Declaration of Janet Holsclaw
Armstrong v. Miscavige, et al. (Nevada)
From: (gerry armstrong)
Subject: $cienocult PIs Janet L. Holsclaw and Jeff Martin of Talon Talon Executive Services, Inc - illegal privacy invasion
Date: 1998/07/18
Message-ID: <>#1/1
X-Trace: 900793069 19601 (18 Jul 1998 20: 17:49 GMT)
Organization: internet (ISP)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 18 Jul 1998 20:17:49 GMT
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Filed by cult defendants RTC and CSI in Armstrong v. Miscavige, USDC
Nevada CV-N-97-00670 ECR (RAM)
Those compiling cult PI profiles and these PIs' illegal and immoral activities please note.
Fair game apologists' comments especially welcome.
I. Janet Holsclaw, declare and state as follows:
1. I am an employee of Talon Executive Services, Inc. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, and if called as a witness I could and would testify under oath as follows:
2. In the course of my investigation to determine the whereabouts of Gerald David Armstrong, on January 7, 1998, I discovered that Gerald David Armstrong, or Bambi Sparks to be the registered owners of a 1987 Toyota Celica, identified by California license plate number 2DZF104. This vehicle registration was noted to expire on 02/02/98.
3. On December 31, 1997, I discovered that Gerald David Armstrong had only been issued a Nevada Drivers License on December 19, 1997 with an expiration date of 10/18/01.
4. On 27 December 1997, one of our Talon Investigators named Jeff Martin, reported he had interviewed a Budget Rental Car agent at 1600 National Guard Way in Reno, Nevada.
5. Investigator Martin discovered that Gerald David Armstrong had rented a rental car from them from 15 December 1997 through 20 December 1997 and provided his address as 715 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. San Anselmo, California.
6. Talon Investigator Martin determined the car that Gerald David Armstrong rented on December 15th, 1997, was identified by Nevada license plate number 183HVA. It was a 1997 Toyota owned by Team Fleet Financing Corp (Budget Rental Car).
7. Investigator Martin was also informed by the Budget Rental agent on December 27, 1997, that Gerald David Armstrong frequently rented from them and had always used the same Californa address in all previous times he rented from them.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 12th day of June, 1998, at Fountain Valley, Caliufornia.
[End Quote]
Budget advises me that the divulgence of my data to $cientology PIs by Budget's agent is unauthorized, a violation their own policy and an invasion of my privacy. There are significant unturths even in the information cult PIs Holsclaw and Martin claim they obtained from the Budget agent.