as the LRH Renovations In-Charge. In the summer of 1979, I
was posted as the D/CO HU SU, the head of Hubbard's “Household Unit” at Gilman. My
“juniors” included the LRH Steward, the LRH Carpenter, the LRH Groundsman, the
LRH Electrician and the LRH Gear In-Charge, who was responsible for his personal
belongings stored on the Gilman property.

46.      During this period of time, Hubbard stayed with a number of Sea Org members
on his personal staff in an apartment complex in Hemet. He came to the newly renovated
and decorated house at Gilman on a number of occasion for clandestine meetings with
Mrs. Hubbard or to supervise photographic shoots on the property. I was responsible for
ensuring his home was clean and set up for his stay, and for his security arriving and
leaving the Gilman base. Security for the entire base was top priority as it has been at La
Quinta. Our initial “shore story” at Gilman was a fake organization called the “Scottish
Highland Quietude Club.” I had a cover name of “Gerald Amery,” that had been
arranged when I was in La Quinta, and I was given a “home address” in Los Angeles at a
location I had never been to, but which was controlled by the GO.

47.      At the beginning of 1980, the threat of an imminent raid by some law
enforcement agency was announced by the CMO at Gilman. Everyone was required to
go through all their documents and find and remove anything that showed Hubbard’s
control of Scientology, his control of organization monies, his ordering of staff at Gilman
or staff anywhere to do anything, his having been at Gilman, or his intention to live there.
A commercial paper shredder was rented and operated day and night for weeks to destroy
hundreds of thousands, or millions, of pages of incriminating documents, and the
shredded paper was removed from the property by truck.

48.      During this shredding operation, the LRH Gear I/C came to me with a box of
Hubbard’s papers from his personal storage and asked me if they should be shredded. I
determined that the papers were old letters, diaries and other records predating the
Scientology organizations and without any value as evidence to whatever law
enforcement agencies could conduct a raid. I determined that these old papers had
historical value, however, so I moved them to Hubbard’s Personal Public Relations
Bureau (“LRH PPRO Bu”). I also went into Hubbard’s storage, found several more
boxes of his early papers, and moved these as well to the PPRO Bu.


49.      I then wrote a petition to Hubbard, informing him of the discovery of his old
papers, and requesting to be posted in the PPRO Bu to handle research for his biography
and related projects, which included a film of his life, a museum, and a “Nobel Prize
Project” that Hubbard had ordered to have the Scientology organization get him a Nobel
Prize. In my petition, I suggested that my duties would include collecting up Hubbard’s
documents, manuscripts and writings of any kind from around the world, interviewing
people who had personal contact with Hubbard, and liaising with a biographer.

50.      Hubbard approved my petition, I transferred to the PPRO Bu, and was posted as
the LRH Biography Researcher, and LRH Archivist. Because of his fear of being served
with subpoenas in then pending civil lawsuits and an approaching Tax Court trial, within
about a month of my posting, Hubbard fled from the Hemet location along with two
personal staff members, and went into deeper hiding. At the same time, because of a
continuing fear that the Gilman Hotsprings property might be raided by law enforcement,
most of Hubbard’s personal staff, including the PPRO Bu, moved our files, equipment
and operations to the Scientology Complex on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. It was
felt that in the LA Complex we could blend in with other “lower level organization”
Scientology staff members, and not be targeted in a raid.

51.      During my first several months in LA in 1980, I was also assigned as “Mission
Second,” the Sea Org Missionaire under the “Mission In-Charge,” on a mission for
Hubbard called “Mission Corporate Category Sort-out” (“MCCS”), the purpose of which
was to work out an organization strategy and corporate restructuring so that Hubbard
could continue to control and direct the global Scientology enterprise but avoid legal
accountability. As MCCS Second, I dealt with Hubbard’s and the organization’s
attorneys and acquired a knowledge of then-existing legal problems, threats and
illegalities. Because of attempts to serve Hubbard in various lawsuits, I was required to
not admit to Scientologists or wogs that communications from the organization could be
gotten to him. I knew this was untrue, however, and that he was in continual
communication through his personal Scientology staff, and I sent him materials myself
during this period.

52.      In October 1980, one of Hubbard’s attorneys arranged for a wog writer Omar
Garrison to contract with a Scientology publishing company in Denmark to write
Hubbard’s biography. As called for in the contract, I became Garrison’s research
assistant, and worked with him in this capacity until I left the organization in December
1981. I set up an office for Garrison in the LA Scientology Complex, and provided him
with office equipment and supplies. I provided him with approximately one hundred
thousand pages of material from Hubbard’s personal archive, scheduled interviews with
Hubbard’s family members and other people who had known him personally, and helped
Garrison in answering his questions and in any way possible.

53.      Throughout 1980 and 1981, I assembled an archive of approximately five hundred
thousand pages of documentation covering Hubbard’s family, education, writings,


military service, travels, accomplishments and other relevant parts of his history. I
traveled to England, Florida, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Montana, Nebraska, Utah,
Iowa, Kansas, British Columbia and Manitoba collecting biographical material, doing
genealogy research or contacting Hubbard’s relatives or former associates. On behalf of
Scientology, I also purchased a number of people’s collections of Hubbard-related
documents and memorabilia. I purchased file cabinets and a photocopier, made bound
volumes of document copies, and organized and filed originals and copies. I read and
studied thousands of pages of Hubbard’s personal records, many of them in his own

54.      Through this study of Hubbard’s personal records I slowly came to the conclusion
that he had lied about virtually every part of his life, and even in the statements he had
made about himself, or had Scientology’s representatives make about him, which had
drawn me into the organization, and kept me laboring and subjected to frightful abuse all
those years. I discovered and documented during the period when I possessed Hubbard’s
personal records that contrary to his representations, he:

- was not a scientist;
- was not an engineer;
- was not a nuclear physicist;
- did not have many degrees and was not very skilled by reason of study;
- had not been crippled or blinded in the Second World War;
- had not cured himself with his mental science;
- had not been awarded twenty-one medals, including two purple hearts.

Hubbard lied about his travels, his “expeditions,” his family, his friends, his military
service, his involvement in “black magic,” his “research,” his honesty, his “ethics,” his
intentions, wogs, Scientologists, and the promised results of Scientology.

55.      Through my study of Hubbard’s documents and his life, by the time I left
Scientology in December 1981, I had also shed much of the brainwashing or
programming about the “technology” and the organization with which I had been
inculcated throughout my more than twelve years of involvement. I concluded that,
contrary to Hubbard’s and the organization’s representations, Scientology:

- was not mathematically precise and not an exact science, indeed was no
science at all;
- had not had a more grueling testing than all other subjects on earth except
physics and chemistry;
- was not based on Hubbard’s scientific research;
- does not work uniformly, and is not the only system on earth that works
for improving the health, intelligence, ability, behavior, skill and
appearance of people, indeed does not work for improving the health,
intelligence, ability, behavior, skill and appearance of people;
- does not produce the ability to handle any and all problems, indeed it
causes terrible problems;
- is not the most ethical organization on the planet, indeed it is an extremely
unethical organization;


- is not the only hope for mankind’s survival, indeed is no hope for
mankind’s survival but is a threat to survival;
- did not do and could not do what it says.

56.      By the time I left the organization, it was becoming obvious to me that I had been
defrauded out of all the years I had served Hubbard and Scientology and the money I had
paid and the effort I had made to obtain their promised results. I concluded that, contrary
to Hubbard’s and Scientology’s representations, as a result of applying or being subjected
to the application of their “technology:”

- I had not improved in health, intelligence, ability, behavior or skill;
- I did not have the ability to handle any problem;
- having attained the state of “Clear,” I did not have complete recall of
everything that ever happened to me or anything I ever studied, I could not
do mental computations and study anything in less than one-hundredth the
time, or indeed any faster than, such computations or study took before
“clearing,” I still got colds, my vigor, persistence and tenacity to life were
not higher than anyone had thought possible, my physical vitality was not
markedly improved, and all psychosomatic illnesses had not vanished to
never return;
- Scientology “auditing” psychotherapy did not raise my IQ an average of a
point per hour, indeed, after over a thousand hours of auditing, my IQ had
not been raised even a single point.

57.      Initially, during 1980, when I started to discover that Hubbard’s own documents
contradicted his published statements about his history, I “explained away” the
discrepancies to myself, or held any judgment in abeyance, thinking that further research
would resolve the discrepancies. I also remained completely devoted to Hubbard and to
Scientology right up until I had no choice but to leave the organization. Gradually,
however, I came to see that Hubbard was in fact lying, and I began to espouse the idea
that for Scientology to succeed, for Hubbard to be able to come out of hiding, and for his
work to be accepted legitimately, we Scientologists had to ourselves stop lying and stop
disseminating Hubbard’s lies.

58.      In pursuit of this idea, I critiqued, edited or rewrote a number of public relations
pieces about Hubbard, “about-the-author” sections of his books, or biographical sketches
that Scientology was disseminating. I attempted to prevent the publication of new
writings containing falsehoods, and to get the organization to remove earlier writings
containing falsehoods from its literature. Some of the people responsible for these
publications were grateful for my research and for my identification and correction of
falsehoods they contained. A very senior executive close to Hubbard, however, Norman
Starkey, became enraged because I was questioning and disproving Hubbard’s claims.
Starkey threatened me, and ordered that I be “sec checked” to find out what I had been
saying that was critical of Hubbard, and what documents I had been giving to the
biographer Garrison. I was able to talk my way out of the sec check, and wrote my
concerns in a dispatch to the staff member who had been ordered to get me sec checked.


59.      I had remarried in December 1980 to another SO staff member Joyce, and in
October 1981 she transferred to the PPRO Bu to work with me on the Hubbard
biography. Through her study of Hubbard’s documents, Joyce also came to realize that
he was lying about himself and about Scientology, and that the organization was
publishing and disseminating his lies, and enforcing belief in those lies among
Scientologists. It is strictly forbidden for Scientology staff members, even spouses, to
discuss their criticisms of Hubbard or the organization; nevertheless, Joyce and I began to
talk between ourselves about the lies we had discovered, about organization criminality,
and about our fears of being found out and locked up or worse. During our final few
weeks in the SO, we suspected that we were being electronically bugged, and we only
discussed our criticisms, fears and plans while away from the Scientology property, or in
our room in whispers with a radio turned up loud.

60.      Omar Garrison also recognized that there was a huge discrepancy between what
Hubbard and the organization had written and published about Hubbard’s history and
what was revealed in the source materials I was providing from his personal archive.
Garrison had written three books about Scientology before undertaking the Hubbard
biography, and came to realize that the organization personnel with whom he had dealt in
writing the earlier books had provided him with false information. Garrison was
determined that in the biography project he would not write a panegyric or anything
untrue or unconscientious. He also understood that this determination to write the truth
could bring him into conflict with the people running Scientology and responsible for
the project, including with Hubbard himself.

61.      After I was threatened by the senior executive and ordered to be sec checked
about what I was saying about Hubbard, and because of our dawning awareness of
organizational fraud and criminality, which we could no longer justify, Joyce and I
decided to leave the SO and Scientology. Because of our fear that we would be forcibly
detained, separated, locked up, sec checked, stripped of all our personal Scientology-
related possessions, and forced to sign “confessions” of our “crimes,” we knew that we
could not announce our plan to leave, but had to escape. By this time I knew that sec
checks were invasive, abusive interrogations to break people and obtain information with
which to blackmail and control them, and I knew that I would never again submit to
being sec checked by the Scientology organization.

62.      I also knew that because of the knowledge I had of Hubbard’s and his
organization’s lies, fraud and other criminal activities, because of the enormous security
threat my leaving would be considered by organization leaders, and because of my
determination to not submit to further abuse by Scientology and Scientologists, there was
a very high likelihood that I would be murdered if anyone discovered my intention to
leave. Over a two-week period, Joyce and I moved our small amount of personal effects
out of our room and off the Scientology Complex property a bit at a time. On December
12, 1981 we borrowed one of Garrison’s vehicles, carried our last personal belongings


out of the organization, delivered to Garrison a final batch of biography materials, and
drove to Canada.

63.      This was a very troubling time for Joyce and me because we had been lied to,
abused and cheated out of so many years of our lives in Scientology, had no money, and
now felt threatened for fair game. Nevertheless, we tried to make the best of our
circumstances, to not become embittered, and to get on with our lives. At Garrison’s
request, because he still needed my help on the Hubbard biography project and offered
me a job in his small publishing company, Joyce and I returned to California in early
1982 and got an apartment in Costa Mesa. Soon after our arrival, we both got jobs in a
law firm in Newport Beach, where we worked until 1984. I continued to help Garrison,
who also had an apartment with his wife in Costa Mesa, with various aspects of the
biography project.

64.      Very soon after our arrival back in California, because of communications with
family and friends, Joyce and I knew that GO Intelligence Bu personnel were
investigating us, and we picked up surveillance near our apartment. A few of the GO
intel reports from that period are listed on this web page:
On February 18, 1982, Scientology published a “Suppressive Person Declare” on me for
the “high crimes” of leaving the SO and leaving Scientology, and for “spreading
destructive rumours” about Hubbard.

65.      By the time that Scientology issued its SP Declare on me, I knew that such
publications were instruments of the organization’s policy and practice of “black
propaganda,” or “black PR,” which is itself a key component of fair game. Hubbard
defined black PR as:

- the destroying of the reputation or public belief in persons, companies or
- a common tool of agencies who are seeking to destroy real or fancied
enemies or seek dominance in some field;
- using slander or lies to weaken or destroy;
- using imagination in order to degrade or vilify or discredit an existing or
fancied image.

Suppressive Person Declares are used by Scientology to degrade or vilify a person whom
organization leaders consider an “enemy” and want to destroy. SP Declares are an
instrument in a campaign to destroy a target’s reputation among all Scientologists and to
create an atmosphere in which further fair gaming of the target becomes laudable.

66.      Hubbard stated in one of his policy directives that labeling someone an “SP” “is a
kind action.” By the time I left the Sea Org, however, I knew that Hubbard’s statement is
utterly false, a justification for antisocial and criminal actions toward SPs pursuant to
black PR and fair game, and actually a further act of cruelty toward people labeled “SP.”


By that time, I knew that the people Scientology was declaring, labeling and targeting as
“Suppressive Persons” were:

- not the two and one-half percent most evil wogs in the world;
- not insane;
- not psychotic;
- not criminal;
- not destructively antisocial;
- not committing hidden crimes continuously;
- not dramatizing the overt or covert but always complex and continuous
determination to destroy;
- not goofing up or vilifying any effort to help anybody and particularly
knifing with violence anything calculated to make human beings more
powerful or intelligent;
- not automatically curving any betterment activity into something evil or
- not the only thing wrong in this universe;
- not at the root of every bad condition;
- not incapable of having friends;
- not in a class with Hitler, Stalin, Dillinger and Genghis Khan;
- not filling the institutions with victims, the hospitals with the sick and the
graveyards with the dead;
- not the only people who do not get gains from Scientology auditing
therapy; and,
- not without any rights of any kind.

67.      By the time I left the SO, I knew that the threat of being labeled an “SP” was used
inside the organization to terrify and control Scientologists, and was a greater threat even
than being RPFed. There was no real recourse to being declared an SP, because it meant
that the declared person was in a class of people whose condition, according to
Scientology teaching, cannot be changed, just as many other conditions or handicaps or a
person’s race cannot be changed. Scientologists used the label of SP very frequently, and
people in my own life, including in my own family, were identified to me as SPs.
Because Scientology taught that SPs cause all illness, every time an organization member
became ill, it was necessary to “find the SP” to whom he was connected and “disconnect”
from that SP. It was a “high crime” for any Scientologist to remain connected to an SP,
and punishable with being “declared” oneself. Hubbard’s SP doctrine, policies and
practices and their enforcement by Scientology brought Scientologists to hate, fear and
fair game SPs, who were in truth generally ordinary, decent, loving human beings.

68.      In April 1982, Scientology leaders set up a “sting” purchase of three sets of
photographs of Hubbard and other people in the Sea Org that were owned by two other
former SO members and me. When I delivered the photos to the “purchaser” to examine
before the “sale,” Scientology personnel seized two of the sets. I went into the Los
Angeles Complex along with Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. Garrison and demanded return of
the photos stolen from me and the other ex-SO members. The Scientology personnel to


whom I spoke refused to return the photos, and my ex-wife Terri told me as a threat to
get a lawyer.

69.      Within a few days of Scientology’s theft of the photos, I contacted Boston,
Massachusetts lawyer Michael J. Flynn, whom I knew to be representing a number of
people in lawsuits against the organization. A few days after that, Flynn flew me to
Tampa, Florida and had me driven to Clearwater where he and a number of his clients
were participating in a hearing into Scientology being conducted by local government
officials. I told Flynn about my history, circumstances and the threat I was experiencing,
and he agreed to represent me against the organization.

70.      On April 22, 1982 Scientology published another SP Declare on me, this time
charging me falsely with eighteen additional “crimes” or “high crimes,” including theft,
reselling organizational material for private gain, submitting false purchase orders and
willful loss or destruction of organization property.
In its SP Declare, Scientology also falsely claimed that I was promulgating false
information about Scientology, Hubbard and Scientologists, creating and transmitting
erroneous information under the guise of "documentation," falsifying reports, and altering

71.      Upon receiving this second SP Declare, I was shocked and terrified because of the
blatant lies about me it contained and because it signaled that Scientology was going to
go all out to destroy my reputation, credibility and life. I therefore asked Omar Garrison
for copies of documents that I believed I would need to defend myself legally and to
demonstrate that what I had been promulgating was true information about Hubbard and
Scientology, that my reports were not false, and the Hubbard documents were not altered.
Garrison was himself fearful that Scientology would steal the documents I had provided
to him for the Hubbard biography, so had already copied much of the documentation and
stored the duplicate documents away from his home. He agreed that I could have
whatever documents I believed were necessary to defend my wife and me and disprove
the black PR on me that Scientology was promulgating.

72.      After obtaining the documents from Garrison, I sent them to Flynn in Boston and
to the law firm of Contos & Bunch in Woodland Hills, California, who had also agreed to
represent me as Flynn’s co-counsel. During this period, I also began to write declarations
concerning my experiences inside Scientology and my knowledge of Hubbard’s lies and
organization fraud and criminality. These declarations would be used by civil litigants
against Scientology and by law enforcement agencies in their investigations of the
organization. E.g.,

73.      In August 1982, using the corporation Church of Scientology of California
(“CSC”) as plaintiff, the organization filed a lawsuit against me in Los Angeles Superior
Court, Case No. C 420153, alleging conversion of the biography documents and breach
of fiduciary duty. Mary Sue Hubbard intervened, alleging conversion and invasion of


privacy. I filed a cross-complaint for fraud, intentional infliction of emotional distress,
libel, breach of contract, and tortious interference with contract. In September, the Court
ordered that the documents I had obtained from Garrison and sent to my attorneys be
delivered to the Clerk of the LA Superior Court for keeping during the litigation.

74.      From at least July to September 1982, Scientology hired a number of private
investigators or other agents to spy on, harass, threaten and terrorize my wife and me.
Acts by organization agents during this period include:

- physical assault, by being struck and pushed around;
- getting in my wife’s and my space and face in an intimidating manner;
- coming onto our property;
- frightening our neighbors;
- spying on and frightening our law firm co-workers;
- running into me bodily with a car;
- terrorizing us on a highway by getting in front of us and slamming on the
brakes, and then coming alongside and into our lane to push us off the
- following us in an intimidating manner wherever we went for days on end.

75.      While the civil litigation proceeded, Scientology attempted to get the Los Angeles
Police Department to bring criminal charges against me, falsely claiming that I had stolen
the documents, which I had provided Garrison pursuant to the contract drafted by
Hubbard’s attorney. Also during this period, beginning soon after I left the SO, the
organization’s intelligence bureau ran an operation to get a Scientology operative, a
writer named Dan Sherman, to pretend to befriend me and get close to me. See, e.g.,
step15 in the GO Intelligence Bureau’s “Armstrong Project” dated February 17, 1982:

76.      Not long after the “Armstrong Project” started, Scientology’s Guardian’s Office
intelligence functions were taken over by renamed organization components Office of
Special Affairs (“OSA”) and Religious Technology Center (“RTC”), and Sherman
continued to be operated against me by OSA and RTC. He wrote me a number of letters
and met me on a number of occasions, pretending to be antipathetic to organization
management and supportive of me and the stand I had taken against organization fraud
and abuses. He fooled me completely into believing he was an actual friend who actually
liked me.

77.      In the spring of 1984, a thirty-day bench trial of Scientology’s and Mrs.
Hubbard’s complaints took place, presided over by LA Superior Court Judge Paul G.
Breckenridge, Jr. My cross-complaint had been severed from the complaints and was not
tried. On June 20, 1984 Judge Breckenridge issued a Memorandum of Intended
Decision, which became the Judgment in the case on August 18, 1984.
Judge Breckenridge ruled against Scientology and Mrs. Hubbard, finding that I had
organization authorization to provide Garrison with the documents from Hubbard’s


archive, and that I was justified in obtaining documents from Garrison and sending them
to my attorneys to defend my wife, myself and my reputation from fair game.

78.      Judge Breckenridge was highly critical of Scientology for its fair game doctrine
and of Hubbard for his lying and tyranny.

In addition to violating and abusing its own members civil rights, the
organization over the years with its "Fair Game" doctrine has harassed and
abused those persons not in the Church whom it perceives as enemies. The
organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and this bizarre
combination seems to be a reflection of its founder LRH. The evidence
portrays a man who has been virtually a pathological liar when it comes to
his history, background, and achievements. The writings and documents in
evidence additionally reflect his egoism, greed, avarice, lust for power,
and vindictiveness and aggressiveness against persons perceived by him to
be disloyal or hostile.

79.      Judge Breckenridge condemned the organization’s practice of “culling”
Scientologists’ supposedly confidential “auditing files.”

[Mrs. Hubbard] was the head of the Guardian Office for years and among
other things, authored the infamous order "GO 121669” which directed
culling of supposedly confidential P.C. files/folders for purposes of
internal security.

The Douglasses and Dincalcises were disaffected Scientologists who had a
concern for their own safety and mental security, and were much in the
same situation as defendant. They had not been declared as suppressive,
but Scientology had their P.C. folders, as well as other confessions, and
they were extremely apprehensive.

The court is satisfied that [Defendant Armstrong] did not unreasonably
intrude upon Mrs. Hubbard's privacy under the circumstances by in effect
simply making his knowledge that of his attorneys. It is, of course, rather
ironic that the person who authorized G.O. order 121669 should complain
about an invasion of privacy. The practice of culling supposedly
confidential "P.C. folders or files" to obtain information for purposes of
intimidation and or harassment is repugnant and outrageous. The
Guardian's Office, which plaintiff headed, was no respector of anyone's
civil rights, particularly that of privacy.

80.      Judge Breckenridge also commented on the activities of the individuals
Scientology had hired to harass my wife and me, and on the organization’s effort to
prevent one of my witnesses from testifying.

After the within suit was filed on August 2, 1982, Defendant Armstrong
was the subject of harassment, including being followed and surveilled by
individuals who admitted employment by Plaintiff; being assaulted by one
of these individuals; being struck bodily by a car driven by one of these


individuals; having two attempts made by said individuals apparently to
involve Defendant Armstrong in a freeway automobile accident; having
said individuals come onto Defendant Armstrong's property, spy in his
windows, create disturbances, and upset his neighbors. During trial when
it appeared that Howard Schomer (a former Scientologist) might be called
as a defense witness, the Church engaged in a somewhat sophisticated
effort to suppress his testimony. It is not clear how the Church became
aware of defense intentions to call Mr. Schomer as a witness, but it is
abundantly clear they sought to entice him back into the fold and prevent
his testimony.

81.      Judge Breckenridge ruled that my attorneys and I were “free to speak or
communicate upon any of [my] recollections of [my] life as a Scientologist or the
contents of any exhibit received in evidence or marked for identification.” And
concerning the documents held by the Court Clerk, the Judge ruled:

As to the equitable actions, the court finds that neither plaintiff has clean
hands, and that at least as of this time, are not entitled to the immediate
return of any document or objects previously retained by the court clerk.
All exhibits received in evidence or marked for identification, unless
specifically ordered sealed, are matters of public record and shall be
available for public inspection or use to the same extent that any exhibit
would be available in any other lawsuit.
All other documents or objects presently in the possession of the clerk [ ]
shall be retained by the clerk, subject to the same orders as are presently in
effect as to sealing and inspection, until such time as trial court
proceedings are concluded as to the severed cross complaint.

82.      Within a day of Judge Breckenridge’s decision, Joyce and I flew to the United
Kingdom where I testified in a child custody case trial involving Scientology, Re: B & G
in the High Court in London. In a lengthy judgment issued July 23, 1984, Mr.
Justice Latey censured Hubbard’s lying, and a number of Scientology policies and
practices including teaching people to lie, intelligence operations, punishment and
persecution, the Suppressive Person doctrine, disconnection, fair game, and use of the
law to harass. Justice Latey quoted Hubbard’s directive that provides the organization’s
litigation strategy:

“Level “O” Checksheet by L. Ron Hubbard”:

"The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather
than to win. The law can be used very easily to harass, and
enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin
edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorised, will
generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If
possible, of course, ruin him utterly."

Some of the Scientology jargon in its own documents, which I have been
citing may not be clear to someone who has not had to undergo the task of
having them explained over the weeks. But their meaning is clear and they


show out of the cult's own mouth the frightening, disgraceful and illegal
lengths to which it is prepared to go and does go.

83.      While Joyce and I were in the UK, Scientology agents surveilled us, made a hang-
up call to our hotel, followed us, and generally terrified us. Three Scientology agents
harassed us at the airport when we were flying back to the U.S., falsely accusing me of
passing “sealed documents” to a bearded Arab in a London tavern. I wrote a declaration
detailing this harassment upon arrival back in the U.S.
Some time later, Scientology produced declarations from two hired private investigators
falsely swearing that they had observed me pass documents to a bearded Arab as the
organization’s agents falsely stated to Joyce and me at the London airport.

84.      Throughout my LA Superior Court trial, Scientology operative Dan Sherman
continued on his intelligence program, continued to profess his friendship, and was able
to insinuate himself into the group of people opposed to organization abuses who
attended the trial. Sherman met with Flynn and me, claiming to be disaffected with the
organization, and told us that he was in communication with a group of Scientologists
within the organization who were also opposed to the abuses and criminality of
“management,” wanted to reform the organization, and respected what we were doing in
exposing the abuses. Sherman said that the core group, which numbered about thirty-five
individuals, called themselves the “Loyalists,” because they were “loyal” to what was
good and honest in Scientology.

85.      After the trial ended, but before Joyce and I flew to the UK, one of the
“Loyalists,” who identified himself as “Joey,” and who I later learned was a David
Kluge, phoned and asked if I wanted to get my auditing files. Scientology’s leaders knew
I wanted these files because I was attempting to get them in discovery, and my ex-wife
Terri had reported that I wanted them in a debrief she wrote after a meeting we had in
March that year.
I declined Kluge’s offer because, even though the files were my property, my obtaining
them could be construed as accepting stolen property, and because I was due to fly to the
UK the same day the “Loyalists” said my files would be available. From what I now
know, I have no doubt that this op was designed to entrap me in the commission of a

86.      After I returned to the U.S., Sherman and Kluge reestablished contact with me,
and we met a number of times over the next five months. In late July 1984, Scientology
commenced a media and legal attack on Michael Flynn falsely accusing him of
masterminding a plot to cash a forged check for $2,000,000.00 on one of Hubbard's bank
accounts. Sherman and Kluge communicated that the “Loyalists” knew that it was a
frame-up and that organization leaders were behind it, and the “Loyalists” were working
to prove it was a frame-up. I was certain Flynn was innocent, and of course he was my


attorney and friend, so I was grateful for the “Loyalists’” help in clearing his name, and I
was willing to help them as I could.

87.      Over the next few months, the “Loyalists” sent me a number of messages via
Sherman relating to the Flynn frame-up, including what they claimed was documentary
evidence to be passed on to Flynn and the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Boston who was
investigating the case. Because of their claimed fear of being discovered by organization
leaders and murdered, I met with “Loyalists” Kluge and Mike Rinder in “secret”
prearranged locations in Griffith Park and a Los Angeles area cemetery. Kluge also took
me to a meeting with a woman he identified as “Rene,” a “rich Scientologist who had
been abused by the organization and who might back the “Loyalists” financially,” and a
meeting with an “attorney” “named” “Thomas Janeway.” Kluge also attempted to get me
to fly to Las Vegas to meet another “financial backer,” but on my attorney’s advice
because of the risk I didn’t make the trip. Knowing what I now know, there is no doubt
that each of these meetings was recorded, and was set up to entrap me.

88.      During this period, agents of the FBI who were involved in an investigation of the
organization contacted me, and I met with them and discussed my Scientology
experiences and knowledge. Justice Department attorneys who were litigating
Scientology-related cases contacted me, and I communicated with them and provided
them with declarations concerning my experiences and knowledge. Officers in the
Ontario Provincial Police and the Clearwater, Florida Police Department who were
investigating Scientology also contacted me, and I provided them with testimony about
Hubbard, the organization and my experiences.

89.      A short time after my LA trial, agents in the Criminal Investigation Division of
the IRS in Los Angeles contacted me, and I met with them and provided them with
whatever information I had concerning Hubbard and Scientology. The IRS obtained
access to certain documents and audio recordings of MCCS legal strategy meetings that
the Court Clerk had retained in my case, and which became the subject of the series of
cases entitled U.S. v. Zolin.
See also,

90.      I naturally informed the IRS CID agents with whom I communicated about the
“Loyalists” and about their activities, plans and fears as Sherman, Kluge and Rinder
expressed them to me. The CID agents indicated that they wanted the “Loyalists” to
contact them, and that the CID would protect them, even by getting them into a witness
protection program. I conveyed the CID’s communications to the “Loyalists” via
Sherman and Kluge, and also gave them the contact information for a Justice Department
attorney involved in federal Scientology-related litigation.

91.      On November 8, 1984, immediately following a Griffith Park meeting with
Sherman, and during a meeting with the CID in the LA Federal Building, my car, which I
had parked in an underground parking garage nearby, was broken into and a briefcase


containing original, irreplaceable writings and artwork and other documents was stolen
from my locked trunk. My attorney Julia Dragojevic wrote to Scientology lawyer John
Peterson demanding return of my property.
A few days later I made a report of the theft to the LAPD.

92.      On November 30, Peterson wrote to Ms. Dragojevic asserting that Scientology
had no knowledge of the theft and suggesting that the FBI or the IRS were responsible.
In 1991 and 1992, Vicki Aznaran, who had been a high organization executive working
closely with David Miscavige, and who had left in 1987, told me that Miscavige had
admitted to her that he possessed the materials stolen from my car, and described them to
her as “weird poetry.” In a number of conversations between 1998 and 2001, Jesse
Prince, another former high Scientology executive who had worked closely with
organization leader Miscavige, also told me that Miscavige bragged to him about
possessing the materials stolen from my car, and described them similarly as “weird
writing” and “letters to Hubbard.”

93.      In 1985, I filed a California Public Records Act request seeking records that the
LAPD possessed concerning me, including concerning the November 8, 1984 theft of my
briefcase, documents and art. From subsequent correspondence with the LA City
Attorney’s office, and from a study of what was and was not found in the LAPD’s files
concerning the theft, I have formed a belief that the LAPD’s records were altered and/or
destroyed in order to prevent an investigation of this crime. See, e.g.,

94.      During the “Loyalist Op,” Sherman told me that Scientology’s leaders had hired
as their top private investigator Eugene Ingram, who had been a sergeant in the LAPD’s
vice squad, and who reportedly had been fired for, among other crimes, pimping and
aiding drug dealers. Sherman told me that the Loyalists said that the organization had
hired Ingram because he still had a lot of friends on the LAPD who owed him favors. I
knew that Ingram was involved in the Scientology operation to frame Flynn with the
forgery of the $2,000,000 check, and I telephoned his office once to advise him he was
framing the wrong man. I didn’t get Ingram when I called, but he called me back and
threatened that he was going to put a bullet between my eyes. I believe that Ingram is an
unscrupulous and criminal individual and that, as he threatened, he would murder if he
thought he would get away with the crime.

95.      At one point, the “Loyalists,” via Kluge and Sherman, asked for my help with a
lawsuit by which they said they wanted to legally and safely take control of the
organization from the leaders whom they identified as “criminals.” At my request, Flynn
drafted a “bare bones” complaint for the “Loyalists,” which I gave to them and discussed
with Sherman and Kluge. Because both of them claimed that they knew little about legal
matters, a pair of meetings to discuss the complaint were set up on November 17 and 30,


1984 in Griffith Park in LA with the person they said was the “Loyalists’” legal expert.
This turned out to be Michael Rinder, whom I had known on the “Apollo” in the SO. At
our meetings, Rinder also appeared to have little understanding of the complaint or the
legal concepts involved, and our conversations were frustrating. Now I know that his
lack of understanding was faked as part of the Scientology intelligence op he was being
run on to entrap me.

96.      While Scientology’s leaders ran their “Loyalist” intelligence op, they continued a
global public black PR campaign against me. See, e.g., OSA International Executive
Directive No. 19, dated September 20, 1984, entitled “Squirrels,” the “routing” on which
shows it was to be posted on every Scientology organization notice board and distributed
to every Scientologist. “Squirrels,” according to Scientology teachings, are “Suppressive
Persons” whom the organization claims are engaging in “weird practices,” or “altering
Scientology,” and who are hated and vilified by organization Scientologists. The black
PR language Scientology uses in this document to attack me and the other five named
individuals, is disgusting and shocking.

Their actions are destructive and aimed at the enslavement rather than the
freedom of man…
[They] have attempted to taint government with their false reports…
[They] have offered false testimony to the IRS in order to protect their
[crimes] against mankind…
[They] have misrepresented Scientology practices to the FBI or Justice
Department in a futile attempt to taint the minds of the government and
the courts against the Church of Scientology…
[T]heir continued desire to drag others to the level of beasts and animals
devoid of spiritual qualities places them in the psychiatric camp of those
who manufacture madness for profit.

97.      Also during this period, Joyce concluded that she could no longer bear the
constant threat from Scientology that we had experienced virtually every day since
leaving the organization. I saw, however, that I could not escape the conflict, that the
threat would be present whatever I did or wherever I went, and that I had a responsibility
to continue to oppose the organization and hopefully bring it to end its abusing and fair
gaming of people. As a result, Joyce and I decided to separate, so that I could carry on
the battle and she would be to some extent free of the threat she felt while living with me.
In December 1984, I moved out of our Costa Mesa apartment, and traveled to my
family’s home in British Columbia for the holidays. Before I left, Kluge called me and
told me that the “Loyalists” wanted action not words, that I had said something wrong,
and they no longer trusted me.

98.      After returning from B.C. in early 1985, I stayed with friends in southern
California for some weeks, then traveled to Portland, Oregon to testify on behalf of the
plaintiff in the trial of Julie Christofferson-Titchbourne v. Scientology, Multnomah
County Circuit Court No. 7704-05184. During my cross-examination, Scientology
attorney Earle C. Cooley revealed that Ingram had videotaped and audio taped my


meetings with Kluge and Rinder for the organization. Scientology lawyer Peterson
claimed that the taping operation had been authorized by the Los Angeles Police
Department, and the organization produced three letters dated November 7, 13 and 28
1984 signed by an LAPD officer Phillip Rodriguez, directing Ingram to electronically
eavesdrop on me, Flynn and others.

99.      On April 23, 1985, Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl F. Gates issued a public
statement completely repudiating Scientology’s claim that the LAPD had authorized
Ingram’s eavesdropping and declaring the Rodriguez “authorizations” invalid.

It has come to my attention that a member of the L. A. P. D. very
foolishly, without proper authorization and contrary to the policy of this
Department, signed a letter to Eugene M. Ingram, believed to have been
drafted by Ingram himself. The letter purports to authorize Ingram to
engage in electronic eavesdropping. The letter, along with all the
purported authorization, is invalid and is NOT a correspondence from the
Los Angeles Police Department.
The Los Angeles Police Department has not cooperated with Eugene
Ingram. It will be a cold day in hell when we do.
I have directed an official letter to Ingram informing him that the letter
signed by Officer Phillip Rodriguez dated November 7, 1984, and all other
letters of purported authorizations directed to him, signed by any member
of the Los Angeles Police Department, are invalid and unauthorized.
Internal Affairs Division is now investigating the entire incident.

100.      Scientology sought to have the videotapes of the meetings with Kluge and Rinder
admitted into evidence in the Christofferson trial, and the presiding Judge Donald F.
Londer initially refused, ruling that the organization had made them illegally. After
viewing the tapes in chambers, however, he stated that "the tapes are devastating, very
devastating to the church," and for that reason admitted them into evidence. Despite
Chief Gates’ denouncement of Ingram, Rodriguez and their eavesdropping
“authorizations,” and despite Judge Londer’s ruling that the tapes were illegal, and his
comment that they were devastating to Scientology, the organization immediately
commenced a black PR campaign against me concerning the videotapes that continues to
this day.

101.      Even while the Christofferson trial proceeded, Scientology published and
disseminated internationally an edition of its black propaganda magazine ““Freedom””
containing a mendacious and perverse account of their “Loyalist” operation.
The tapes were terribly embarrassing to me because I curse and make some bawdy jokes
while being covertly videotaped. The tapes were also psychologically devastating to me
because of the betrayal, entrapment and hatred by Sherman, Kluge, Rinder, Miscavige
and Scientology that they represent to me. The tapes do not, however, contain or show


what the organization and its agents have for more than eighteen years claimed they
contain and show.

102.      Because of Scientology’s unceasing lying about its “Loyalist” operation,
including lies by organization leader Miscavige in a sworn declaration, I have detailed
what actually happened in several declarations since 1985. See, e.g., two declarations I
wrote in response to Miscavige and Scientology lies that were filed in the case of
Scientology v. Fishman & Geertz, USDC for the Central District of California, Case No.
CV 91-6425 HLH(Tx).

The tapes show that in the fall of 1984, during the reign of the
organization's present supreme leader [Miscavige], the fair game doctrine
was alive and as unfair as ever. The tapes show a mean-spirited,
mendacious and malevolent organization using well-drilled operatives and
electronic gadgetry to attempt, unsuccessfully, to set up an unwitting,
funny, sometimes silly, clearly helpful, at times foul-mouthed, but
otherwise ordinary human male.

103.      Immediately following Scientology’s disclosure of the videotapes in the
trial, the organization used staff members Kenneth Hoden, Kathleen
Gorgon, Heber Jentzsch and David Butterworth and its attorney John Peterson to attempt
to get the LA District Attorney to prosecute Flynn, LAPD Chief Gates, two IRS CID
agents and me on various false criminal charges trumped up out of the “Loyalist” op.
This effort to have us prosecuted for Scientology’s own illegal actions, with organization
personnel delivering voluminous materials (“data on the background of Jerry
Armstrong”) to the office of the DA, and meeting and telephoning several times with DA
staff, continued until at least April 1986. At that time, the DA wrote a lengthy letter
rejecting each Scientology charge, criticizing the organization’s refusal to divulge
requested necessary information, and concluding that “there is no evidence in support of
the allegations of criminal conduct.”

104.      Hubbard provided Scientology’s philosophy and policy underlying the
organization’s continuing conspiracy to have me prosecuted on false criminal charges in
a very central directive entitled "The Scientologist - A Manual on the Dissemination of
Material," originally published in 1955, and republished several times since.

The DEFENSE of anything is UNTENABLE. The only way to defend
anything is to ATTACK, and if you ever forget that, then you will lose
every battle you are ever engaged in, whether it is in terms of personal
conversation, public debate, or a court of law. NEVER BE INTERESTED
IN CHARGES. DO, yourself, much MORE CHARGING, and you will
WIN. And the public, seeing that you won, will then have a
communication line to the effect that Scientologists WIN. Don't ever let
them have any other thought than that Scientology takes all of its


105.      In the same directive, Hubbard laid out the other key part of Scientology’s
legal/litigation strategy.

The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on
somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is
not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional
decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.

Employing the courts and law enforcement agencies to do Scientology’s “much more
charging” on its manufactured evidence, and using the law to harass and ruin people
utterly, are, of course, unlawful uses of the law and justice system.

106.      In addition to making countless false statements about what the illegally made
videotapes show or contain, Scientology also altered the tapes, at a minimum deleting
audio sections where the organization’s agents acknowledge and discuss its criminal
activities. Scientology also created at least one radically edited videotape version of my
meetings with Kluge and Rinder that uses certain of my statements out of order and out
of context, and adds a Scientologist narrator to create a false and perverse picture of what
was occurring. A number of people have told me that the organization ordered
Scientologists to attend showings of edited versions of the videotapes at various
Scientology locations internationally, and then “regged” (used high pressure sales
techniques on) each of the attendees for $2000 for the organization’s International
Membership Unit’s “war chest.” I was told that Scientology’s “target” for this “reg
cycle” was 25,000 Scientologists, or $50,000,000. See, e.g., this announcement of the
videotape playing that was posted inside and around the Scientology complex in LA and
distributed to Scientologists in or about May 1985.

107.      In September 1985, I moved to Boston to work as a paralegal in Michael Flynn’s
law office. In October, Scientology had one of its personnel file a criminal complaint
with the FBI falsely accusing me of impersonating a Bureau agent. Scientology lawyer
Roger Geller also participated in the impersonation frame-up, calling and repeatedly
writing the FBI to pressure them to prosecute me.
Scientology lawyer Peterson used the Boston Scientologist’s false complaint, and made
the same false impersonation charge, and a false and execrable charge that I was
conspiring “to destroy a religion,” to bolster the organization’s continuing pressure on the
LA DA to charge me in the videotape frame-up.

I am sending you with this letter an affidavit from a Boston Church of
Scientology staff member who was interrupted and harassed by Gerald
Armstrong on Sunday, October 13, 1985. Armstrong impersonated an FBI
officer during this encounter. A complaint has been lodged with the
Boston FBI office and is being followed up by that office right now.
You will recall from our complaint that Armstrong has sought the shelter
of more than one government agency in the midst of his conspiracy to


destroy a religion. He is a) continuing to do that; b) continuing his pattern
of harassment against the Church of Scientology.

108.      The period I was in Boston and working at the Flynn law firm, until December
1986, I felt constantly under attack and threatened by Scientology. Organization agents
surveilled, followed and photographed me, staked out and photographed my residence,
and frightened my housemates. Scientology continued its global black PR campaign
against me, including the “papering” of Boston with issues of the organization’s
““Freedom”” magazine.
See, e.g.,

109.      The litigation of my cross-complaint continued in LA, and was made very
unpleasant and troubling by the organization’s dishonest and abusive litigation tactics.
Scientology is in fact globally infamous for such practices, including obstruction, refusal
to comply with court ordered discovery, and destruction of evidence.
See, e.g.,
At one point, for no reason but vindictiveness, the organization culled statements from
my “confidential” “priest-penitent privileged” auditing files, gave them to lawyers and
filed them in court. The culled statements concerned embarrassing incidents from my
past, my sexual history, and indiscretions from my youth, plus “incidents” that never
happened but which Scientology manufactured for black PR purposes.

110.      I had by this time come to see this Scientology practice of obtaining a person’s
“confessions” in auditing by creating a relationship of “trust” and promising
confidentiality, and then using those “confessions” against him, as the most despicable of
the organization’s many abhorrent activities. The organization’s culling of my auditing
file, and dissemination of my “confessions” and invented “crimes,” was an emotional
nightmare for me. Two years later, Vicki Aznaran revealed that when my auditing files
were ordered produced in discovery in my case she had been ordered to remove and
destroy anything that would have helped me or been damaging to Scientology.

During litigation between Gerald Armstrong and Scientology, which was
before Judge Breckenridge of Superior Court for Los Angeles County, the
court ordered the production of Armstrong's pre-clear ("PC") folders.
These are files maintained by Scientology on those who submit to
interrogation sessions in a process called auditing. During the course of
that litigation I was ordered to go through Armstrong's folders and destroy
or conceal anything that might be damaging to Scientology or helpful to
Armstrong's case. As ordered, I went through the files and destroyed
contents that might support Armstrong's claims against Scientology. This
practice is known within Scientology as "culling PC folders" and is a
common litigation tactic employed by Scientology.

111.      In addition to framing Flynn with the $2,000,000 check forgery, procuring the
phony “authorization” to wiretap him from corrupt LAPD officer Rodriguez, and


attempting to have Flynn prosecuted by the LA DA on false charges, which fair game
actions are mentioned above, Scientology subjected Flynn to years of other legal and
extralegal attacks and threats and a relentless global black PR campaign.
The organization knowingly procured false sworn statements accusing Flynn of a
multitude of crimes from infamous criminals, including a man imprisoned for murder.
The organization filed these false sworn statements in numerous legal proceedings
including my own. Organization agents toured U.S. cities holding press conferences to
black PR Flynn with the procured false sworn statements and their own false charges.

112.      Scientology sued Flynn and his co-counsel some thirteen times, and filed
numerous false bar complaints against him. Organization agents surveilled, followed and
photographed him in Boston and when he traveled, and infiltrated his office by
pretending to be abused and disaffected ex-Scientologists seeking legal help. The
organization harassed and terrified his family and severely disrupted their lives, and
harassed his associates and former clients. Flynn sued Scientology, Hubbard and Ingram
and described organization fair game actions against him in numerous public statements
and sworn declarations.
See, e.g.,

113.      Flynn was for several years a principal guiding spirit and driving force in the legal
battle against Scientology in the U.S., and even internationally, and was involved as
attorney of record or of counsel on behalf of more than twenty claimants against the
organization. During the time he represented me or I worked in his office, he had settled
a number of individual Scientology cases, and on various occasions had had discussions
with organization lawyers concerning the possible settlement of all the Scientology-
related cases in which he was involved. In the fall of 1986, Flynn informed his clients in
those cases, including me, that he had reached an agreement with Scientology for a global
settlement, and he and I agreed on a monetary figure to settle my case.

114.      My cross-complaint was then set for trial in early 1987, and all the organization
fraud, internal abuse and external fair game that would come out in a public trial in Los
Angeles was certainly a motivating factor in Scientology’s desire to settle with Flynn and
all his clients, many of whom would be witnesses for me. He communicated that
Scientology’s leaders said they wanted peace, and that they had promised that if a global
settlement happened they would end fair game forever. I was happy to settle my case and
end the war with Scientology, because it meant, I believed, that there would be no
lengthy appellate process, and that I would be able to live in peace. By this time too,
much of my potential testimony was already publicly available in trial or deposition
transcripts, or in the many declarations I had written since leaving the organization, so I
felt that with Scientology’s promise to end fair game I had fulfilled my responsibility to
the organization’s victims and had earned the peace promised.

115.      I had testified about fifty days in trial or deposition in perhaps ten cases,
Scientology’s lawyers usually conducted abusive, threatening examinations, and the end


of fair game, I believed, would also end my involvement as a knowledgeable witness to
organization fraud, abuse and fair game. In my observation, Scientology used
depositions for intelligence gathering and for harassment, and one of the results was to
cause friends and associates of an organization litigation target to disassociate from and
stop supporting him. In fact, partly in response to Scientology’s use of the law to invade,
threaten and destroy relationships, earlier in 1986 I had founded a church, one of the
purposes and functions of which was to protect the relationships of the organization’s

116.      I have written about the circumstances at the time of the “settlement” in many
declarations, and have waived the attorney-client privilege between Flynn and me as to
our conversations concerning the “settlement.” See, e.g., 12:18-18:14.
I was aware of Scientology’s “settlement contracts” by which the organization sought to
prevent its litigation opponents and even its own members from disclosing their
knowledge of its activities, and I had signed such documents while inside the
organization. See, e.g., this “non-disclosure and release bond” that I was required to sign
while on the RPF in Clearwater in 1977, and which at my 1984 trial was ruled to be

117.      During the period when Flynn was involved in settlement negotiations with
Scientology’s lawyers, I had spoken and written memos to him stating that I would not be
bound by such a non-disclosure clause. I was willing to not contact the wog media about
Scientology because an ending of media involvement would help facilitate the
organization’s cessation of fair game; in fact I was glad to not have to respond with
media interviews, as I often found them stressful or silly. Since leaving the organization,
I had given interviews to several newspapers; major news magazines such as Time,
Newsweek, People and Forbes; and television news programs such as 20/20, 60 Minutes
and the CBC’s 5th Estate; and I had given in-depth interviews over a number of days to
three different authors writing books about Hubbard and Scientology. Having for years
made all my Scientology experiences and knowledge available to the media, I was
willing to voluntarily stop being available; but I was unwilling to be compelled by
“contract” to not discuss my organization knowledge and experiences with anyone
because such silence would be nonsensical and impossible.

118.      I was not shown the “contract” Scientology wanted me to sign until after I had
flown from Boston to LA where Flynn had been arranging the global “settlement” with
organization lawyers, and upon reading the document I was shocked and sickened.
The “contract’s” language prohibiting any discussion of my experiences or knowledge of
Scientology, prohibiting any assistance to the organization’s adversaries including
governmental agencies, punishing me with a $50,000 “liquidated damages” penalty per
utterance, and requiring that I avoid service of subpoenas, was far worse, and more
ludicrous, cruel and impossible than I had ever imagined. See, e.g.:

[Para. 7D] Plaintiff [Armstrong] further agrees that he will maintain strict
confidentiality and silence with respect to his experiences with the Church


of Scientology and any knowledge or information he may have concerning
the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, or any of the organizations,
individuals and entities listed in Paragraph 1 above. Plaintiff expressly
understands that the non-disclosure provisions of this subparagraph shall
apply, inter alia, but not be limited, to the contents or substance of his
complaint on file in the action referred to in Paragraph 1 hereinabove or
any documents as defined in Appendix "A" to this Agreement, including
but not limited to any tapes, films, photographs, recastings, variations or
copies of any such materials which concern or relate to the religion of
Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, or any of the organizations, individuals, or
entities listed in Paragraph 1 above. [ ] Plaintiff agrees that if the terms of
this paragraph are breached by him, that CSI and the other Releasees
would be entitled to liquidated damages in the amount of $50,000 for each
such breach. All monies received to induce or in payment for a breach of
this Agreement, or any part thereof, shall be held in a constructive trust
pending the outcome of any litigation over said breach. The amount of
liquidated damages herein is an estimate of the damages that each party
would suffer in the event this Agreement is breached. The reasonableness
of the amount of such damages, are hereto acknowledged by Plaintiff.

[Para. 7G] Plaintiff agrees that he will not voluntarily assist or cooperate
with any person adverse to Scientology in any proceeding against any of
the Scientology organizations, individuals, or entities listed in Paragraph 1
above. Plaintiff also agrees that he will not cooperate in any manner with
any organizations aligned against Scientology.

[Para. 7H] Plaintiff agrees not to testify or otherwise participate in any
other judicial, administrative or legislative proceeding adverse to
Scientology or any of the Scientology Churches, individuals or entities
listed in Paragraph 1 above unless compelled to do so by lawful subpoena
or other lawful process. Plaintiff shall not make himself amenable to
service of any such subpoena in a manner which invalidates the intent of
this provision.

[Para. 10.] Plaintiff agrees that he will not assist or advise anyone,
including individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, or
governmental agencies contemplating any claim or engaged in litigation or
involved in or contemplating any activity adverse to the interests of any
entity or class of persons listed above in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement.

119.      The entities and individuals listed in Paragraph 1 of the “settlement contract,”
who also comprise the “beneficiaries” of the “contract” are:

Church of Scientology International, its officers, agents, representatives,
employees, volunteers, directors, successors, assigns and legal counsel;
Church of Scientology of California, its officers, agents, representatives,
employees, volunteers, directors, successors, assigns and legal counsel;


Religious Technology Center, its officers, agents, representatives,
employees, volunteers, directors, successors, assigns and legal counsel;
all Scientology and Scientology affiliated organizations and entities and
their officers, agents, representatives, employees, volunteers, directors,
successors, assigns and legal counsel;
Author Services, Inc., its officers, agents, representatives, employees,
volunteers, directors, successors, assigns and legal counsel;
L. Ron Hubbard, his heirs, beneficiaries, Estate and its executor;
Author's Family Trust, its beneficiaries and its trustee;
and Mary Sue Hubbard.

120.      I protested to Flynn that it was impossible to be silent about my experiences and
knowledge, as the “contract” required, because these involved over seventeen years of
my life and were a component of my psyche about which I knew had to communicate for
my own health; that the $50,000 per statement liquidated damages clause was
outrageous; and that the “contract” called for obstruction of justice. Flynn stated that the
conditions I objected to were “not worth the paper they’re printed on,” that they were
judicially “unenforceable,” and that I “can’t sign away [my] Constitutional rights.”
Because of these assurances from Flynn, I participated in no negotiations whatsoever of
the basis or reasonableness of the liquidated damages provision, which is baseless and
wholly unreasonable.

121.      At the same time, Flynn also reiterated that Scientology’s fair game attacks had
ruined his marriage and ruined his life, and that I had to sign to have fair game end
against him, and against me and everyone else. Flynn said that he had to get out of all
Scientology-related litigation, and had agreed to no longer represent people against the
organization, but also reassured me that if Scientology attacked me after the settlement,
he would “be there for [me].” When I still protested, and suggested to Flynn that since the
conditions I objected to were “unenforceable” why not get Scientology to take those
conditions out of the “contract,” another of his clients, who was with us, yelled at me
threateningly, obviously with Flynn’s agreement, for ruining the deal for everyone and
destroying their lives.

122.      Flynn said that what Scientology was paying me for was my dismissal of my
cross-complaint then set for trial and my release of the organization from any claims for
anything done to me until that time. He made a point of identifying to me and reading
the language in the “contract” that spelled out my release of claims.

“[Armstrong] does hereby release, acquit and forever discharge, for
himself, his heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns, the
Releasees [ ] and each of them, of and from any and all claims, including,
but not limited to, any claims or causes of action entitled Gerald
Armstrong v. Church of Scientology of California, Los Angeles Superior
Court, Case No. 420 153 and all demands, damages, actions and causes of
actions of every kind and nature, known or unknown, for or because of
any act or omission allegedly done by the Releasees, from the beginning
of time to and including the date hereof. Therefore, [Armstrong] does


hereby authorize and direct his counsel to dismiss with prejudice his
claims now pending in the above referenced action.

8. [Armstrong] further agrees that he waives and relinquishes any right or
claim arising out of the conduct of any [Scientology] defendant in this
case to date, including any of the organizations, individuals or entities as
set forth in Paragraph 1 above, and the defendants waive and relinquish
any right or claim arising out of the conduct of [Armstrong] to date.

123.      The burden of having to sign Scientology’s onerous, indeed impossible,
“contract” in order to have the organization stop its fair game attacks on my attorney and
his family, on his clients, on my friends, on the rest of humanity, and on myself, was
unbearable. In a strange flash of prescience while under this awful pressure, I saw the
“contract” as an act of fair game and saw myself as Scientology’s fair game target for
years into the future, isolated and fair gamed by the very contract I was being told would
end fair game forever – exactly as has happened. Relying on Flynn’s representations that
the “contract’s” conditions that I found intolerable were “not worth the paper they’re
printed on,” and having no choice but to sign, I submitted to the whole farce, which
included playing my fool’s role in Scientology’s videotaping of the “contract” signing

124.      Flynn also insisted that to have Scientology stop fair gaming him and everyone
else, I additionally had to sign an affidavit that falsely blamed the “Guardian’s Office”
for the organization’s fair game and abuses. He stated that Scientology had promised that
the affidavit, which is virtually identical to affidavits that Flynn and some of his other
clients were also required to sign, would be kept secret, and would only be used if I
publicly attacked the organization after the settlement.

Virtually all of the abuses that I perceived to be prevalent in the Church
and which gave rise to any disagreements and conflicts that I had with the
Church were perpetrated by members of the now defunct Guardian's
Office. For example, I have alleged that the Church took part in the
practices of disseminating confessional information, harassing critics and
hostile ex-members, filing frivolous litigation, and perpetrating certain
fraudulent representations with respect to the Church publicly.
Recently I have learned that the abuses outlined in paragraph two above
were abolished as part of the process of the dismantling of the Guardian's
Office. I have also observed that the Church's present management has
taken a very responsible and forthright position with respect to complaints
made about alleged Church abuses. The new Church management seems
to have returned to the basic and lawful policies and procedures as laid out
by the founder of the religion, L. Ron Hubbard.

125.      In truth, this is a ridiculous and obviously false statement. David Miscavige
himself has stated in a sworn declaration that he took over the GO in July of 1981, and I
didn’t leave the organization and become its fair game target until December 1981.


I gathered a couple of dozen of the most proven Church executives from
around the world and briefed them on the criminal and other unethical
conduct of the GO. Together, we planned a series of missions to take over
the GO, investigate it and reform it thoroughly. On July 13, 1981, a matter
of weeks after we had uncovered what was going on, and with no advance
warning to the GO, a coordinated series of CMO missions were sent out
concurrently to take over the GO.

126.      The truth was that the organization agents’ assaults on me, the freeway terrorism,
the use of the law to harass me, the litigation fair game, the black PR, the “disseminating
[of my] confessional information,” the harassment, the threats, the illegal videotaping, the
false charges with the LA PD, the LA DA and the FBI, and all other fair game actions
against me prior to the “settlement” were perpetrated by the Miscavige regime, not the
Guardian’s Office. The truth was that the “fraudulent representations” about Hubbard
and about Scientology originated with Hubbard himself, Hubbard was also behind the
organization’s unlawful policies and criminal activities, and the new management – the
Miscavige regime – was continuing those policies, activities and abuses.

127.      To stop the fair game of Flynn, his family, me and everyone else, I was also
required by the Scientology’s “settlement contract” to allow the organization to maintain
an appeal from the 1984 judgment in my LA Superior Court case, and required to waive
my rights:

to take any further appeals from any decision eventually reached by the
Court of Appeal or any rights [I] may have to oppose (by responding brief
or any other means) any further appeals taken by [ ] Scientology.

Being compelled to let the organization maintain its appeal and not oppose future appeals
was a factor in the emotional devastation I was experiencing because I viewed this
“waiver” as a betrayal of the legal system and of the many Scientology victims who had
been helped by the judgment in my case. I was somewhat consoled by the fact that the
appeal had been fully briefed and oral argument had been concluded, so the appeal’s
outcome depended more on the Court of Appeal than on me. Ironically, a few days after
the “settlement,” the Court of Appeal dismissed Scientology’s appeal on the basis of
there being no appealable final judgment until after the cross-complaint was tried.
Scientology then filed a new notice of appeal, but, again ironically, did not prosecute the
appeal, which the Court of Appeal, also ironically, let sit inactive for the next almost
three years.

128.      Although the “settlement contract’s” silence, non-cooperation and liquidated
damages conditions are not explicitly mutual, the document’s language implies such a
mutuality or reciprocality. See, e.g., para. 4, which states:

For and in consideration of the above described consideration, the mutual
covenants, conditions and release contained herein, [Armstrong] does
hereby release, acquit and forever discharge, [ ] the [Scientology]
Releasees, [ ] of and from any and all claims, [ ] for or because of any act


or omission allegedly done by the Releasees, from the beginning of time
to and including the date hereof.

The contract’s “covenants” and “conditions” would have to be “mutual,” otherwise they
would not constitute “consideration” for my dismissal of my cross-complaint and my
release of all claims against the Scientology entities. If the “contract’s” “covenants” and
“conditions” were not “mutual,” there was no legitimate purpose in calling them

129.      See, also para. 7I, which states that:

any past action or activity, either alleged in this lawsuit or activity similar
in fact to the evidence that was developed during the course of this
lawsuit, will not be used by either party against the other in any future
litigation. In other words, the "slate" is wiped clean concerning past
actions by any party.

The clear implication is that the Scientology entities, by wiping the “slate” clean
concerning my “past actions,” would not continue thereafter to black PR, or even discuss
me, since all there could possibly be to black PR me about, or discuss about me, would be
my past actions. If the Scientology entities were not going to wipe the “slate” clean
concerning my “past actions,” there was no legitimate purpose in stating in the contract
that they were going to do so. If the Scientology entities were going to black PR me after
the “settlement,” which they have done, and which, it is now clear, they intended to do at
the time of the “settlement,” whatever they stated about me would necessarily become
part of future litigation, as it has. In other words, Scientology’s purpose for including in
its “contract” this promise of wiping the “slate” clean was to deceive me as to their actual
intention, and the “mutuality” of the “contract’s” “covenants” and “conditions.”

130.      Para. 18(D) states:

The parties hereto and their respective attorneys each agree not to disclose
the contents of this executed Agreement. Nothing herein shall be
construed to prevent any party hereto or his respective attorney from
stating that this civil action has been settled in its entirety.

This clause clearly implies that the Scientology entities considered themselves bound by
the same silence condition by which they considered they were binding me. If they
considered themselves to not be bound by the silence condition, but free to say whatever
they wanted, there was no legitimate purpose for inclusion in the “contract” of this
provision that specifically permits them to make this one statement that I am also
specifically permitted to make.

131.      Since the Scientology entities have shown that they do consider that they are free
to say whatever they want -- about me, about my experiences and knowledge, and about
the “contract” -- this provision specifically permitting them to make this one statement is
obviously included for the illegitimate purpose of deceiving me into thinking that these
entities considered that the silence condition applied to them as well as me. Even the title
Scientology put on its “settlement contract” – “Mutual Release of All Claims and
Settlement Agreement” -- is meant to deceive about the mutuality of the document’s
“covenants” and “conditions.”


132.      Although the mutuality or reciprocality of the “contract’s” silence, non-
cooperation and liquidated damages conditions is not specifically stated, but clearly
implied, these conditions’ non-mutuality or non-reciprocality is also not specifically
stated, but is not clearly implied. Nowhere does the “contract” state that I am permitting
the Scientology entities, after the “settlement,” to say whatever they want about me and
my experiences. The absence of any provision in the “contract” that specifically permits
the Scientology entities to say whatever they wanted me and my experiences after the
settlement, while including a provision that specifically permits the entities to make the
single specific statement that I am permitted to make, also supports the implication that
the “covenants and conditions” are mutual, and supports the conclusion that the
Scientology entities wrote the “contract” to deceive me as to the mutuality and
reciprocality of its “covenants” and “conditions.”

133.      Aside from the “contract’s” implied mutuality or reciprocality, and its not
specifically provided non-mutuality or non-reciprocality, it was obvious to me that the
Scientology entities had to remain silent about me and my experiences, except for stating
that our litigation had “been settled in its entirety,” because, by speaking out about me
after the settlement, these entities would necessarily waive whatever right they may
otherwise have had to silence me, since I could not be prevented from responding to
defend myself. The “contract” specifically provides that I was releasing the Scientology
entities for their acts “from the beginning of time to and including the date” of the
“settlement.” I was not releasing the Scientology entities for future unknown, unlimited
acts, and I did not specifically, or even nonspecifically, waive my right to defend myself
against these entities’ future torts or crimes or any other forms of future fair game.

134.      Para. 18(E) of the “settlement contract” states:

The parties further agree to forbear and refrain from doing any act or
exercising any right, whether existing now or in the future, which act or
exercise is inconsistent with this Agreement.

The “parties” being referred to in this paragraph must be the whole set of Scientology
entities comprising the “releasees” or “beneficiaries” listed in para. 1 of the “contract.”
See also, e.g., para. 2: “any party to this Agreement, specifically, the Releasees…;” and
para. 7A: “the parties herein released…” That the Scientology entities were agreeing to
“refrain from doing any act or exercising any right [ ] which [ ] is inconsistent with” the
“contract” would lead any reasonable person, I believe, to think that the Scientology
entities were promising to stop fair gaming me, stop black PRing me, leave me in peace,
and not discuss me or my experiences. From this logical and obvious meaning for para.
18(E), the logical and obvious deduction is that, for such behavior, acts and exercise to be
consistent with the “contract,” the “contract” contracted the Scientology entities to stop
fair gaming me, stop black PRing me, leave me in peace, and not discuss me or my

135.      Since the December 1986 “settlement,” however, the Scientology entities who are
parties to the “contract” have committed at least these acts against me, aside from the


multiplicity of post-“settlement” lawsuits, that are inconsistent with the “contract’s”
logical, obvious and peace-making language, meaning and spirit:

- spied on me;
- secretly videotaped me;
- published and disseminated a mountain of defamatory printed black
propaganda about me internationally, including in at least the U.S.,
Canada, the U.K., France, Denmark, Germany and Russia;
- posted hundreds of Internet messages black PRing me;
- forged hundreds of Internet postings with my signature, including forged
postings to make me appear to be anti-black, anti-Semitic and pedophilic;
- created and maintained Internet hate websites black PRing me;
- filed sworn statements in numerous litigations falsely accusing me of
various crimes and other improper activities;
- made false black PR statements about me to various U.S. agencies,
including the IRS, State Department, and Embassies;
- attempted on multiple occasions to have me prosecuted in the U.S.;
- made false Black PR statements about me to various Russian agencies,
including the Intelligence Service (FSB);
- filed false criminal charges against me in Russia;
- made false black PR statements about me to various German agencies,
including the Intelligence Service (OPC);
- assaulted me on three occasions during peaceful pickets;
- threatened several of my friends or associates with prosecution for
associating with me;
- terrorized the people I lived with in Germany with a phony bomb scare;
- terrorized me and others on a German autobahn;
- threatened me with prosecution if I testified even though compelled by
- by false statements, fraud and threat obtained orders jailing me;
- by false statements, fraud and threat obtained warrants for my arrest.

See, e.g.,
I believe that this list, and the incidents I am aware of that comprise the list, represent but
a small fraction of the actual post-“settlement” overt and covert fair game attacks by the
“parties” to Scientology’s “contract.”

136.      It is now clear that para. 18(E) was included by Scientology in its “settlement
contract” for the purpose of deceiving me into thinking that the Scientology entities really
did seek peace, would act decently toward me after the “settlement,” and would stop fair
gaming me, stop black PRing me, and leave me in peace. Scientology claims, and must
claim, that all its post-“settlement” black PR, Internet hatred, forgeries, false sworn
statements, false criminal charges, assaults, threats, efforts to cause me trouble with
various national agencies and intelligence services, and all the other forms of fair game,
are “consistent” with the organization’s “settlement contract.”

137.      Thus it is now clear that in its “settlement” with me Scientology did not want
peace but wanted to continue its war on me, and with its “contract” wanted, and believed


it had created and obtained, a license to fair game me with impunity, since the
organization also insists that I am prohibited by its “contract” from responding in any
way to its attacks. If I do respond to defend myself against Scientology’s black
propaganda and other fair game attacks, the organization insists that I must pay $50,000
in liquidated damages for each response. Scientology has filed five lawsuits against me
since the “settlement,” for breach of its “contract” or related claims as a result of my
responses to the organization’s post-“settlement” fair game attacks. Scientology
obtained, abetted, I believe, by judicial malfeasance, a summary judgment that forced me
into bankruptcy. As a result of my continuing to defend myself from Scientology’s fair
game, the organization also obtained, abetted again by judicial malfeasance, a series of
contempt orders and arrest warrants against me.

138.      The idea that by signing Scientology’s “contract” I was to become its defenseless
fair game punching bag was never communicated to me at any time before the
“settlement.” I did not accept this condition then, or any time since, and I completely
reject it now. The way in which Scientology is interpreting its “contract,” the way in
which the organization is acting in continuing to terrorize and fair game me, and the
judicial approval and abetment it has obtained for its interpretation, for its fair game
attacks and for punishing me for my responding to those attacks, have created a condition
of slavery, that was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In
large part, what makes a slave is his lack of a legal right that non-slaves possess to
respond to whatever abuse is heaped on him by his “master,” and a corresponding “right”
of the “master” to heap more abuse or punishment on the slave if he does respond. What
Scientology sought, and believed it obtained in its “settlement” with me was a slavery
contract, which stripped me of my basic civil rights.

139.      Scientology got me to sign its “settlement contract” by fraud and duress. The
fraud was the organization’s assertion that it wanted peace and promised peace and the
end of fair game for my attorney, his family, me and everyone else if I signed. The
duress was the threat that if I didn’t sign the organization would continue, or even
escalate, its fair game campaign against Flynn, his family, me and everyone. Scientology
and its lawyers continue to this day to perpetrate the fraud that with their “settlement”
and “settlement contract” they sought peace.
See, e.g., complaint in Scientology v. Armstrong, Marin County, California Superior
Court No. 152229:

With this complaint, plaintiff seeks the Court's aid in obtaining the peace
for which it bargained more than five years ago. 3:9-10
See also, e.g., this statement of Scientology attorney Andrew H. Wilson in his letter dated
May 8, 1997:

Mr. Armstrong professes interest in "a sane and lasting peace." That is just
what CSI bargained and paid for in the 1986 Settlement and is just what its
efforts to enforce that agreement have been aimed at.


140.      It is insulting and a furtherance of fair game for Scientology to have ever claimed,
and continue to claim, in the face of all of the evidence of its post-“settlement” black PR
and other fair game attacks that “a sane and lasting peace” was what the organization
“bargained and paid for in the 1986 Settlement.” It is not a condition of peace, certainly
not a sane and lasting one, for a “settling” party, in this case a malevolent cult, to
continue to attack a person in whatever way the cult chooses after the “settlement” and
for the victim of the attacks to not be able to respond to defend himself. Scientology and
Scientologists may consider such a condition “peace,” but it is an insane and cruel
“peace,” and therefore not peace at all. If Scientology acknowledged, of course, that the
condition it calls “peace” that it seeks to impose on me, in which by “contract” all of the
Scientology “parties,” “releases” or “beneficiaries” can heap all the abuse on me they
want, assault me, cheat me, black PR me, prosecute, persecute and destroy me, and I
cannot respond to defend myself, is not peace, the organization would also have to
acknowledge its fraud in obtaining my signature on its fair game “settlement contract.”

141.      The duress of fair game on Flynn, and on his clients, as well as the implied
promise that fair game would end with the global “settlement” and the threat that fair
game would continue if the “settlement,” in which I had been positioned as the “deal
breaker,” didn’t occur, are reflected to some degree in a “Settlement Agreement” between
Flynn and his clients, including me, signed at about the same time as the “settlement
contracts” with Scientology.

[We, the settling claimants] acknowledge that many of the cases/clients
involved in this settlement have been in litigation against the Church of
Scientology for more than six to seven years, that many have been
subjected to intense, and prolonged harassment by the Church of
Scientology throughout the litigation, and that the value of the respective
claims stated therein is measured in part by the (a) length and degree of
harassment; (b) length and degree of involvement in the litigation; (c) the
individual nature of each respective claim in connection with either their
involvement with the Church of Scientology as a member and/or as a
litigant; (d) the unique value of each case/client based on a variety of
things including, but not limited to, the current procedural posture of a
case, specific facts unique to each case, and financial, emotional or
consequential damage in each case; that we agree and acknowledge that
Michael J. Flynn has primarily been responsible for bearing the cost of the
litigation over a period of approximately seven years, that he or his firm's
members have been required to defend approximately 17 lawsuits and/or
civil/criminal contempt actions instituted by the Church of Scientology
against him, his associates and clients, that he and his family have been
subjected to intense and prolonged harassment, and that his claims against
the Church of Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard, and his participation as
an attorney have a unique value which is accurately and properly reflected
in the allocations set forth herein.


142.      It is beyond argument that a central purpose of Scientology’s December 1986
“settlement contract” with me is to deprive me of certain rights and privileges guaranteed
by the U.S. Constitution and laws. Since Scientology obtained my signature on its
“contract” by fraud and duress, specifically by pre-“settlement” fair game, including
criminal acts or threatened criminal acts against Michael Flynn, his family, his associates
and clients, me and my friends and associates, and Scientology’s threat to continue fair
game against all of us if I did not sign, the “contract” and all the acts of fair game against
any of us constitute a willful and massive violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, “Conspiracy
Against Rights,” which states in pertinent part:

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate
any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District
in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him
by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having
so exercised the same;...
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years,
or both.

143.      The rights or privileges secured to me by the Constitution or laws of the United
States that the Scientology entities and their agents and legal counsel conspired to injure,
oppress, threaten, or intimidate me in the free exercise or enjoyment of, as evidenced in
their “contract” include:

1. Right to freedom of speech, by paras. 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I, 7L, 10
and 18(D);
2. Right to self-defense, by paras. 7D, 7E, 7G, 7H, 7I and 10;
3. Right to freedom of association, by paras. 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H and 10;
4. Right to due process, by paras. 4A, 4B, 7D, 7E, 7G, 7H, 7I and 10;
5. Right to the free exercise of religion, by paras. 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G and 10;
6. Right to freedom from slavery, by paras. 7D, 7E, 7G, 7H, 7L and 10, and
the totality of the “contract;”
7. Right to communicate with or petition government agencies, by paras. 7D,
7G, 7H, 10 and 18(D);
8. Right to report crimes, by paras. 7D, 7G, 7H, 7I, 10 and 18D;
9. Right to participate in the appellate process in my own appeal, by paras.
4A and 4B;
10. Litigant’s privilege, by paras. 7G, 7H and 10;
11. Doctor-patient privilege, by paras. 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I, 7L, 10 and
18(D); and,
12. Clergyman-penitent privilege, by paras. 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I, 7L, 10
and 18(D).

144.      Since Scientology’s “contract” and its pre-“settlement” fair game acts against me,
as well as against Flynn and everyone else, are elements in the organization’s ongoing
violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, I have a right to communicate about that crime and its
elements, I have a right to defend myself against that ongoing crime being perpetrated
against me, and I cannot lawfully be silenced about that crime and its elements. I also


have come to understand that I have a right, and indeed a duty, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §4,
“Misprision of Felony,” to report that ongoing federal crime being committed by the
Scientology-related entities, “parties,” “releasees” or “beneficiaries” to the appropriate
U.S. Government authorities, which I am hereby doing in and with this “Complaint
Report.” 18 U.S.C. §4 states:

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony
cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon
as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or
military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

145.      Since the conditions of the “settlement contract” that have the purpose of
depriving me of my rights and privileges secured to me by the U.S. Constitution and
laws, through injury, threat, oppression and intimidation, constitute a felony under 18
U.S.C. §241, I have a right, and a duty, to not participate in that felony. Therefore I have
a right and a duty to not act in conformance with the “contract’s” conditions that
unlawfully deprive me of my rights, to not be silenced about my Scientology-related
experiences and knowledge, to not be threatened, oppressed or intimidated into not
cooperating with persons or organizations who are adverse to this criminal organization,
and to not be threatened, oppressed or intimidated into not assisting or advising
individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, or governmental agencies involved
in or contemplating any activity adverse to the interests of Scientology-related
participants and beneficiaries in this felony.

146.      Since pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §4 it is my duty to make this “Complaint Report,”
which describes and reports the ongoing violation of 18 U.S.C. §241 by the Scientology-
related entities or “beneficiaries” of the organization’s “settlement contract,” the
“contract’s” conditions that prohibit and punish the communication or transmission of
this “Complaint Report” not only violate 18 U.S.C. §241 but necessarily also violate 18
U.S.C. §1512, “Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or an Informant,” which states in
pertinent part:

(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation or physical force, threatens, or
corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in
misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to -
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official
proceeding; (2) cause or induce any person to -
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object,
from an official proceeding;
(B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the
object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding;
(C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or
to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding;


(D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been
summoned by legal process; or
(3) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement
officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the
commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of
conditions of probation, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or

(e) For the purposes of this section -
(1) an official proceeding need not be pending or about to be instituted at
the time of the offense; and
(2) the testimony, or the record, document, or other object need not be
admissible in evidence or free of a claim of privilege.

147.      Para. 7D of Scientology’s 1986 “contract” implicitly requires the violation of 18
U.S.C. §1512 (b) (1), (2) (A) and (3).

[Armstrong] further agrees that he will maintain strict confidentiality and
silence with respect to his experiences with the Church of Scientology and
any knowledge or information he may have concerning the Church of
Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, or any of the organizations, individuals and
entities listed in Paragraph 1 [of the “contract.”] [] [Armstrong] agrees that
if the terms of this paragraph are breached by him, that CSI and the other
Releasees would be entitled to liquidated damages in the amount of
$50,000 for each such breach.

Para. 7H of Scientology’s “contract” explicitly compels the violation of 18 U.S.C. §1512
(b) (1), (2) (A) and (C), and (3).

Plaintiff agrees not to testify or otherwise participate in any other judicial,
administrative or legislative proceeding adverse to Scientology or any of
the Scientology Churches, individuals or entities listed in Paragraph 1
above unless compelled to do so by lawful subpoena or other lawful
process. Plaintiff shall not make himself amenable to service of any such
subpoena in a manner which invalidates the intent of this provision.
Unless required to do so by such subpoena, Plaintiff agrees not to discuss
this litigation or his experiences with and knowledge of the Church with
anyone other than members of his immediate family. As provided
hereinafter in Paragraph 18(d), the contents of this Agreement may not be

148.      Para. 10 of Scientology’s “contract” explicitly compels a violation of 18 U.S.C.
§1512 (b) (1), (2) (A) and (3).

Plaintiff agrees that he will not assist or advise anyone, including
individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, or governmental
agencies contemplating any claim or engaged in litigation or involved in


or contemplating any activity adverse to the interests of any entity or class
of persons listed above in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement.

149.      At the time of the “settlement” I did not consider Scientology to be a religion, and
consequently was not aware of the extraordinary degree to which the organization was
seeking with its “contract” to prohibit my free exercise of my religion. Nevertheless,
because Scientology has declared itself a “religion,” identifies its written and audio
materials as “scriptures,” and seeks and obtains all the privileges, protections and status
conferred on any religion; because of my own religious beliefs, experiences and
expressions, both after and before the “settlement;” because of my right to the free
exercise of religion, and my growing understanding of that right; and because of the U.S.
Constitution and laws that guarantee that right, the “contract’s” impact on, indeed
wholesale deprivation of, my freedom of religion, is a key part of the Scientology
entities’ conspiracy in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, which cannot be ignored.

150.      Para. 7G requires that I never be “audited,” or even seek “auditing” from any
“auditor,” or obtain any “service” from any “Scientologist,” which is an obvious and
constitutionally impermissible prohibition of religious exercise.

[Armstrong] agrees that he will never again seek or obtain spiritual
counselling or training or any other service from any Church of
Scientology, Scientologist, Dianetics or Scientology auditor, Scientology
minister, Mission of Scientology, Scientology organization or Scientology
affiliated organization.

If the “contracting” Scientology entities had absolute control over every person in the
world who might be engaged in “auditing” or, as it is termed here, “spiritual counseling,”
and had absolute control over every person who calls himself a “Scientologist,” such a
prohibition, although still arguably a constitutionally impermissible denial of religious
freedom, is conceivably enforceable by the entities themselves. But the “contracting”
Scientology entities do not and cannot control who can “audit” or who can call himself a
“Scientologist,” and such control would itself be a constitutionally impermissible
proscription of religious liberty and expression.

151.      The “contracting” Scientology entities certainly can prohibit me, even without
any “contract,” from being “audited” or obtaining “services” from Scientology
organizations, groups or Scientologists over which they have absolute control. But these
entities cannot lawfully prohibit me by contract from being “audited” or obtaining
“services” from Scientology organizations, groups or Scientologists that these entities do
not control. Since Scientology has declared itself to be a “religion,” the “contract’s”
“auditing” prohibition is equivalent to, e.g., a Christian church prohibiting a person by
“contract” from, e.g., praying to God. The Christian church has the lawful authority to
prevent that person from praying to God in or on the premises it owns or controls,
because that church entity has the lawful authority to prevent the person from being on its
premises; but it cannot lawfully, by “contract” or otherwise, prevent that person from
praying to God everywhere else in the world.


152.      The Christian church, of course, by, e.g., fraud and years of fair game attacks,
might get the person to sign a “contract” in which he “agrees that he will never again
pray to God or attend any service at any Christian church (or all churches of any religion
for that matter) or seek or obtain any service from any Christian or Christian-affiliated
organization.” But no secular court in the U.S., except one deranged, or corrupted by the
“Church” entity, would consider enforcing such a ridiculous and patently constitutionally
impermissible proscription of the “contractee’s” religious liberty. The Scientology
entities’ “contractual” prohibition of my being “audited” by every “auditor” in the world
in every place in the world is just as ridiculous, just as constitutionally impermissible, and
just as lawfully unenforceable in the U.S.’s secular courts.

153.      Since it is obvious that I cannot lawfully be prohibited from being “audited” by
anyone who agrees to “audit” me, it is, moreover, obvious, for the same reason, that I
cannot lawfully be prohibited from discussing Scientology, and my experiences in and in
relation to the organization and the persons and entities who comprise the “parties” or
“beneficiaries” to the “contract.” “Auditing” is a part of Scientology and, for “auditing”
to occur at all, necessitates the discussion of Scientology and of experiences in and in
relation to Scientology and the “contract’s” “parties” or “beneficiaries.” The “contract’s”
prohibition of my being “audited,” and the threat that I would be punished by a secular
court, required to pay a $50,000 liquidated damages penalty, fined and jailed if I sought
or obtained “auditing” is a clear violation of 18 U.S.C. §241.

154.      The “contractual” prohibition against seeking or obtaining any service from any
Scientologist or Scientology affiliated organization, is equivalent to, and just as
nonsensical, just as constitutionally impermissible, just as lawfully unenforceable, and
just as impossible as, e.g., a “contractual” prohibition against seeking or obtaining any
service from any Christian or Christian affiliated organization. Such a prohibition would
mean that the “contractee” of the Christian church entity could not get his car repaired by
a Christian, could not purchase insurance from a Christian, and could not use the services
of a Christian painter, engineer, computer technician, taxi driver, ISP, doctor or lawyer.
The list of services provided by Christians or Christian affiliated organizations, is, of
course, enormous, but Scientologists and Scientology affiliated organizations provide, or
potentially can provide an equally enormous list of services.

155.      For the Christian church entity’s “contractee” to determine whether he was allowed
to seek or obtain service from a particular service provider, the “contractee” would, at a
minimum, have to ask the service provider if he was a Christian, since Christians can
look the same as people of all other religions. Since if the service provider was in fact a
Christian he would have an extremely high incentive to lie, both to sell the “contractee”
the service and to fool the “contractee” in order to collect a commission on the potential
liquidated damages award, the “contractee” would have a high need to ensure that the
service provider is telling the truth. The “contractee” therefore would have an obligation
to question the service provider about Christianity, and about his religious beliefs and
affiliations, and even to investigate the service provider to make sure he does nothing the
least bit Christian in life.


156.      Being faced with the equivalent problem and necessity of determining whether I
am permitted by “contract” to seek or obtain services from a potential provider, I would,
at a minimum, have to ask him if he is a Scientologist. If the provider was a
Scientologist, he would have even more and greater incentives to lie to me than the
Christian service provider would have to lie to the Christian entity’s “contractee,”
because not only would the Scientologist want to sell me the service and fool me in order
to collect a commission on the liquidated damages award, but also because lying is a
“sacrament” to Scientologists whereas it is very unsacred to Christians, and adopting wog
covers for running ops on intelligence targets like me is in Scientology a “religious
activity.” I would also, therefore, have an obligation to discuss with the potential service
provider his experiences with Scientology, his knowledge of all of the organization
entities, and his religious beliefs and affiliations, and to investigate the provider to ensure
he is not a covert or closet Scientologist.

157.      Para. 7D of the “settlement contract,” however, requires that I

will maintain strict confidentiality and silence with respect to [my]
experiences with [ ]Scientology and any knowledge or information [I] may
have concerning [ ] Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, or any of the
organizations, individuals and entities listed [in the contract as “parties,”
“releasees” or “beneficiaries”].

Para. 7D also requires that I not

discuss with others, concerning their experiences with [ ] Scientology, or
concerning their personal or indirectly acquired knowledge or information
concerning [ ] Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard or any of the organizations,
individuals and entities listed [in the contract as “parties,” “releasees” or

Para. 7D, moreover, subjects me to a $50,000 liquidated damages penalty for each
instance in which I discuss with anyone my experiences with Scientology or any
knowledge or information I have concerning Scientology or any of the organizations,
individuals and entities comprising the “contract’s” “parties,” “releasees” or
“beneficiaries,” and subjects me to a $50,000 liquidated damages penalty for each
instance in which anyone discusses with me his experiences or his personal or indirectly
acquired knowledge or information concerning Scientology or any of the “parties,”
“releasees” or “beneficiaries.” This equals, of course, $100,000 per two-person
discussion in liquidated damages penalties if both my fellow discusser and I discuss
anything about our respective experiences or knowledge or information.

158.      The “contracting” Scientology entities have refused to identify who are all the
Scientologists in the world so that I can, should I ever decide to respect the “contract’s”
ridiculous prohibitions, avoid seeking out any of those Scientologists for services of any
kind. Scientology claims publicly that there are eight to fifteen million Scientologists in
the world, and although, as I mentioned, lying is a Scientology sacrament, and there is no
where near that number, there are still at least tens of thousands. As with Christians, it is
impossible to tell Scientologists from members of other religions by their appearance, so
without my being able to discuss with potential service providers their experiences with
Scientology or their knowledge or information about the organization and all the


“contract’s” “parties,” “releasees” or “beneficiaries,” I could easily be entrapped, framed
or set up.

159.      The “contracting” Scientology entities have also refused to identify all or any of
the “all Scientology and Scientology affiliated organizations and entities and their
officers, agents, representatives, employees, volunteers, directors, successors, assigns and
legal counsel” who comprise the “contract’s” “parties,” “releasees” or “beneficiaries,”
about whom I must “maintain strict confidentiality and silence.” There must be tens of
thousands of these organizations, entities and individuals whose identities the
“contracting” Scientology entities refuse to divulge to me, but about whom I am expected
to be silent. If I but say the name of one these organizations, entities or individuals,
pursuant to the “contract,” I must pay $50,000 in liquidated damages.

160.      These scenarios that involve seeking or obtaining “auditing” or “services” from
Scientologists demonstrate the absurdity and judicial unenforceability of the prohibition
against these activities that Scientology has included in its “settlement contract.”
Comparing what the “contracting” Scientology entities are saying and doing to a
Christian church entity compelling someone by “contract,” on threat of a $50,000
liquidated damages penalty, to never pray and to never seek or obtain services from any
Christian, shows what Scientology is doing to be a preposterous, albeit sick and
threatening joke.

161.      As has been shown herein, Scientology under David Miscavige’s leadership, has a
twenty-two year history of intelligence operations against me to entrap and frame me,
multiple efforts to have me prosecuted on false charges, and many other fair game attacks
to destroy me socially, financially, emotionally, legally and humanly. Scientology’s
“settlement contract” is itself a tool of entrapment, because the organization’s continuing
black PR and fair game attacks after the “settlement” brought me to respond to defend
myself, and my responses gave the organization the ammunition it needed and wanted in
order to further fair game me, abetted by a malfeasant judge, into bankruptcy and into
more black PR and more fair game. Thus the potential for entrapment in such seemingly
ludicrous language as the “contract’s” prohibition against seeking or obtaining “auditing”
or “services” cannot simply be laughed away.

162.      Comparing the “contract’s” prohibition against my discussing Scientology, L.
Ron Hubbard, the “beneficiaries” and my experiences and knowledge concerning all of
them, with a “contractual” prohibition against discussing another religion, its Diety, its
organizations and their personnel and a person’s experiences and knowledge in that
religion, also shows such a prohibition to be a constitutionally impermissible deprivation
of religious liberty, and consequently lawfully judicially unenforceable. Again using the
Christian church entity by way of example, the speech prohibition that Scientology seeks
to impose is equivalent to silencing someone by “contract” about God, Christ, the Bible,
Christianity, Christian history, and the person’s religious experiences as a Christian. It is
impossible that any court in the U.S., except, again, one deranged or corrupted, would
ever enforce such a condition against anyone, Christian or non-Christian.


163.      The single exception to the condition compelling “strict confidentiality and
silence” with respect to my experiences with Scientology and any knowledge or
information I may have concerning Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, or any of the
“releasees,” which permits me, as provided in para. 7H, to discuss these things with my
“immediate family,” is senseless and insulting. Providing such an exception to the
condition compelling a person to maintain “strict confidentiality and silence” about God,
Christ, the Bible, and the person’s religious experiences as a Christian, which permits
him to discuss these things only with his “immediate family,” is obviously senseless and
insulting, and does nothing to make the “strict confidentiality and silence” condition less
lawfully unenforceable in a secular court in the U.S.

164.      A person’s immediate family may very well not be the people with whom he
needs to, or is called to, discuss these religious matters of God, Christ, Christianity or his
Christian religious experiences; or, in my case, these “religious” matters of Hubbard,
Scientology and my Scientological religious experiences. In my case as well, this
“immediate family” exception, if I respected it at all, would bind my family members into
a “contractual” relationship with Scientology and put them squarely in Scientology’s fair
game sights. The demonstrably superlitigious Scientology organization would use my
family as their agents to police me, and at a minimum would be constantly hauling them
into depositions to find out what I am saying to them, what they are passing on outside
the family, and what opportunities could be created for liquidated damages penalties
against my family. Thus there is safety in discussing the Scientology “religious” matters
with as many people as possible outside my immediate family in order to defocus and
diffuse the organization’s legal and extralegal fair game threat, and so reduce it for my
family and everyone else.

165.      To get a victim, by fraud, fair game and the threat of more fair game, to sign a
“contract” containing a condition that prohibited him from communicating about God,
Christ, the Bible, Christianity, Christian history, and the person’s religious experiences as
a Christian, and then to use the U.S.’s secular courts to enforce that prohibition would
constitute a clear violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. Even without the fraud and duress, such a
condition would be an unlawful deprivation of religious liberty. No one but a practitioner
of fraud and fair game, of course, a vindictive, dangerous cult in this case, would
consider creating and enforcing such a “contractual” condition. It is inconceivable that a
legitimate religion would create and attempt to enforce a “contract” that prohibited a
person from discussing that religion and his religious experiences in that religion, and
penalized the person $50,000 per utterance about that religion and his religious
experiences; and Scientology’s doing just that demonstrates this organization’s religious

166.      There are circumstances and locations, of course, when a person can be lawfully
and logically prevented from discussing his religious experiences and his knowledge of
God, Christ, the Bible, Christianity, etc., as, e.g., in certain jobs, in certain school
settings, or in the senior interests of public safety, public order or the protection of the
rights and freedoms of others. A person cannot, however, be lawfully and logically
prevented from discussing his religious experiences and his knowledge of God, Christ,


the Bible, Christianity, etc., in all circumstances and all locations (with or without the
“immediate family” exception), and any organized effort to enforce such a prohibition
would be a prima facie 18 U.S.C. §241 violation. In the case of the Scientology entities’
“contractual” condition prohibiting me from, at all times, in all places, in all
circumstances and with all people (except my immediate family), discussing my religious
experiences and my knowledge of Scientology, Hubbard and the organization’s
“scriptures,” the public safety and public order interests and the protection of the rights
and freedoms of others weigh against such a condition’s enforcement.

167.      Scientology chose to be a religion, and has claimed, in order to obtain the legal
advantages and protections and tax exemption that are granted to religions, that it is
organized for solely religious purposes. The organization calls its writings on
Scientology “religious scriptures,” and, having called itself a “religion,” attacks and
vilifies the critics of its abuses and criminality with hate terms like “religious bigots” or
“anti-religious extremists.” See, e.g., Scientology’s recent letter calling me an “anti-
religious extremist,” sent to the Directorate of Taxes in Oslo, Norway, and webbed on
one of the organization’s U.S.-based Internet hate sites.

It is noteworthy that anti-religious extremist and fugitive from US justice,
Gerald Armstrong, a close associate of Robert Minton, has been traveling
in Europe, possibly on business for Minton. Armstrong’s travel itinerary
included Norway. Is it possible that Armstrong’s reason for visiting
Norway was to deliver funds to Heldal-Lund which could then be
laundered through Minton’s LMT, Inc., into Minton’s personal account?
What is actually noteworthy is that I had not been in Norway, have never been to
Norway, have had nothing to do with delivering any funds to Mr. Heldal-Lund, and I am
anything but an anti-religious extremist.

168.      As has been shown, the Scientology entities comprising the “beneficiaries” of its
1986 “settlement contract” conspired and acted, by years of fair gaming my attorney, his
family, me and others connected to me, by the false promise that these entities would end
fair game forever against us all if I signed their “contract,” and by the threat of continuing
to fair game us all if I did not sign, to deprive me of, and threaten me in the free exercise
and enjoyment of a set of vital rights and privileges secured to me by the U.S.
Constitution and laws, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. By post-“settlement” fair game,
the continuing violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, and the compromise or corrupting of a Judge
of the California State Superior Court for the County of Marin, as will be shown
hereinafter, the Scientology entities, in enforcement of their “contract,” obtained an
“injunction” and “judgment” against me, which are themselves violations of 18 U.S.C.
§241, since the “injunction” and “judgment” also deprive me of, and threaten me in the
free exercise and enjoyment of that same set of vital rights and privileges, and injure,
oppress, threaten and intimidate me for having exercised those rights and privileges.

169.      Based on their unlawful “injunction” and “judgment,” which constitute a violation
of 18 U.S.C. §241, the Scientology entities then obtained from the same Marin County


Superior Court a series of “contempt orders” that unlawfully fine and jail me for
exercising the same set of rights that these entities had unlawfully conspired to deprive
me of. Each of these “contempt orders” is a violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, since they
injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate me for having exercised the same set of vital
rights secured to me by the U.S. Constitution and laws. Based on these unlawful
“contempt orders,” the same Marin County Superior Court issued warrants for my arrest,
each of which is a violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, since they injure, oppress, threaten and
intimidate me for having exercised the same set of vital rights secured to me by the U.S.
Constitution and laws.

170.      The actions taken by the Marin County Superior Court, specifically Judge Gary
W. Thomas, in granting Scientology an “injunction” and a “judgment” against me that
willfully and unlawfully deprive me of certain vital rights secured to me by the U.S.
Constitution and laws, in granting Scientology “contempt orders” that unlawfully injure,
oppress, threaten and intimidate me for exercising those rights, and, pursuant to the
unlawful “contempt orders,” in issuing warrants for my arrest that also injure, oppress,
threaten and intimidate me for exercising those rights, moreover constitute a series of
violations of 18 U.S.C. §242, “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law,” which states
in pertinent part:

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or
custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory,
Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights,
privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws
of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not
more than one year, or both.

171.      The assertion in the bit of organization black PR quoted above from Scientology’s
letter to the Norwegian Tax Directorate that I am a “fugitive from US justice,” as well as
being a lie, is another violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. Having gotten me to sign their
“contract” by fraud and duress in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241; having continued to black
PR and fair game me after the “settlement” in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241; having
compromised or corrupted a judge to enforce their unlawful “contract,” with the grant of
an “injunction,” “judgment” and “contempt orders,” and the issuance of arrest warrants,
all in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241 and §242; and having, with their on-going civil rights
crimes and threats, created an environment in which I was compelled to leave the U.S. in
order to try to obtain the rights that the Scientology entities and the Marin Court were
depriving me of and threatening and punishing me for exercising, in violation of 18
U.S.C. §241 and §242; these entities then labeled me in their continuing black
propaganda a “fugitive from U.S. Justice.”

172.      Scientology and people serving its purposes have labeled and libeled me with
their “fugitive from justice” epithet in dozens if not hundreds of black PR publications.
This black PR campaign is in execution of the Scientology entities’ conspiracy to bring
governments, government agencies, intelligence services, law enforcement, courts, media
and individuals to view and treat me as criminal, and thus to abet these entities’ civil


rights conspiracy by further depriving me of my rights and privileges, in violation of 18
U.S.C. §241. See, e.g., the 1998 edition of ““Freedom”” that Scientology distributed
across Canada, attacking University of Alberta sociology professor Stephen Kent and me.
Dr. Kent is a world-renowned scholar of cults and “new religious movements” and an
expert in Scientology.

Anti-religionist Stephen Kent [ ] has drawn on numerous discredited
and disreputable sources including Gerry Armstrong [ ] a fugitive
from justice who has boasted of his propensity for lying and fabrication.

173.      See also, e.g., Scientology’s letter dated April 20, 2001 to the Governor and
Department of Internal Affairs of Nizhny Novgorod Province in Russia, the provincial
office of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), the Mayor of Nizhny Novgorod,
the Metropolitan (the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in Nizhny Novgorod
Province), the provincial and city mass media, and the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The
letter states that similar letters, along with copies of the Marin Superior Court’s warrants
and “judgment” against me, were also sent to the Russian Federal Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs
A man who is a fugitive from justice will be a speaker at the International
Conference "Totalitarian Cults - the Menace of the Twenty-First Century"
which will be held in Nizhny Novgorod April 23-25.

I am talking about Gerald Armstrong, a man who will take part in this
conference and will present a paper on April 24, 2001.
In May 1998 the Supreme Court of the State of California issued an order
to "arrest him and to bring him to the court" and that this arrest "can be
conducted any time day or night" (cited from the court decision). I should
add that this Armstrong was to be brought before the court and held
accountable for anti-religious propaganda.
The order has not been executed until now for the simple reason that
Armstrong is not at the moment residing in the US and thus is outside the
reach of American justice.
I include here a copy of the document sent to me from the USA and I ask
you to find out whose initiative it was to invite this man to Nizhny
Novgorod, deliberately not informing the government that he is a criminal
element. It is necessary to carefully screen all the list of the participants as
I also would like to inform you that this document, with an explanatory
letter similar to this one, has already been submitted to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of
the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian
Federation. Moreover, the information about the arrival of Armstrong in
Russia has been handed to the U.S. Embassy in Russia so that the
necessary measures may be taken for his detention.

See also the Russian translation of the “judgment:”

174.      The truth is that I am no more a fugitive from justice than black slaves were that
escaped from the United States before the abolition of slavery. The black slaves even
broke the law in fleeing from their slave master oppressors; but by fleeing they did not
become fugitives from justice, but fugitives from injustice. I have broken no laws, but
have fled from a U.S. “religious” organization, abetted by a U.S. secular court, that seeks
to destroy my rights, even my religious rights, and destroy me, in flagrant violation of
U.S. Federal criminal civil rights statutes. The Scientology enterprise under the
leadership of David Miscavige is a criminal conspiracy that persecutes people in
accordance with its “religious scriptures,” such as the “Suppressive Person Doctrine,”
“Fair Game” and “Use the Law to Harass,” which mandate and justify crimes against
designated human targets as “religious expression.”

175.      Miscavige’s Scientology is a slaver cult, which has paid clever unscrupulous
lawyers and operatives millions of dollars and has misused the U.S. justice system to
make me be his organization’s slave, to have me bend over for all the hate and abuse that
Miscavige and his fellow slavery “beneficiaries” can pile on me. But I have not bent
over and I will not, and like the blacks in the era of slavery by race, I have left the U.S. as
a fugitive from injustice. When the people of goodwill and good minds in the U.S. nation
come to their senses, grasp what Scientology is doing, and abolish this post-modern
brand of slavery and injustice, I will return. But until this slavery is opposed by people of
goodwill, and abolished, I would be as foolish to return to the U.S. as black ex-slaves
would have been foolish to return before the end of nineteenth century slavery.

176.      The Miscavige regime’s libel of me as an “anti-religious extremist,” stated in the
letter to the Norwegian Tax Directorate and in a multitude of other organization black PR
publications, is also a 18 U.S.C. §241 violation, because its obvious intended result is to
bring governments, government agencies, intelligence services, law enforcement, courts,
media and individuals to view and treat me as an “anti-religious extremist,” and to view
and treat my communications as “anti-religious extremism,” and thus to abet this
regime’s civil rights conspiracy by further depriving me of my rights and privileges.
Scientology also maintains an Internet site called “Religious Freedom Watch –
Defending Religious Rights,” which black PRs me and positions me with some fifty-five
other individuals whom the organization also accuses of being “Anti-Religious
Extremists.” index.html Scientology’s obvious intent in the creation of this Internet hate
site is to bring people to revile me, and to threaten and shudder me into silence, also in
violation of 18 U.S.C. §241.

177.      This anathematization as an “anti-religious extremist” serves Scientology’s dual
purposes of defaming and threatening the organization’s critics and victims and at the


same time positioning Scientology as the persecuted party, the victim of anti-religious
extremism. What all the Scientology entities who comprise the “beneficiaries” to its
1986 “settlement contract,” are doing to me, however, shows beyond any question that
these entities are the anti-religious extremists in this scenario, the religious persecutors,
and anything but the “defenders of religious rights.” I do not believe it is possible to find
a more brazen or reprobate case of anti-religious extremism in America than this colossal
18 U.S.C. §241 conspiracy by Scientology involving two decades of fair game, millions
of dollars paid to lawyers and covert operatives, assaults, threats, ceaseless black PR
attacks, and using the secular courts to bankrupt, enjoin, fine, jail and hunt down a person
to stop his perspicuous, peaceful, reasoned religious expression.

178.      Since what Miscavige’s Scientology is doing to me are acts comprising a colossal
criminal conspiracy, accusing me of being an “anti-religious extremist,” besides being
demented, is a clear projection as Hubbard laid down for Scientologists who would be
criminals in his Bulletin of September 15, 1981 “The Criminal Mind,” which is itself a
projection of Hubbard’s own criminality and criminal mind.

A criminal is one who is motivated by evil intentions and who has
committed so many harmful overt acts that he considers such activities

The criminal accuses others of things which he himself is doing.

The FBI agent or executive accuses others of graft and even sets up
"abscams" to manufacture the crime. But an FBI agent regularly pockets
money supposed to be paid to informers and then screams to protect
informer sources that do not exist.
The FBI agent is terrified of being infiltrated and accuses others of it
when, as standard practice, he infiltrates groups, manufactures evidence
and then gets others charged for crimes his own plants have committed.
The FBI acts like a terrorist group posing as law enforcement officers.
Their targets seem to be legislators and Congress and public individuals
who might someday have power over public opinion, such as Martin
Luther King, Jr.
From all this we get another datum:
The criminal mind relentlessly seeks to destroy anyone it imagines might
expose it.

Individuals with criminal minds tend to band together since the presence
of other criminals about them tends to prove their own distorted ideas of
man in general.

The criminal only sees others as he himself is.
One of the reasons he does this, of course, is to justify injuring others.
Because everyone else is useless, worthless, criminal, an animal and
insane, why then, he reasons, it is perfectly all right to injure them.


179.      There is no doubt that the Scientology entities are motivated by their evil
intentions of destroying my civil rights, life and person, and they have indeed committed
so many harmful overt acts against me over these twenty-two years that they consider
such activities ordinary. They are accusing me of the things that they themselves are
doing: carrying out their noxious brand of anti-religious extremism to destroy my
religious rights. I am not trying to silence anyone, Scientologist or wog, about his
religious beliefs, experience or knowledge, and I am not trying to deprive anyone of any
rights secured to him by the U.S. Constitution or laws. There is also no doubt that the
Scientology entities have entered into this 18 U.S.C. §241 conspiracy to destroy my
rights and destroy me because they imagine I will expose their criminality.

180.      Ironically, because they have banded together to form and execute this conspiracy
to destroy me and destroy my right to expose them, which necessarily involves
destroying my right to express my religious beliefs, experience and knowledge, the
Scientology entities have, with each harmful overt act they have committed against me,
made me ever freer legally to express those religious beliefs, experience and knowledge.
Moreover, in the banding together and execution of this conspiracy, and with each
harmful overt act, the Scientology entities have generated more criminality for exposure
and more religious beliefs, experience and knowledge for expression. A “contract” that
prohibits the exposure of criminal acts cannot be lawful; otherwise blackmail is lawful,
because the goal or product of blackmail is simply a “contract” to not expose criminal
acts. I am not a blackmailer, and I did not “settle” with the Scientology entities to not
expose their future, or past, criminal acts, including their egregious violations of 18
U.S.C. §241.

181.      Because of their projection of their criminal mind “technology,” of course, the
Scientology entities’ increasing determination and efforts to destroy me in order to
prevent me from exposing their increasing criminality, and their increasing determination
and efforts to black PR me as a “criminal element,” a “fugitive from justice” and an
“anti-religious extremist,” as well as useless, worthless, insane and worse, in order to
make it perfectly all right to injure me even more, it is also clear that I am in increasingly
greater physical danger. Being in increasingly greater danger, naturally, increases both
my need and lawful right to be able to communicate my beliefs, experiences and
knowledge to be able to protect myself, and my family, friends and associates.

182.      The truth is that, contrary to the Scientology entities’ libel that I am an “anti-
religious extremist,” over the twenty-two years in which Scientology has considered me a
“Suppressive Person” and fair gamed me to destroy my person and my rights, including
my right to freedom of religion, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, I have grown increasingly
pro-religious. In 1991, I became a Christian, rejoining the religion in which I had been
born and lived my childhood, and since that time I have believed that my opposition to
Scientology’s abuses, criminality and anti-religious extremism, particularly the
organization’s anti-Christian teachings and practices, was part of my responsibility,


ministry and burden as a Christian. I came to see, as made obvious by this extraordinary
history of persecution by the Scientology “religion,” that God had given me this history
and allowed me to be persecuted by the organization for His purposes.

183.      Indeed, I came to see that even my being suckered into joining Scientology, and
all the years of abuse inside the organization, all the knowledge I gained of its structure
and operations, and all my experiences inside were for God’s purposes. He wanted me to
become free of this diabolical and dangerous anti-religious extremism, and He wanted me
to bring my knowledge and experiences to His other children, who were trapped in this
cult or at risk of being trapped, to help them get free. Since I bring God’s words and
message of truth, love and freedom to His children caught in this cult of lies, hate and
slavery, I am, theologically, a Prophet to Scientologists. Scientology and the people
serving its malevolent, anti-religious purposes, naturally, denigrate and mock my being a
prophet as part of their black PR campaign.

184.      See, e.g., the black propaganda flyer that Scientology distributed across Germany,
including to government officials, the intelligence service, law enforcement, the media,
church officials, and individuals, in December 2002.

At a gathering on December 7, 2002, Berlin cult priest Thomas Gandow
presented Armstrong as a special guest and as a sort of refugee. The fact is
that Armstrong left his homeland years ago because he continued to
deliberately flout court orders and was facing arrest. Armstrong is in fact
extremely duplicitous, and an outright hustler and lawbreaker. "I am a
writer, artist and philosopher. Theologically speaking I am a prophet...", is
what Armstrong stated in a written statement on January 26, 1997. And in
fact he has more than once engaged himself as a prophet whose visions of
the future, however, do not apply in his own country.

185.      See also the Usenet black PR postings webbed at:

You're the liar, Gerry. It's a lie that you are a prophet. It's a lie that God
speaks to you. It's a lie that you are doing God's work.
You are delusional. Or worse, you may be *pretending* you're delusional.

You criticize Gerry Jihad, Mark, like a fellow Republican would criticize
George Bush, Jr. Honesty? No way! Mark Plummer's philosophy: criticize
with loads of admiration and sucking up to the ARS prophet.
So, Mark, since you're so inclined toward sucking up to and kissing Gerry
Jihad's ass, no matter how much he trips over himself, how does Gerry Jihad

186.      And see, e.g., this malicious forgery written over my “signature:”

I would be a truly pretended stupid interpretation that you goons are using
to support or prove their pretended stupid conclusion that I am saying that


Bruce Ullman posts forgeries from remailers but uses his own email
address to do it, then claims to be a pedophile. I am merely stating that it is
certainly within the realm of technical possibility. This is my basic human
right as a Prophet of God, which Scientology, in the very very pretended
stupid pretended stupidity of it's War on Wogs (Wow!)® would deny me.
Now you will have to excuse me. I have to go shove my cock down a 10
year old's throat.

187.      My reconversion to Christianity in 1991, an event that is by hominids, both
Scientologists and wogs, impossible to predict, is also an event that by its unpredictability
demonstrates why the conditions in Scientology’s “settlement contract” that prohibit any
discussion of my experiences in and knowledge of Scientology are lawfully
unenforceable. It is axiomatic that where there is no freedom to change one’s mind about
a religion and about one’s religious beliefs, there is no freedom of religion. A person
must be able to express his new beliefs and his old beliefs, his new and old religious
experiences and knowledge that underlie and form those beliefs, and any other religious
beliefs, experiences or knowledge about any other religion.

188.      If it really is lawful to judicially enforce a Scientology-type “contract,” then the
secular courts will become the tools of “religious” entities to enforce prescribed or
proscribed religious exercise. A Christian church minister could contract with the
church’s parishioners to never say the name “Allah,” or “Mohammed,” or ever discuss
Islam or the Koran. Perhaps the minister could get the parishioners to sign his “contract”
by threatening them with damnation if they didn’t sign and promising them the end of
damnation if they did sign. Perhaps the minister could include a $50,000 or so liquidated
damages penalty for every violation, and they would sign when he says it’s not worth the
paper it’s printed on. It is, of course, inconceivable that a secular court would enforce
this contract if one of the parishioners decided one day to check out Islam, to study the
Koran, or talk with a Muslim about Mohammed. For the same reason, judicial
enforcement of Scientology’s “contract” that prohibits me from saying the names
“Scientology,” “Hubbard” or “Miscavige” or discussing Scientology with anyone must
be seen as inconceivable; or, since it has been shown to be conceivable, at least unlawful.

189.      If the Christian church’s “contract” with its parishioners is conceivable and
lawful, and if a parishioner is caught discussing Islam with an Imam, or the Imam’s
daughter, the church would naturally file a breach of contract suit with a liquidated
damages claim for $50,000, and for an injunction. The parishioner would think the
lawsuit was nuts and a violation of the basic rights and privileges secured to him by the
U.S. Constitution and laws, his freedom of speech, religion, association, etc. and he
would defend himself with a profusion of affirmative defenses, including, obviously,
fraud, duress and the fact that liquidated damages impermissibly act as penalty and were
included in the “contract” without any negotiations as to their reasonableness.
Nevertheless, if such a “contract” were lawful, the Christian church would obtain a
summary judgment against the parishioner, drive him into bankruptcy, and get their


190.      If he thereafter ever discussed the Koran with anyone, and if a spy from the
Christian church overheard the discussion, the church would file an application for a
contempt order against the parishioner, he would be found in contempt of court, jailed
and fined. If he couldn’t be found, the judge would issue a warrant for a sheriff to pick
him up. If the parishioner fled to Canada or Germany to be able to discuss Islam, or be
able to say “Mohammed,” the Christian church could still get more contempt orders,
more fines and more jail sentences against him back in the U.S. Perhaps he got an
Internet connection and found a Usenet discussion group like alt.religion.islam, and
began to discuss the Koran and other Islamic texts and teachings with all sorts of people
interested in the religion. The Christian church could assign some Christians to monitor
the Islamic newsgroup, download a couple of hundred of his postings, sue him again, get
a judgment for $10,000,000 or so, take the judgment to Canada or Germany and get some
lawyer to collect on the judgment. Maybe the Christians’ lawyer would be able to seize
the parishioner’s bicycle, his computer, or perhaps his Koran, or maybe his old Christian

191.      Clearly this is a ridiculous scenario, but it is exactly what Scientology, since it
calls itself a “religion,” is doing, except that the Scientology organization is far more
vindictive and criminal than the hypothetical Christian church, and is carrying out a
global extrajudicial fair game campaign in conjunction with its judicial effort to prohibit
and punish my religious expression of my religious beliefs, experiences and knowledge.
There is, of course, the apparent difference between what the two “churches” are doing
judicially, with the hypothetical Christian church prohibiting its parishioner from
discussing religious figures, scripture and beliefs in a different religion from the one in
which he is currently a member, whereas the real Scientology organization is prohibiting
a person from discussing “religious” figures, scripture and beliefs in its own “religion.”
There is, however, no real difference between these scenarios; both are lawfully judicially
unenforceable, and their creation and enforcement would both constitute violations of 18
U.S.C. §241.

192.      Perhaps, after the Christian church fair games its parishioner or former
parishioner by terrorizing him on a freeway, assaulting him, spying on him, threatening
him and black PRing him, he would sue the church, which then black PRs him even more
around the world, runs some intelligence ops on him, pays a dirty cop to sign an illegal
“authorization” to wiretap him, frames him with crimes, threatens him with assassination,
divulges his confessional statements, etc., and fair games his lawyer with a similar
campaign of threats, black PR, frame-ups, etc. Perhaps the church would offer to “settle”
with the parishioner, promising to end fair game against him and everyone else forever if
he signs the church’s “settlement contract,” and threatening to continue to fair game
everyone if he doesn’t sign. The “contract” that the Christian church presents for the
parishioner’s signature, obviously, would require that he never discuss God, Christ,
Christianity, the Bible, any other Christian text, and his Christian beliefs, experiences and
knowledge. Such a “contractual” condition is, of course preposterous, as is the idea that
any court in the U.S., except one deranged or corrupted, would enforce such a condition.


It would be an obscene violation of 18 U.S.C. §241, as is Scientology’s equivalent
“contractual” condition.

193.      Again, as with the hypothetical Christian church’s “contract” that prohibited
praying to God, a person could be prohibited, by “contract” or not, from discussing God,
Christ, Christianity, the Bible, other Christian texts, and his Christian beliefs, experiences
and knowledge, while on the church’s premises, simply because the church has a general
right to control who is on its premises. But the Christian church could not lawfully
prohibit a person from discussing God, Christ, Christianity, the Bible, other Christian
texts, and the person’s Christian beliefs, experiences and knowledge anywhere else or at
any other time, because such a prohibition would be an impermissible deprivation of the
person’s Constitutionally guaranteed right to religious exercise, and therefore necessarily
a violation of 18 U.S.C. §241.

194.      The same must be true of the conditions in Scientology’s “contract” that prohibit
the discussion of the Scientological equivalents: Hubbard, “ecclesiastical head”
Miscavige, Scientology, Scientology “scriptures,” other Scientology writings, and a
person’s Scientology beliefs, experiences and knowledge. I can lawfully be prohibited
from discussing Hubbard, Miscavige, Scientology, Scientology “scriptures,” other
Scientology writings, my Scientology beliefs, experiences and knowledge, and anything
else, while on the organization’s premises, simply because it can lawfully keep me off its
premises. But I cannot lawfully be prohibited from discussing Hubbard, Miscavige,
Scientology, Scientology “scriptures,” other Scientology writings, and my Scientology
beliefs, experiences and knowledge anywhere else or at any other time, because such a
prohibition would be an impermissible deprivation of my Constitutionally guaranteed
right to religious exercise, and therefore necessarily a violation of 18 U.S.C. §241.

195.      If Congress has made a law that now makes it possible for people to be prohibited
in the free exercise of religion, Congress did so in violation of the “free exercise clause”
of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and without repealing or amending the
First Amendment. It is, obviously, inconceivable that the framers and ratifiers of the
First Amendment had in mind in 1791 a qualifier to the Amendment that would allow
churches or religions to use the U.S.’s secular courts to prohibit people, with $50,000
liquidated damages penalties, from discussing God, Christ, Christianity, the Bible, other
Christian texts, and the person’s Christian beliefs, experiences and knowledge, and send
people to jail if they refused to stop discussing these religious subjects. The First
Amendment, of course, states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the government for a redress of grievances.

196.      It is also inconceivable that the framers and ratifiers of the First Amendment had
in mind an exception that would allow a new “religion,” or a noxious cult, two hundred
years later to use the U.S.’s secular courts to prohibit someone, on penalty of $50,000 in


liquidated damages, from discussing that new “religion’s” “source,” “ecclesiastical
head,” “scriptures,” and the person’s religious beliefs, experiences and knowledge in that
“religion.” If it has become lawful for Scientology to use the U.S.’s secular courts to
prohibit the free exercise of religion, by prohibiting a person’s discussion of the religion
and his religious beliefs, experiences and knowledge, whereas it would be absurd,
outrageous, impossible and unlawful for a Christian church to use the secular courts to
prohibit the free exercise of religion, by prohibiting a person from discussing God, Christ,
Christianity, the Bible, other Christian texts, and the person’s Christian beliefs,
experiences and knowledge, then by this favoritism and special privilege conferred on
Scientology to so prohibit the free exercise of religion, Congress must have made a law,
in violation of the First Amendment, which effectively establishes Scientology as the
U.S. State Religion.

197.      Since the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was important enough to be
framed and ratified, to have survived for over two hundred years, and to have guided the
U.S. Government’s conduct and the conduct of its citizens all those years, every citizen
would have a right, pursuant to the same First Amendment, to discuss either the new
“Scientology law” that creates exceptions to the establishment and free exercise clauses,
or, if no such law exists, to discuss Scientology’s assault on the First Amendment and the
organization’s efforts to create such exceptions. This right to speak about the new
“Scientology law” or Scientology’s assault on the First Amendment would necessarily
involve a right to discuss the identify, nature, teachings, doctrines, policies, practices and
personnel of the entity for which the new “law” was created or which is executing the
First Amendment assault. This right to speak about the entity for which the new “law”
was made or which is assaulting the First Amendment would naturally extend, and even
particularly extend, to the person or persons who would be most affected and whose
rights would be most endangered by such new “law” or assault.

198.      If Scientology is being granted this special right to prohibit a person from
discussing the organization’s source, leader and teachings and the person’s beliefs,
experiences and knowledge in Scientology, which right would never be granted to, e.g., a
Christian church, because Scientology is not really “church” and not really a religion, it is
not really organized for “religious purposes,” and its writings really are not “scriptures,”
then Scientology’s representations that it is a “religion” organized for “religious
purposes,” and that its writings are “scriptures,” are fraudulent. Even if, however,
Scientology is a global religious fraud, it would still be lawfully impermissible to prohibit
a person from discussing the fraud, its creator, its operation, its literature and the person’s
beliefs about the fraud, his experiences in and with the fraud, and his knowledge of the
fraud. Prohibiting a person from communicating about a fraud, and punishing him for
communicating about a fraud, would still constitute a violation of 18 U.S.C. §241.

199.      That all of the “settlement contract’s” “beneficiaries,” in addition to being co-
conspirators in their organization’s conspiracy to deprive me of my rights in violation of
18 U.S.C. §241, are also knowing participants in a gargantuan religious fraud is shown by
the fact that this conspiracy is a willful, flagrant violation of their own “Creed of the
Church of Scientology,” which states in pertinent part:


We of the Church believe:
That all men of whatever race, color, or creed were created with equal
That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and
their performance;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives;
That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense;
That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support
their own organizations, churches and governments;
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write
freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the
opinions of others;
And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside
these rights, overtly or covertly.

200.      In truth, as Scientology’s “settlement contract” proves beyond any doubt, every
director, officer, employee, representative, volunteer, agent and attorney of every
Scientology corporation, organization, group or affiliated entity is bound by “contract” to
violate each of these creedal precepts, even if such a creed violation also constitutes a
violation of 18 U.S.C. §241 for which each co-conspirator could be sentenced to up to ten
years in U.S. Federal prison. On the other hand, I refuse to participate in their criminal
conspiracy, indeed by law I am obligated to refuse to so participate, and I refuse to
violate any of these creedal precepts. Since a “creed” is a doctrinal formula intended to
define what is held by a church or religion as true and essential and to exclude what is
held to be a false belief, it is clear that I am by creed more of a Scientologist than any of
those directors, officers, employees, representatives, volunteers and agents of every
Scientology corporation, organization, group or affiliated entity who comprise the
“contract’s” “beneficiaries.”

201.      Even if a person had completely left Christianity and forsworn its creed, he could
not lawfully be prohibited by a Christian church from discussing God, Christ,
Christianity, the Bible, other Christian texts, or his Christian beliefs, experiences and
knowledge, because, among other reasons, he could decide to reconvert to his former
religion at any time. Thus, even if I had completely left Scientology, and even forsworn
its “creed,” which clearly I have not, because the organization calls itself a “religion,” I
could not lawfully be prohibited from discussing Scientology, its “scriptures,” other
writings about the “religion,” the “religion’s” founder Hubbard, its “ecclesiastical head”
Miscavige, and my Scientology-related religious beliefs, experiences and knowledge,
since, among other reasons, I could decide to reconvert to Scientology at any time. For
the free exercise of religion to exist at all, citizens would have to retain the absolute right
to freely leave and reconvert to any religion as many times and as often as they chose.


202.      Because Scientology has chosen to call itself a “religion,” the “churches,”
organizations, corporations, groups, entities, and individuals comprising the Scientology
“religion” have necessarily given up any right to prohibit or control the practice or
exercise of the “religion,” except on their own premises and among the members of their
own, wholly controlled “churches,” organizations, corporations, groups or entities. It
would be ridiculous of a Christian church to attempt to prohibit a person from practicing
or exercising the religion of Christianity, because he could simply go to any number of
other Christian churches that are not under the control of the prohibiting church.

203.      It is equally ridiculous of this one Scientology “church,” the “contracting”
“Church of Scientology International,” and all of the other “beneficiaries” of the
“settlement contract,” no matter how many of them there are, to prohibit me from
practicing or exercising Scientology, because I do not need any of them to do so. I can
practice or exercise Scientology by myself, with any group, organization or “church” I
form to be able to do so, or with any Scientologist or Scientology group, organization or
“church” already not under the control of these “beneficiaries.”

204.      Since a person cannot lawfully be prohibited from converting, reconverting or re-
reconverting to Christianity, or lawfully prohibited by one Christian church from
attending any or all of the other churches in the world, or lawfully prohibited from
practicing or exercising Christianity, he could not lawfully be prohibited from discussing
God, Christ, Christianity, the Bible, other Christian texts, or his Christian beliefs,
experiences and knowledge, since he would have to be able to discuss these things just to
participate at all in the Christian religion. Likewise, a person cannot lawfully be
prohibited from converting, reconverting or re-reconverting to Scientology, since it calls
itself a “religion,” or lawfully prohibited by this set of Scientology “beneficiaries” to a
“contract,” from practicing or exercising Scientology, and consequently he could not
lawfully be prohibited from discussing Hubbard, Scientology, its “scriptures,” other
writings about the “religion,” Miscavige, and the person’s Scientology-related religious
beliefs, experiences and knowledge, because he would have to be able to discuss these
things just to participate at all in the Scientology religion.

205.      Because of human beings’ innate desire for religious liberty, which was a major
factor in the early settlement of the U.S., and which the framers and ratifiers of the First
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution certainly recognized, it is natural, and almost
inevitable, that the hypothetical Christian parishioner who was conned and threatened by
his hypothetical Christian church into signing a “contract” that prohibited him from
discussing Allah, Mohammed, the Koran or Islam, would, even just because of that
proscription, search out people with whom to discuss these prohibited subjects, and
discuss them.

206.      Because of the same innate desire for religious liberty, it is natural and inevitable
that the hypothetical person prohibited by the hypothetical Christian church’s “contract”
from discussing God, Christ, Christianity, the Bible, other Christian texts, or his Christian
beliefs, experiences and knowledge, would risk being assessed $50,000 per utterance in
liquidated damages penalties, and risk being jailed and fined, to exercise his religious


freedom and discuss these “contractually” prohibited subjects. There have in fact been
Christians in recent years who have chosen to discuss these subjects in repressive third
world countries where the Christians knew such discussions could be punishable with

207.      It was therefore natural, and, God being What He is, inevitable that, out of my
own God-given desire for religious liberty, and a growing understanding of what
religious liberty is, brought about in no small part by my “religious” persecution at the
hands of the Scientologists and their agents, I would come to discuss and speak out about
the very subjects the organization sought, by “contract” and extrajudicial fair game, to
prohibit me from discussing. It was also natural, God-given and inevitable, since, after
leaving Scientology, I had been brought to reconvert to Christianity, that I would be
brought to speak out about Hubbard’s and Scientology’s anti-Christian teachings.
Because such a reconversion is entirely in God’s Hands and cannot be predicted by
terrestrial hominids, and because what God will call a person to do as a Christian is also
entirely in His Hands, it is not rational to try by “contract” to proscribe that conversion or
what the convert will be called to do, and such a “contract” cannot be lawfully
enforceable because it necessarily proscribes the free exercise of religion.

208.      According to the way that the First Amendment guarantee of the free exercise of
religion and the guarantee of the non-establishment of religion have come to be
interpreted in judicial proceedings, no secular court in the U.S. has the authority or right
to adjudge the truth or falsity of any religious belief. This would necessarily also mean
that no U.S. secular court could, as qualified by the senior interests of public safety,
public order or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others, adjudge what is
or is not a religious belief. Scientology maintains, for example, as “religious beliefs” that the
law is to be used to harass people, and that people whom the organization decides are
“Suppressive Persons” are evil, deserve no civil rights, and should be disposed of quietly
and without sorrow. My religious beliefs include the belief that such Scientological
“religious beliefs” are themselves evil, and that I have a religious right to speak out
against such evil teachings. No secular U.S. court, obviously, has the right or authority to
adjudge the truth or falsity of these religious beliefs of mine, or to pronounce that they
cannot be my religious beliefs.

209.      For public relations and marketing purposes, Scientology proclaims that it is
“compatible with Christianity,” but this is utterly false and cruelly deceptive.
Scientology contains a great number of policies and practices that are in direct opposition
to Christian teachings, and contains a great number of writings that are anti-Christian.
Hubbard was an anti-religionist, but most specifically an anti-Christian, writing much
more material that was specifically anti-Christian than what he wrote attacking other
religions. See, e.g., his Bulletin dated 11 May 1963, “Routine 3 Heaven.”
Although my reconversion to Christianity was not predictable, my being called to speak
out about Hubbard’s and Scientology’s anti-Christian writings, policies, practices and
activities and the organization’s false claim of compatibility with Christianity, was
completely natural and could be expected.


210.      It was natural, and could be expected of God that He would reach out through His
children to expose and oppose what is demonic, dangerous and anti-Christian in
Scientology, since He has done so with every demonic, dangerous anti-Christian teaching
or organization since time immemorial. It was natural that God would choose people for
this work who understood both Scientology and Christianity and had been given the
experiences and knowledge that would facilitate what had to be said and done. It was
even natural that God would call someone who would be persecuted by Scientology just
for speaking out, just for communicating his religious beliefs, experiences and
knowledge, and just for helping God’s children with his experiences and knowledge,
because Scientology’s persecution for these God-given communications and tasks
demonstrates as clearly as anything else the organization’s and Scientologists’ anti-
human rights and anti-Christian nature.

211.      The idea that I can lawfully be prohibited by “contract” or a secular court’s
“injunction” from speaking out to defend my own religion, Christianity, from lies being
told about it by a judicially declared pathological liar, Hubbard, and a dangerous,
totalitarian cult, Scientology, is, of course, preposterous. Scientology’s seeking such a
prohibition, and using the U.S.’s secular courts and its fair game machinery to achieve
and enforce such a prohibition, in fact demonstrates the real need for speaking out and the
probity of doing so. Scientology lures God’s children into a diabolical cult that implants
in them the belief that God does not exist but is a lie installed in them electronically
trillions of years ago to enslave them. Scientology then brainwashes the people under its
control to hate, vilify and seek to obliterate God’s children in execution of the
organization’s Suppressive Person Doctrine. It is completely natural, and consistent with
God’s nature and promises, that He would raise people up to expose and oppose
Scientology’s evil teachings and practices and to bring His Words to His children trapped
inside this organization or at risk of being trapped.

212.      The Constitutional guarantee of the right to the free exercise of religion, and
consequently the right to leave a religion and speak out about that religion, which must
not be allowed to be destroyed by “contract,” is particularly necessary and vital in the
case of Scientology, because of the organization’s already existing policy and practice of
“contracting” with its members, or, as in my case, its adversaries, to destroy this right.
The protection of the Constitutional right of a person to leave a religion and speak out
about his experiences in that religion is particularly crucial for Scientologists or ex-
Scientologists because of the organization’s egregious false advertising by which it lures
people into its clutches and into a situation in which they are rendered extremely
vulnerable to being tricked or pressured into signing such a “contract.”

213.      Scientology is able to get away with suckering people into the organization by
calling its false promises, such as raising IQ a point per hour of auditing, or perfect recall,
or curing the common cold, “protected religious expression.” In order to obtain the
results promised by this false “religious” advertising, people are very vulnerable to being
manipulated into signing away their rights, as shown by the “non-disclosure and release
bond” that I was required to sign while on the Rehabilitation Project Force.

It should be remembered that Scientology started this whole thirty-five year saga with
me, leading up to all its abuses, fair game, its “settlement contract,” and all its
enforcement actions and threats, with the organization’s false representations about
Hubbard, and its false promises, of increased IQ, and of the wonderful “states” of “Clear”
and “OT.”

214.      No secular court in the U.S. has been willing, and indeed all insist that they have
no authority or right, to adjudge Scientology’s “religious beliefs” to be false, or to be
anything other than “religious beliefs.” The same is true about my religious beliefs; no
secular court has the authority or right to adjudge my religious beliefs to be false, or to be
anything other than religious beliefs. I am not justifying the unauthorized disclosure of
trade secrets, or otherwise privileged information, with a religious liberty defense, nor am
I protecting defamatory statements with the assertion that they are religious expression.
My communications that Scientology seeks to prohibit are about an entity that has chosen
to define itself as a “religion” organized for “solely religious purposes,” and my
communications are clearly, by Scientology’s own definitions and criteria, my religious
beliefs about my religious experiences in and religious knowledge of this organization’s
religion. My communications that Scientology seeks to prohibit are also my exercise of
my own religion, Christianity, and my own God-given calling and ministry within
Christianity. What Scientology seeks to prohibit is my communicating the truth.

215.      There are no countervailing interests that conceivably could trump my right to
express my religious beliefs, experiences and knowledge exactly as I have expressed
them, except for Scientology’s “right” to my performance of the conditions of its
“contract” that prohibit such expression of my religious beliefs and experiences and
knowledge. That “right” is not a real or legitimate right, however, as has been shown,
because it is a “right” that was obtained by fraud and threat, which, together with the
nature of that “right” and the organization’s efforts to enforce it, constitute a violation of
U.S. Federal criminal civil rights laws.

216.      Further demonstrating the lawful judicial unenforceability of the “settlement
contract’s” conditions that prohibit my discussing Scientology, Hubbard, Miscavige or
Scientology operations and personnel, and my beliefs, experiences and knowledge
relating to these subjects, I am the Founder and Director of the Church of Wogs (CoW)®,
whose religious mission necessitates my discussing those very subjects. CoW, which is
the successor to the church I founded in 1986, is a global church with an international
membership, dedicated to opposing the persecution of the over six billion wogs in the
wog world. See, e.g., CoW’s “Mission Statement” on its Internet web page:

The Church of Wogs ® shall defend, support and promote Wogs ® and
what is worthy in the Wog World ®
Any Wog may join.
The Church of Wogs (CoW) ® shall be truly pan-denominational. Any
Wog of any belief, creed or faith may join.
Any Wog of any race, gender, nationality, age or status may join.


For decades, good Wogs have been persecuted for their beliefs and
activities. CoW shall shelter these beliefs and activities, and work
assiduously to oppose those who would persecute any of us.
Any Wog may work to defend, support and promote Wogs and what is
worthy in the Wog World, and oppose Wogs’ persecutors.
CoW also opposes the persecution of those who have abandoned the Wog
World. Nevertheless, both the persecutors and the persecuted who have
abandoned the Wog World wage an unjust War on Wogs (WoW!)®, and
on Wog arts, sciences, institutions and enterprises.
CoW is determined to bring peace in this war being waged on Wogs.
Our Creed: We of the Church hold:
1. That Wogs are equal.
The Church of Wogs (CoW) will persist as long as the War on Wogs
persists. CoW seeks every being on earth.
CoW’s mission is to wake sleeping Wogs, and to defend, support and
promote all Wogs until the war is won.

217.      The Church of Wogs is in significant respects opposite to, as well as being in
opposition to, the Scientology organization. Scientology teaches that wogs are inferior,
less able, less aware hominids, and Scientologists seek to control the wog world and
control wogs, and wage a war on wogs to obtain that control. CoW teaches that wogs are
in every way Scientologists’ equals, and brings wogs to wage peace in Scientology’s war
on us, and to oppose Scientologists’ intention and actions to control wogs and control our
world. CoW opposes the persecution of wogs, and opposes the persecutors doing the
persecuting, who are the very same Scientology-related entities and persons who seek to
prohibit me from discussing them.

218.      The Scientology organization and Scientologists consider and teach that
everything that Hubbard wrote or spoke about Scientology, the wog world, Scientologists
and wogs is “religious scripture.” Identically, everything I write or speak about
Scientology, the wog world, Scientologists and wogs constitutes religious scripture.
Indeed, everything I have ever written or said at any time on the subjects of Scientology,
Hubbard, any of the organizations groups or entities comprising the global Scientology
enterprise and all of their personnel, any of the “beneficiaries” to Scientology’s
“settlement contract,” and all my beliefs, experiences and knowledge relating to these
subjects, forms an essential part of CoW’s religious scripture.

219.      It is clear that as the Founder and Director of the Church of Wogs, as a Prophet to
Scientologists, as an ex-Scientologist and a Scientologist, as a Christian, and as a citizen
of any religion or faith, or no religion or faith, I have a right, guaranteed by the First
Amendment’s religious exercise clause and by the laws of the U.S., and as articulated in
international human rights declarations, to discuss all the subjects, religious or otherwise,
that the “beneficiaries” seek by their “settlement contract” and by threat and other forms
of fair game to prohibit me from discussing. The “contract” and its attempted judicial
enforcement are the product of a set of clever lawyers and a Godless cult doing the


devil’s work; for what could this massive conspiracy to deprive a person of his basic and
vital rights, including his freedom of religion, and punish him if he exercised those rights,
be but the work of the devil? There has, however, never been a lawyer clever enough to
beat God in the business of freedom, and no matter how many millions Scientology pays
its clever lawyers, they won’t now. Scientology pays for slavery. God sets this slaver
cult’s captives free at no charge whatsoever.

220.      As has already been shown, the parts of the “settlement contract’s” “non-
cooperation” and “non-assistance” conditions that prohibit my cooperating with, assisting
or advising governmental agencies or personnel who might be aligned against
Scientology, adverse to Scientology, or involved in or contemplating any activity adverse
to the interests of any of the “contract’s” “beneficiaries,” prohibit my testifying or
participating in any judicial, administrative or legislative proceeding adverse to
Scientology or the “beneficiaries,” and prohibit my being “amenable to service” of
subpoenas, constitute violations of 18 U.S.C. §1512, “Tampering with a Witness, Victim,
or an Informant.”

[7G] [Armstrong] agrees that he will not voluntarily assist or cooperate
with any person adverse to Scientology in any proceeding against any of
the Scientology organizations, individuals, or entities listed in Paragraph 1
above. [Armstrong] also agrees that he will not cooperate in any manner
with any organizations aligned against Scientology.
[7H] [Armstrong] agrees not to testify or otherwise participate in any other
judicial, administrative or legislative proceeding adverse to Scientology or
any of the Scientology Churches, individuals or entities listed in Paragraph
1 above unless compelled to do so by lawful subpoena or other lawful
process. [Armstrong] shall not make himself amenable to service of any
such subpoena in a manner which invalidates the intent of this provision
10. [Armstrong] agrees that he will not assist or advise anyone, including
individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, or governmental
agencies contemplating any claim or engaged in litigation or involved in
or contemplating any activity adverse to the interests of any entity or class
of persons listed above in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement.

221.      These “non-cooperation” and “non-assistance” conditions that prohibit my
cooperating with, assisting or advising governmental agencies or personnel, or prohibit
my testifying or participating in any judicial, administrative or legislative proceeding
adverse to Scientology or the “beneficiaries,” also constitute a clear violation of 18
U.S.C. §241, because I have lawfully inalienable rights to cooperate with, assist or advise
governmental agencies or personnel who might be aligned against Scientology, adverse
to Scientology or involved in or contemplating any activity adverse to any of the
“contract’s” “beneficiaries,” and to testify or participate in any judicial, administrative or
legislative proceeding adverse to Scientology or the “beneficiaries,” and these conditions
explicitly and unlawfully deprive me of those rights. Besides being patently unlawful, it
is, of course, ludicrous in the extreme that these Scientology entities and their lawyers
would hatch this “contractual” concept of prohibiting a person from assisting every part,
agency or person in the Federal Government, and in every state government in the U.S.,


as well as every part, agency or person in every other government on the planet, with a
$50,000 liquidated damages penalty for each such act of assistance.

222.      These “contractual” conditions that prohibit my assisting or cooperating with any
non-governmental person adverse to Scientology, cooperating in any manner with any
non-governmental organizations aligned against Scientology, or assisting or advising any
individuals, partnerships, associations or corporations contemplating any claim or
engaged in litigation or involved in or contemplating any activity adverse to the interests
of the Scientology “beneficiaries” are also ludicrous and are also violations of 18 U.S.C.
§241. These prohibitions necessarily and unlawfully deprive me of my right of
association, and my rights to defend myself, to defend my own class, and to be defended
by my own class.

223.      The people who are adverse to Scientology, or who might be contemplating any
claim or engaged in litigation or involved in or contemplating any activity adverse to the
interests of the Scientology “beneficiaries,” comprise the class of citizens whom
Scientology, Scientologists and the “beneficiaries” identify as “Suppressive Persons,” or
“SPs.” The organizations aligned against Scientology, or the partnerships, associations or
corporations contemplating any claim or engaged in litigation or involved in or
contemplating any activity adverse to the interests of the Scientology “beneficiaries,”
comprise a class of entities that Scientology, Scientologists and the “beneficiaries”
identify as “Suppressive Groups.”

224.      The closest historical and current parallel to the relationship between Scientology
and the SPs is the relationship between the Nazis and the Jews. Just as it would be
obscene in the extreme for an American Nazi organization to force an American Jew to
sign a “contract” that prohibited the Jew from cooperating with, assisting or advising
Jews, or cooperating with Jewish groups, with a $50,000 liquidated damages penalty for
each instance of cooperation, assistance or advice, it is obscene in the extreme for the
Scientology “church” to force a Suppressive Person to sign a “contract” that prohibited
the SP from cooperating with, assisting or advising SPs, or cooperating with Suppressive
Groups, with a $50,000 liquidated damages penalty for each instance of cooperation,
assistance or advice.

225.      Just as it would be unheard of for any secular court in the U.S., except one
deranged or corrupted, to even consider enforcing a Nazi organization’s “contractual”
condition that prohibited a Jew from cooperating with, assisting or advising Jews, or
cooperating with Jewish groups, it should be unheard of for a court in the U.S. to
consider enforcing the Scientology organization’s “contractual” condition that prohibited
an SP from cooperating with, assisting or advising SPs, or cooperating with Suppressive
Groups. The Marin County Superior Court Judge’s enforcement of precisely that
prohibition in the Scientology entities’ “contract,” along with the enforcement of the
$50,000 liquidated damages penalty for each instance of cooperation, assistance or
advice, is significant evidence of his derangement or corruption.


226.      The Scientology entities “declared” me to be a Suppressive Person in early 1982,
and have not stopped identifying, treating and targeting me as an SP ever since. See, e.g.,
Scientology’s policies, practices, procedures and criteria for identifying and declaring
SPs are contained in the organization’s “religious scriptures.” Scientology teaches in its
“scriptures” that identification of SPs is done by the “characteristics” that SPs share, by
their actions in relation to Scientology, and by their reactions on the “E-Meter,” which
the organization claims, to avoid liability for the meter’s use in the illegal practice of
medicine, is a “religious artifact.” SPs, then, are a class of citizens determined by
“religious” criteria, and form essentially a religious class.

227.      Scientology also teaches in its “scriptures” that SPs are part of a race of inferior
hominids distinct from Scientologists, who comprise “Homo novis” or “Homo
scientologicus,” a race that is vastly superior to Homo sapiens, whom Scientology also
calls in its “scriptures “wogs.” Scientology teaches in its “scriptures” that SPs cannot be
Scientologists, and summarily expels from Scientology any people the organization
“discovers” to be SPs. It goes without saying that, by Scientology’s “scriptures,” there
are no Scientologists who are wogs, and no Scientologists who are members of what
Scientology calls, also in its “scriptures,” the “wog world.” SPs, then, comprise a class of
citizens determined by race, forming essentially a racial sub-class.

228.      The determination of SPs by “religious” and “racial” criteria parallels the Nazis’
determination of the Jews as the chosen targets of Nazi vilification and persecution, since
the Jews also formed both a religious and racial group and class. As the Nazis did with
the Jews, Scientology claims that its determination of the racial inferiority and
“antisocial” characteristics of its target class, the SPs, is completely scientific, based, in
Scientology’s case, on the exacting scientific research of the great scientist L. Ron
Hubbard. Scientology, of course, refuses to submit its “science” for classifying people as
SPs, or its “science” for the treatment SPs, to any scientific body or to any scientists to
review the organization’s “research” and “conclusions.” And, while continuing to call its
pronouncements about SPs “science,” Scientology shields this “science” from review or
criticism by calling it “religious scriptures,” and, consequently, attacking the critics of the
“science” as “anti-religious extremists” and, naturally, “Suppressive Persons.”

229.      Although both the Nazis and Scientology identify their targeted classes, the Jews
or the SPs, for vilification, persecution and obliteration according to “religious” criteria,
these are actually only pseudo-religious and are largely irrelevant to the genocidal plans
and actions against these classes. The Nazis didn’t really care if the Jews believed in the
Trinity, and the Scientologists don’t really care if SPs believe, as Hubbard claims, that
humans are infested with space alien beings that had been brought to earth seventy-six
million years ago by the galactic tyrant Xenu. Even the Nazis’ and Scientology’s “racial”
criteria or differences for determining their targeted classes are largely pseudo-criteria
that are used to justify the atrocities, which are being committed for entirely different
reasons. In reality, neither the Nazis nor the Scientologists constitute a new übermensch,


as those systems teach, and neither the Jews nor the SPs are subhuman animals, as the
Nazi and Scientology systems also teach.

230.      Ultimately, the Nazis and Scientology share the same “real” criterion and
“reason” for their persecution of their targeted classes, the Jews and the SPs, which is
provided very clearly by Scientology in its “settlement contract.” An SP is essentially
anyone who is “adverse to Scientology” or who is “involved in or contemplating any
activity adverse to the interests of any entity or class of persons” that comprise the
“contract’s” “beneficiaries.” Once a person becomes involved in or contemplates an
activity adverse to the interests of the Scientology entities, he is identified and labeled as
an “SP,” and all of the “characteristics” of the Suppressive Person are heaped on him.
Similarly, the Nazis in their “teachings” identified the Jews as being involved in activities
that were adverse to the Nazis’ interests, i.e., their totalitarian goals. The Nazis’ black
PRing of the Jews, as racial inferiors, Christ-killers, perverts, vermin, etc. then facilitated
their removal and the elimination of their activities that the Nazis viewed as adverse to
their interests.

231.      Hubbard and Scientology teach that SPs comprise the most evil “two and a half
percent” of planetary beings, they are the “actual psychotics,” “criminal,” “destructive”
and “the only thing wrong in the universe.” They include mass murderers like Hitler and
Stalin, they “fill the institutions with victims, the hospitals with the sick and the
graveyards with the dead,” and they are the only people who do not get “case gain” from
auditing. Hubbard and Scientology teach that SPs are without any rights whatsoever, and
that crimes committed against them are not punishable; SPs are “fair game.” Scientology
“scriptures” contain a long list of “Suppressive Acts,” also called “High Crimes,” for
which an individual can be declared a Suppressive Person, black PRed with the SPs’
terrible label and “characteristics,” and fair gamed. These “High Crimes” include:

- publicly departing Scientology;
- demanding the return of fees;
- making public statements against Scientology;
- testifying hostilely before state or public inquiries into Scientology;
- bringing civil suit against any Scientology organization or Scientologist;
- giving anti-Scientology or anti-Scientologist data to the press;
- continuing adherence to a person or group pronounced Suppressive;
- dealing with a declared Suppressive Person;
- maintaining a line with a Suppressive Person;
- offering support to a Suppressive Person;
- granting credence to a Suppressive Person.

232.      It is obvious that this list of “High Crimes” that make a person an SP, an “enemy”
to Scientology, and fair game is a list that any criminal syndicate, e.g., the Mafia, would
employ to determine who are its enemies and who are to be fair gamed. The Mafia,
would have a “High Crimes” list in its system of “Omerta,” the mob equivalent to
Scientology’s “Ethics,” which might include:

- publicly departing the Mafia;
- demanding money from the Mafia:


- making public statements against the Mafia;
- testifying hostilely before state or public inquiries into the Mafia;
- bringing civil suit against any Mafia organization or Mafiosi;
- giving anti-Mafia or anti-Mafiosi data to the press;
- continuing adherence to a person or group pronounced a Mafia enemy;
- dealing with a declared Mafia enemy;
- maintaining a line with a Mafia enemy;
- offering support to a Mafia enemy;
- granting credence to a Mafia enemy.

233.      Declaring people “SPs” and beastifying them with the SPs’ hateful
“characteristics,” which Scientology teaches are completely irremediable, creates the
necessary dehumanized “enemies” that Scientology as a totalitarian movement “needs”
for its troops to hate and attack, just as the totalitarian Nazi movement “needed” the Jews
for the Nazi troops to hate and attack. As the above partial list of “High Crimes” in
Scientology makes obvious, the Suppressive Person Doctrine also serves to keep the
Scientologist troops absolutely aligned with and in compliance with the interests of the
Scientology hierarchy, which structurally and in operation is a dictatorship, and
absolutely adverse to the SPs’ interests. The tiniest of criticisms of the Scientology
dictatorship, the slightest “counter intention,” or merely “granting credence” to an SP is
enough for a Scientologist to be himself threatened with being “declared” an SP, or even,
at the whim of the Scientology dictator or his henchmen, declared on the spot, targeted as
“insane,” “criminal” and “evil,” fair gamed and destroyed.

234.      Scientology does not state in its “contract” what its “interests” are; but the
organization broadly proclaims for public relations purposes that its aims, or interests, are
“a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can
prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater
heights.” If that were true, Scientology would not be trying to enforce its “contract” upon
me, would not be fair gaming me, and would not promulgate or even countenance its
“Suppressive Person Doctrine.” I say, both as my religious belief and as a demonstrable
fact, that Scientology’s interests are insanity, hatred, destruction, war and slavery. Again,
no secular court in the U.S. has the authority or right to adjudge the truth or falsity of that
religious belief, any more than a court can adjudge the truth or falsity of Scientology’s
assertion, since the organization claims to be a “religion,” that its interests or aims are
sanity, honesty, peace and freedom.

235.      The “civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war” that
Scientology seeks is to be achieved, as laid down by Hubbard in the organization’s
“scriptures,” by warring on SPs and by finally disposing of them “quietly and without
sorrow.” See, e.g.,
What Scientology is doing to me with its “settlement contract” is a microcosm of this
mad global plan, with the organization calling the relational state between us, wherein all
the Scientology beneficiaries can black PR, trick, cheat, assault, enslave and destroy me
and I cannot respond, or be further attacked if I do, “peace.” Achieving a “civilization


without insanity, without criminals and without war” by declaring people SPs, and then
black PRing, tricking, cheating, assaulting, enslaving and destroying those people, in fact
very good loving people, is truly insane, criminal and hateful, and truly is war.

236.      That Scientologists are to war on SPs is not a hallucination, but is spelled out by
Hubbard in a number of his directives that are included in Scientology “scriptures,” e.g.,
in his Policy Letter of February 16, 1969, “Confidential -- Battle Tactics.”

     But there are also wars of attrition. We are engaged in one where total
destruction of us has been the enemy's aim for, at this writing, 19 years.
This is barbarian warfare, thus the enemy must have had very positive
fears and terrors about us. Since he fought for total attrition. In this case it
is not safe to hope for any half way win. We must ourselves fight on a
basis of total attrition of the enemy. So never get reasonable about him.
Just go all the way in and obliterate him.
     A good general expends the maximum of enemy troops and the
minimum of his own. He makes the war costly to the enemy, not to
     One cuts off enemy communications, funds, connections. He deprives
the enemy of political advantages, connections and power. He takes over
enemy territory. He raids and harrasses. All on a thought plane - press,
public opinion, governments, etc.
     Seeing it as a battle one can apply battle tactics to thought actions.
     Intelligence identifies targets and finds out enemy plans and purposes,
enemy connections, dispositions, etc. It is fatal to attack a wrong enemy.
But it is good tactics to make the enemy attack wrong targets or persons
     The prize is "public opinion" where press is concerned. The only safe
public opinion to head for is they love us and are in a frenzy of hate
against the enemy, this means standard wartime propaganda is
what one is doing, complete with atrocity, war crimes trials, the lot. Know the mores
of your public opinion, what they hate. That's the enemy. What they love.
That's you.
     You preserve the image or increase it of your own troops and degrade
the image of the enemy to beast level.
     We will make it all the way providing we look on this in terms of
active battle and not as a "if we are saintly good we will win". The people
who win wars have a saintly image but they win the war by clever and
forceful use of the rules of tactics, strategy and battle.
     Wars are composed of many battles.
     Never treat a war like a skirmish. Treat all skirmishes like wars.
     The cold war is a war. The West is losing it because it is fighting by
other rules than the rules of war. We mustn't lose it.


237.      Hubbard was, as mentioned above, and as declared by the Los Angeles Superior
Court, a pathological liar. There was no “enemy” whose aim was the “total destruction”
or “total attrition” of Scientology, and who was waging “barbarian warfare” on the
organization. There wasn’t even an “enemy” composed of bad people; there was simply
an “enemy” composed of “SPs,” good people, God’s children, that Hubbard declared
were adverse to his interests. Although Hubbard lied in “Battle Tactics” about the
“enemy,” there is no lie in what his Scientology organization members were to do to that
“enemy,” the SPs, because what the Scientologists are to do is Hubbard’s “command
intention,” his interests. Hubbard’s interests, of course, must be complied with, or the
non-complying Scientologists will themselves be adverse to his interests, or the current
Scientology dictator’s interests, and such non-complying Scientologists will themselves
be subjected to what Hubbard ordered be done to the “enemy.”

238.      The people whose total attrition and obliteration Hubbard orders in his Policy
Letter are the SPs, good loving people who, because of their good, loving nature, are
adverse to Scientology’s interest in waging total attrition wars on, and obliterating good,
loving people. The “enemy,” whose communications, funds and connections Hubbard
orders to be cut off, and who are to be deprived of political advantages, connections and
power, are good loving people who are adverse to good loving people having their
communications, funds and connections cut off and being deprived of political
advantages and power. The “enemy” that Hubbard orders Scientologists to raid and
harass are good loving people who are adverse to good loving people being raided and
harassed just for being adverse to good loving people being raided and harassed.

239.      Scientology does not attack and wage war on evil people, or on people who might
actually possess the hateful “characteristics” with which Hubbard and Scientologists
endow the good people they label “SPs.” The “enemy” that Scientology black PRs with a
viciousness sufficient to cause public opinion to be a frenzy of hate against them are not
hateful people, but good loving people with the goodness and courage to be adverse to
Scientology’s vicious black PR campaign against good people, even if it means becoming
targets of this malevolent organization’s black PR campaign and the public’s
Scientology-incited frenzy of hate. The “enemy” whose image Scientology’s troops
degrade to beast level are good loving people with enough decency and integrity to be
adverse to the beastification of good loving people.

240.      The beast level image to which Scientology’s troops are to degrade the people
who are adverse to the organization’s destruction of good people’s communications,
funds, connections and power, and who are adverse to good people’s beastification and
obliteration, is, of course, the image that Hubbard has created of the “Suppressive
Person,” with all the SPs’ bestial “characteristics.” A significant number of the people
whom Scientology’s leadership beastify as SPs, whip the Scientologist and wog publics
into a frenzy of hatred against, fair game and war upon, are people who, such as myself,
were Scientologists and woke up to the dishonesty and malevolence of the organization’s
interests and became adverse to those interests. Merely leaving the organization, asking
for refund of fleeced fees, making a public statement against Scientology, or just


maintaining a line with or granting credence to a Suppressive Person, are activities that
are adverse to the leadership’s interests and enough to make a former Scientologist, who
might even have slaved for the organization for years or decades, an SP and a fair game

241.      The Miscavige regime reissued “Battle Tactics,” with a distribution list that
included the Office of Special Affairs, the new Guardian’s Office, on September 24,
1987, less than a year after the “settlement.”
The reissuance of this Policy Letter is a clear indication that at the time of the
“settlement” Miscavige and his regime had no intention of ceasing fair game as had been
promised in order to induce me to sign their “contract,” since all the attacks that Hubbard
mandates in “Battle Tactics” – cutting off good people’s communications, funds and
connections, destroying their political advantages and power, degrading their images to
the level of beasts, causing public opinion to be a frenzy of hate against them, waging a
war of total attrition on them, and obliterating them – are exactly what constitute fair

242.      The centrality of “Battle Tactics,” and the fair game against SPs that “Battle
Tactics” directs, to Scientology’s structure, aims and operations under the Miscavige
regime is shown by the policy letter’s prominent inclusion on the checksheet for the
manual that the organization published in the 1990’s for training Scientology’s OSA
intelligence personnel.


14. DEMO: 5 examples of the following stable datum: "We must
ourselves fight on the basis of total attrition of the enemy. So never get
reasonable about him. Just go all the way in and obliterate him."
Hubbard defined the Scientology term “stable datum” in his book Problems of Work:

Any body of knowledge is built from one datum. That is its stable datum.
Invalidate it and the entire body of knowledge falls apart. A stable datum
does not have to be the correct one. It is simply the one that keeps things
from being a confusion and on which others are aligned.
The organization teaches that the total attrition and obliteration of the “enemy,” the SPs,
is essential to keeping Scientology from falling apart, to keeping things inside from being
a confusion.

243.      This intelligence officer checksheet also contains a section specific to Suppressive
Persons, and contains no such section for any other such class.



1. HCO PL 27. Oct 64R Rev. 15.11.87 POLICIES ON PHYSICAL
2. 2. DRILL: Have another student take the role of someone who is in one
of the PTS A-J categories. Drill recognizing what kind of PTS category is
presented and what the handling is. Do this until you can recognize and
handle each of the PTS A-J categories. Flunks are given for any failure to
correctly recognize a particular PTS situation or failure to correctly handle
it, referring the student to the exact LRH material being violated.
5. DEMO: One example of each of the 16 characteristics by which you
can recognize an SP:
1. ___ ___ ___ 7. ___ ___ ___ 13. ___ ___ ___
2. ___ ___ ___ 8. ___ ___ ___ 14. ___ ___ ___
3. ___ ___ ___ 9. ___ ___ ___ 15. ___ ___ ___
4. ___ ___ ___ 10. ___ ___ ___ 16. ___ ___ ___
5. ___ ___ ___ 11. ___ ___ ___
6. ___ ___ ___ 12. ___ ___ ___
6. HCO PL 23 Dec 65RB Rev. 8.1.91 SUPPRESSIVE ACTS
9. PRACTICAL: Write up examples of each of the anti-social personality
traits that you have personally observed (examples can be people you have
known, people in the media, people in history, etc.) explaining exactly
how you recognize the trait. You can also check newspapers, magazines,
etc., for examples. You must find at least one example of each of the
different traits. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor.
10. HCO PL 26 Dec 66 Admin Know-How Series 12 PTS SECTIONS,
11. ESSAY: Write up how you would detect PTSness in an external facing
staff member. What would you do to handle once you have detected a PTS
external facing staff? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor.
12. HCO PL 16 Oct 67 Admin Know-How Series 16 SUPPRESSIVES
14. HCOB 28 Nov 70 C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS
15. DEMO: How you would know if you were dealing with a psychotic
or not.


244.      The “Confidential” designation for the 1987 reissue of the “Battle Tactics” Policy
Letter, just as with Hubbard’s original 1969 issue, evidences the Miscavige regime’s
guilty knowledge that what is being ordered in this document to be done to SPs is
criminal activity. Although Hubbard writes in “Battle Tactics” that he is not advocating
physical violence or inviting the physical destruction of persons, there is no doubt that he
is advocating, inviting, and indeed ordering reputational, emotional, financial, judicial
and social violence against persons, and their reputational, emotional, financial, judicial
and social destruction. In this era, and in “first world” countries, reputational, emotional,
financial, judicial and social violence, destruction and terrorism is in fact more frightful
and more disruptive to its victims’ lives than the threat of being bombed by terrorists.

245.      These non-physical forms of violence, moreover, are also for the purpose of
achieving a position of political and societal power and dominance in which physical
violence and the physical destruction of persons become acceptable and “legal.” The
Nazis in Germany started out with reputational, emotional, financial, judicial and social
violence against the Jews, and did not carry out or advocate physical violence against the
Jews or the physical destruction of their persons until the Nazi Party and its psychopathic
leaders had come to political power. That Scientology seeks the level of political control
or position in which the organization can “legally” carry out physical violence and the
physical destruction of its Suppressive Person victims is revealed in the same OSA
intelligence checksheet:


23. CLAY DEMO: "The goal of the department is to bring the
government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete
compliance with the goals of Scientology. This is done by high level
ability to control and in its absence by low level ability to overwhelm.
Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies. Scientology is the only
game on Earth where everybody wins. There is no overt in bringing good

246.      Hostile governments, philosophies and societies, of course, are those that are
adverse to Scientology’s interests; i.e., adverse to the good people who comprise their
good citizens and good members having their communications, funds, connections,
political advantages and power destroyed, having their images degraded to the level of
beasts, having public opinion turned into a frenzy of hate against them, having a war of
total attrition waged on them, and being obliterated. Hostile governments, philosophies
and societies would also be any that are adverse to themselves being brought into a state
of complete compliance with Scientology’s goals, or adverse to being controlled,
overwhelmed or introverted by the organization.

247.      Governments, philosophies or societies that are adverse to Scientology’s interests
in warring on and obliterating their good citizens or good members, or adverse to
Scientology’s interests in bringing those governments, philosophies or societies into a


state of complete compliance with Scientology’s goals, and in controlling, overwhelming
or introverting those governments, philosophies or societies, classifies them, pursuant to
Scientology’s “scriptures,” as Suppressive Groups and classifies their members as
Suppressive Persons. This classification as Suppressive Groups and Suppressive Persons
makes those governments, philosophies or societies and individuals targets for the
destruction of their communications, funds, connections, political advantages and power,
for the degrading of their images to the level of beasts, for the turning of public opinion
into a frenzy of hate against them, for having a war of total attrition waged on them, and
for being obliterated.

248.      It is obvious that Scientology has trained a corps of troops and developed
sophisticated means by which the organization is able to overwhelm, introvert and gain
control over governments, philosophies and societies. Scientology has been most
alarmingly successful with one of the organization’s key former adversaries, the U.S.
Federal Government, which, in my observation, in order to get Scientology to end its
targeting, threatening, beastifying, warring on, and otherwise fair gaming U.S.
Government agencies and personnel, made a strategic decision in the 1990’s to abandon
its adverseness to Scientology’s interests, and instead to ally itself to the organization.
See, e.g., the New York Times article of March 9, 1997, “The Shadowy Story Behind
Scientology's Tax-Exempt Status.”

     The church's war had a covert side, too, and its soldiers were
private investigators. While there have been previous articles about the
church's use of private investigators, the full extent of its effort against the
IRS is only now coming to light through interviews and records provided
to The New York Times.
     In August 1993, the two sides reached an agreement. The church
would receive its coveted exemptions for every Scientology entity in the
country and end its legal assault on the IRS and its personnel.
     The church immediately began citing the IRS decision in its efforts
to win acceptance from other governments and to silence critics. But the
biggest public relations benefit may have come from the U.S. government
     Four months after the exemptions were granted, the State
Department released its influential human rights report for 1993, a litany
of the countries that abuse their citizens. For the first time, the report
contained a paragraph noting that Scientologists had complained of
harassment and discrimination in Germany. The matter was mentioned
briefly in the 1994 and 1995 reports, too.
     An Ultra-Aggressive Use of Investigators and the Courts


     Richard Behar, an investigative reporter, incurred Scientology's
wrath when he wrote a cover article about the church in Time magazine in
1991. The article called the church "a hugely profitable global racket that
survives by intimidating members and critics in a Mafia-like manner."
     The church and a member sued Time and Behar for libel, and the
company spent more than $7 million defending the cases. The church's
suit was dismissed last year by a Federal District Court judge, an action
being appealed by Scientology. The individual's suit was settled with a
corrective paragraph but no money.
     Behar contends in a countersuit that even before the article ran,
church investigators questioned his acquaintances about his health and
whether he had had tax or drug problems. Behar said that after the article
ran, he had been followed by Scientology agents and had been so
concerned he had hired bodyguards.
     In 1992, Judge Ronald Swearinger of Los Angeles County
Superior Court told The American Lawyer magazine that he believed
Scientologists had slashed his car tires and drowned his collie while he
was presiding over a suit against the church. The church denied the
     In 1993, Judge James M. Ideman was presiding over a suit
involving Scientology in Federal District Court in Los Angeles when he
took the unusual step of withdrawing from the case. In a court statement,
he said he could no longer preside fairly because the church "has recently
begun to harass my former law clerk who assisted me on this case."
     Scientology's tactics in court have also drawn judicial rebukes.
Last year, the California Court of Appeal accused Scientology of using
"the litigation process to bludgeon the opponent into submission." The
Federal Court of Appeals in San Francisco said last year that Scientology
had played "fast and loose with the judicial system" and levied $2.9
million in sanctions against the church.
     By aggressively pursuing its opponents in court, the church seems
to heed the preaching of L. Ron Hubbard, its founder, who once wrote:
"The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than win. The
law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on
somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway ... will generally be
sufficient to cause his professional decrease. If possible, of course, ruin
him utterly."

249.      I believe that the U.S. Government’s decision to ally itself with Scientology,
rather than endure the threat, pain, embarrassment and drain on its resources that would
be required to remain adverse to the organization’s fair game and anti-human rights
interests, is terrible, because it necessarily involves the Government’s abandonment of its
own citizens to the hate, threat, persecution and war that are inherent in the Suppressive
Person Doctrine. By allying itself with Scientology, the U.S. Government has broadened


the spectrum of the color of law under which Scientology can deprive citizens of their
civil and human rights, and, by this abetment of Scientology, the Government has itself
acted in violation of its own Federal Civil Rights laws, specifically 18 U.S.C. §242. The
failure of the U.S. Government and the U.S. justice system to protect the SP class from
Scientology is reminiscent of the failure of the German Government and the German
legal system to protect the Jews as a class from Nazi persecution and predations.

250.      Scientology’s secular fraud, its political goals, its Suppressive Person doctrine,
and its relationship with the U.S. Government all make the organization a matter of U.S.
domestic public controversy. Scientology’s global and totalitarian goals, global fraud,
globally applied SP doctrine, and the U.S. Government’s support for the organization
against foreign governments that oppose Scientology’s totalitarianism, fraud and evil
doctrines, all make the organization a matter of global public controversy, indeed a
matter of global security. The idea of silencing a person about a global controversy and
security matter is, quite clearly, laughable, and, except by murder, impossible.

251.      The global security matter that is Scientology is on a par with AIDS, Islamic
Terrorism, overpopulation, pollution, nuclear proliferation today, and with Nazism
seventy years ago. The idea of silencing someone in U.S. courts about Scientology is
equivalent to, and just as harebrained as, judicially silencing a person about AIDS,
Islamic Terrorism, overpopulation, pollution, nuclear proliferation and Nazism.
Silencing someone who is personally and immediately threatened by any of these global
malignancies is manifestly insane. Silencing me about the threat to global security and
life that is Scientology is unlawful, not only because it is such a global threat just as
Nazism was such a threat, and is a threat directed at me personally, but because my
beliefs about this threat are my religious beliefs, my expression of which is secured by
the First Amendment.

252.      Just as the Nazis condemned and attacked anyone in German controlled territories
who offered support to the Jews, or granted them credence, the Scientologists condemn
and attack anyone who offers support to or grants credence to the SPs in nations such as
the U.S. where Scientology enjoys a significant degree of Governmental and “legal”
control. See, e.g., Scientology Policy Directive 28 dated 13 August 1982 “Suppressive
Act – Dealing with a Suppressive Person.”

     It is a SUPPRESSIVE ACT to deal with a Declared SUPPRESSIVE
PERSON unless you are the named terminal to deal with the SP (i.e. Sea
Org MAA).

     To maintain a line with, offer support to, or in any way grant credance
to such a person indicates nothing more than agreement with that person's
destructive intentions and acts. Such dealings in fact act as a covert or
overt attempt to undermine and negate the ethics and justice strengths of
our ecclesiastical structure.

     However, unless you are the named authorized terminal to deal with
the Suppressive Person, to deal with one constitutes no less than a


Suppressive Act. Such an act is cause to have levied against you the same
per policy Church justice procedures afforded any Suppressive Person.
Full ethics penalties will be applied.

     One does not however use a false excuse of "handling my PTS
condition" to covertly maintain a line of supportful dealings and
agreements with an SP. If you wish to maintain such a line, do so outside
of current and future membership in the Church.
     To deal with a Suppressive is a Suppressive Act.
     The above is unequivocal Church Policy.

253.      Pursuant to this “unequivocal” Scientology “scripture,” since I am an SP, anyone
who deals with me, maintains a line with me, offers support to me, or even in any way
grants credence to me is clearly adverse to the interests of the Scientology entities
comprising the “parties,” “releasees” or “beneficiaries” of the “settlement contract.”
Anyone who becomes my friend or associates with me is necessarily adverse to these
Scientology entities’ interests, since their interests, as shown by their “contract,” their
“scriptures, and their actions over the past twenty-two years, include no one becoming
my friend or associating with me. Therefore, by the “contract,” I may not cooperate
with, assist or advise anyone who becomes my friend, associates with me, deals with me,
maintains a line with me, offers support to me, or even in any way grants credence to me.

254.      The “contract’s” non-cooperation, non-assistance and non-advice conditions do
not even contain the “immediate family” exception that the silence conditions contain,
and all my family members, unless they disconnect from me totally, are necessarily
adverse to the Scientology entities’ interests, and necessarily Suppressive Persons, just by
their continued adherence to me, by dealing with me, by maintaining a line with me, by
offering support to me, or by in any way granting credence to me. Therefore, by
“contract,” I cannot cooperate with, assist or advise even members of my immediate

255.      The only people in the universe that by “contract” I may cooperate with, assist or
advise are the people who are not adverse to the interests of the Scientology dictatorship,
the “contract’s” Scientology “parties,” “releasees” or “beneficiaries,” whose interests are
insanity, hatred, destruction, war and slavery, declaring good loving people to be SPs,
and waging barbarian warfare on them and obliterating them. The only people in the
universe that by “contract” I may cooperate with, assist or advise are the people who seek
to deprive me of my rights secured to me by the U.S. Constitution and laws, who seek to
degrade my image to the level of beasts, who seek to enslave me, and who seek to
destroy me. Thus the non-cooperation, non-assistance and non-advice conditions create a
condition of slavery in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment, which states:

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,


shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate

256.      The endless “settlement contract” requires that I involuntarily remain in servitude
to the Scientology entities and serve their antisocial and criminal interests for the rest of
my life in deprivation of my right of freedom from slavery secured to me by this
Amendment and by the laws of the U.S. Thus the contract’s non-cooperation, non-
assistance and non-advise conditions constitute vile violations of 18 U.S.C. §241 and
§242. What would any sane person say to the Scientology entities that seek by “contract”
to prevent me from cooperating with, assisting and advising my own class of citizens, a
class which was created by the organization’s criminal, antisocial and antihuman
“scriptures,” and which these entities seek, in execution of the same “scriptures,” to
destroy? And what would any sane person say to any court in the U.S., or any country,
that would assist these entities in their mad crusade to crush the religious class they
created? I believe that a sane person would say what Anthony McAuliffe, Commander of
the 101st Airborne Division, said to the Germans when they demanded his surrender at
Bastogne, “Nuts!” -- to the Scientologists and the courts and the horse they all rode in on.

257.      Scientology’s “settlement contract,” with its unlawful purpose of depriving me of
my rights and privileges secured to me by the U.S. Constitution and laws, is in essence
and effect a type of suicide contract in which the contractee, as a condition for having fair
game end against his friends, associates and family, would be required to kill himself.
Suicide is, of course, a crime and it is not made lawful and lawfully judicially enforceable
by writing it into a “contract” that required its performance. If crimes are now made
lawful and lawfully judicially enforceable by requiring their performance by “contract,” a
murder contract would be lawful. If a contract killer failed to perform, he would be sued
in a civil lawsuit for breach of contract, penalized, perhaps with a fifty thousand dollar
liquidated damages mulct, and enjoined. If the contractee still failed to murder his target
he would be in violation of the injunction, in contempt of court, and would be hunted
down by law enforcement and jailed. If a suicide contractee failed to perform, he would
also be sued for breach of contract, enjoined, penalized, and forced by threat of jail and
fines to take his life.

258.      What the Scientology entities are seeking to enforce upon me is reputationally,
emotionally, financially, judicially and socially both a suicide and murder contract, since
it requires that in effect I commit suicide by sacrificing my rights to maintain my
reputation, emotions, finances, judicial standing and social position, and permits the
Scientology entities to assassinate my reputation, devastate my emotions, ruin my
finances, and annihilate my judicial and social standing without my being able to respond
to defend myself. The Scientology entities have, moreover, necessarily interpreted the
“contract’s” “forbear and refrain” clause, Para. 18E, to mean that they are not only
permitted to act to destroy my reputation, emotions, finances, and judicial and social
standing but are required to act to destroy these life essentials.


259.      Para. 18(E) of the “settlement contract” states:

The parties further agree to forbear and refrain from doing any act or
exercising any right, whether existing now or in the future, which act or
exercise is inconsistent with this Agreement.

If the Scientology entities’ post-“settlement” acts toward me to destroy my reputation,
emotions, finances, and judicial and social standing were inconsistent with the
“settlement contract,” the organization would have not performed its contractual
obligations, and arguably would have forfeited its right to enforce what it claims are my
contractual obligations. The Scientology entities have consistently asserted, however,
that they have performed all of their contractual obligations; thus their acts toward me to
destroy my reputation, emotions, finances, and judicial and social standing are, according
to these entities’ interpretation, not inconsistent with the “contract.” See, e.g., Second
Amended Complaint in Scientology v. Armstrong, LA Superior Court No. BC 052395.
plaintiff fully performed all of its obligations under the Agreement at

260.      Marin Superior Court Judge Gary Thomas, in granting Scientology a summary
judgment and a permanent injunction against me, agreed with Scientology’s assertion that
the organization entities had performed all of their contractual obligations, and therefore
necessarily agreed that these entities’ acts toward me to destroy my reputation, emotions,
finances, and judicial and social standings were not inconsistent with the “contract.” See,
e.g., Order of Permanent Injunction in Scientology v. Armstrong, Marin Superior Court
No. 157680.

Plaintiff performed all of its obligations pursuant to the Agreement. at 2:11

261.      Since these entities did not act toward me to not destroy my reputation, emotions,
finances, and judicial and social standing, but have treated me as an SP and fair game
every minute of every day since the signing of their “settlement contract,” it is clear that
acting toward me to destroy my reputation, emotions, finances, and judicial and social
standing is required by this “contract.” Consequently, it is also clear that the Scientology
entities’ acting toward me to not destroy my reputation, emotions, finances, and judicial
and social standing; i.e., acting honestly, decently and non-aggressively, must have been
what these entities were by their “contract” required to forbear and refrain from doing.
Their “contract” requires my reputational, emotional, financial, judicial and social murder
and suicide.

262.      Since thousands of Scientologists comprising every director, officer, employee
and volunteer of every Scientology organization or group or Scientology affiliated entity,
plus all of their lawyers, agents and assigns, are willing, and have conspired, to injure,
oppress, threaten and intimidate me in my free exercise and enjoyment of my rights and
privileges secured to me by the U.S. Constitution and laws, in egregious violation of
Federal civil rights statutes, for which these individuals can be sentenced up to ten years
in prison, it is reasonable to expect that some of those willing criminal conspirators will
go even farther. I believe that Scientology’s leaders know that I seek justice, and I


believe that there is no act of aggression that is beyond them to prevent my obtaining
justice. I believe that Scientology’s leaders desire my death, and not any reluctance
based in decency, morality or humanity, but only the fear of being brought to justice, has
kept someone among them from ordering my assassination.

263.      I believe as well that my continuing to speak out about Scientology, and about
these persons who seek my obliteration is a significant defense against assassination, and
I believe that I cannot lawfully be stripped of this defense, which violates no law, by
“contract” or judicial order. No court has the lawful authority to adjudge that my beliefs
that Scientology’s leaders want me dead, or that my speaking out about Scientology is a
defense against assassination, are false, because these beliefs, in addition to being true,
are my religious beliefs. The Scientology entities have failed through thousands of fair
game acts over the past twenty-two years to complete their assigned “cycle of action”
toward me, or to execute “command intention” regarding me, of silencing and
obliterating me. But Scientology’s leaders have also never cancelled that ordered “cycle
of action” or withdrawn their “command intention” that I be silenced and obliterated,
and, since nothing short of murder has worked or will work for the organization’s dictator
and troops to “make it go right,” murder remains their only viable option.

264.      I have no reasonable option but to completely ignore, and in fact to consciously
and openly violate the “settlement contract’s” non-cooperation, non-assistance, non-
advice and non-communication conditions, and, naturally, to consciously and openly
violate the “Injunction” signed by the Marin Superior Court. The millions of words that
“violate” these “contractual” conditions that I have spoken, written or published since the
“settlement” have been necessary to demonstrate the utter involuntariness of my act of
signing the Scientology entities’ “contract,” by which act these entities insist I
“contracted” away my basic civil and human rights and became their slave and
defenseless victim. The Scientology entities made a video recording of my act, which I
referred to in Para. 123, above, and which the organization has filed as an exhibit in a
number of litigations. See

265.      My involuntariness demonstrates that what the Scientology entities sought with
their “contract” and what they have done to enforce it constitute a crime, specifically a
stupendous 18 U.S.C. §241 conspiracy. The Scientology entities have no lawful option
but to cease all their efforts, judicial and extrajudicial, to enforce their “contract’s” non-
cooperation, non-assistance, non-advice and non-communication conditions, and to live
with my written, spoken and legal opposition to Scientology, including by discussing my
beliefs, experiences and knowledge relating to these entities, just as the only lawful
option of present day Nazis is to live with all the Jews’ written, spoken and legal
opposition to Nazism and its practitioners. Nazis will always hate, beastify and wage war
on Jews, because that is what makes Nazis Nazis, and Scientologists will always hate,
beastify and wage war on Suppressive Persons, because, in the same way, that is what
makes Scientologists Scientologists.


266.      The Scientology entities’ conspiracy and efforts to injure, oppress, threaten and
intimidate SPs like me in our free exercise and enjoyment of our rights and privileges
secured to us by the U.S. Constitution and laws, however, must not be given by any court
in the U.S., or anywhere, any more validity or legality than what would be lawfully
judicially granted to the Nazis and their entities in a Nazi conspiracy and legal and
extralegal campaign to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate Jews in their free exercise
and enjoyment of their rights and privileges secured to them by the U.S. Constitution and
laws. The fact that the Scientology entities are using, and have even been wildly
“successful” using the justice system of the United States to achieve the illicit, criminal
goal of injuring, oppressing, threatening and intimidating SPs in our free exercise and
enjoyment of our rights and privileges secured to us by the U.S. Constitution and laws
does not make what these entities are doing lawful, and in fact makes what they are doing
more cynical, more revolting, and even more unlawful since by using the power and
authority of the justice system these entities have added a monstrous violation of 18
U.S.C. §242. Courts in the U.S. have no more lawful power or authority to enforce a
“contract” that makes an SP the Scientology entities’ slave and defenseless punching bag
victim than courts have to enforce a “contract” that makes a Jew the slave and
defenseless punching bag victim of a Nazi cult.

267.      Suppressive Persons comprise a persecuted minority of two and a half percent of
the planetary population, whereas Jews, it is commonly reported, comprise only about a
tenth of that percentage. Suppressive Persons, of course, have not had the thousands of
years that the Jews have had to organize themselves to stand up to, expose and throw off
their persecutors, a deficiency that I am dedicated to correcting for SPs with the
formation of the Suppressive Person Defense League (SPDL) ®. From the SPDL’s
mission statement:

For over half a century, Suppressive Persons have been beastified,
attacked and menaced in perhaps the most vicious hate campaign ever
manufactured by madness. SPs’ lives have been in constant danger
throughout this period and the whole class or genus of SPs is threatened
with quiet, sorrowless obliteration.
The Suppressive Person Defense League (SPDL) ® unites SPs, defends
SPs against beastification, attack and menace, and brings SPs to stand up
against those who seek their genocide.
The SPDL will work to expose, elucidate and eliminate the SP Doctrine.
We know that SPs will never be safe and never have peace until this evil
doctrine exists only as the historically recorded cause of its own abject
The SPDL will oppose any effort to deny SPs any rights or privileges
secured to any citizens by national constitutions or laws or by international
human rights declarations.
The SPDL condemns the practice of yellow-starring, golden-rodding or
declaring people as SPs, and will work to criminalize, prosecute and ban
this antisocial and anti-human rights practice.


The SPDL will appeal to reason, to conscience and to law to stop the
defamation and obliteration of Suppressive Persons.
The SPDL calls on Scientology to forsake the Suppressive Person
Doctrine, and we call on Scientologists, if their cult will not forsake this
pernicious doctrine, to immediately forsake Scientology.
© 2004 SPDL, Gerry Armstrong, Caroline Letkeman [footnotes removed]

268.      I am an SP, I am a voice for SPs, and for me it is a holy calling to raise up SPs as
high as everyone else. It is only SPs that the Scientology entities seek to silence, both by
use of the law and by all these entities’ other forms of fair game. It is only SPs against
whom the Miscavige regime conspires to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate us in
our free exercise and enjoyment of our rights and privileges secured to us by the U.S.
Constitution and laws. Scientology will never admit that people such as myself, the
targets and victims of its aggressive, criminal policies, practices and acts, are anything
but SPs. The Scientology entities will never admit that the hominids on whom they wage
their war of total attrition, whose image these entities degrade to the level of beasts, and
whom these entities are just going all the way in to obliterate, are anything but SPs. All
crimes the Scientology entities have committed are against SPs, and the organization’s
whole history of criminality is against people identified as Suppressive Persons and
against organizations or agencies identified as Suppressive Groups.

269.      It will be necessary in the Justice Department’s investigation of the facts and
claims in this complaint report, and to be able to adequately address the explicit or
implicit requests herein, that the court record in a number of cases be studied. I will
therefore not recite the events that have occurred after the December 1986 “settlement” in
the first case in which Scientology sued me, since these are detailed, in what I believe are
adequate quantity and quality to support prosecution, in documents, including a great
number of sworn statements, filed in these official public proceedings. The court record
is also, clearly, the best source of evidence concerning my claims and charges against the
Marin Superior Court, particularly former Judge Gary W. Thomas. These cases include:
Scientology v. Armstrong, Los Angeles Superior Court No. C 420153 (Armstrong I)
Appeal: Scientology v. Armstrong, California Court of Appeal Nos. B025920 and
B038975, Second Dist., Div. Three
Scientology v. Armstrong, Marin Superior Court No. 152229/Los Angeles Superior
Court No. BC 052395 (Armstrong II)
Appeal: Scientology v. Armstrong, California Court of Appeal No. B 069450 Second
Dist., Div. Four
Scientology v. Armstrong, Los Angeles Superior Court No. BC 084462 (Armstrong III)
Scientology v. Armstrong, Marin Superior Court No. 157680 (Armstrong IV)
Appeal: Scientology v. Armstrong, California Court of Appeal No. A075027, First Dist.,
Div. Four


Scientology v. Armstrong, US Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California
No. 95-10911 and Adversary Proceeding No. 95-1164 (Armstrong V)
Armstrong v. Miscavige, US District Court Nevada No. CV-N-97-00670 ECR (RAM)
(Armstrong VI)
Scientology v. Armstrong, Marin Superior Court No. CIV 021632 (Armstrong VII)

270.      The following URLs are for declarations or affidavits that I have written and
executed after the December 1986 “settlement” and that provide facts concerning the
“settlement” and events involving Scientology and me that occurred after the settlement:
The website makes available many more sworn statements and other
documents and writings that relate to the charges being sought, and I urge any
investigators or other interested officials to study all of what is available on the site.

271.      I request that the Justice Department and other involved U.S. agencies and
officials act to the extent allowed by law to protect me and my fiancée Caroline
Letkeman, who is also a target of Scientology’s Suppressive Person doctrine and fair
game attacks, from organization violence or other forms of retribution during the
investigation of the facts and crimes I have alleged herein, and during any prosecution
arising out of said investigation. I am also sending this complaint report and making this
same request for protection to the Canadian officials that I believe are responsible for and
capable of providing such protection.

I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the United States of America
and of Canada that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this 16th day of February 2004 at Chilliwack, B.C. Canada.

Gerry Armstrong