[CT 8039]
Gerald Armstrong
715 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard
San Anselmo, CA 94960
(415) 456-8450
In Pro pria Persona
a California not-for-profit Plaintiff, vs. GERALD ARMSTRONG; MICHAEL WALTON;
a California for-profit Defendants. |
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NANCY MC LEAN Date: 4/21/95
[CT 8040]
I, Nancy McLean, declare:
1. I am over the age of 18 years. I am a resident of the Province of Ontario, Canada and I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein, and if called upon as a witness herein I could testify competently thereto.
2. I am making this declaration in support of Gerald Armstrong whom the Scientology organization is seeking by court order to silence.
3. I am the Nancy McLean named in the Order in the case Nancy McLean and John McLean v. Scientology, et al. in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit dated September 17, 1991, which the Scientology uses in its efforts to silence me and other persons with knowledge of its practices. A copy of this order is attached hereto as Exhibit [A].
4. I was a member of Scientology in Canada from 1969 through October, 1972. During my time in Scientology I observed considerable mistreatment of people and other organizational illegalities. I wanted Scientology to thrive and brought my concerns about these activities to the attention of seniors in the organization, all the way up to Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard. My concerns were ignored, I was lied to, and I left. I subsequently became a critic of Scientology's antisocial and often criminal practices. As a result of my criticisms I was declared an " enemy" and "fair game." The "fair game" policy, which was written by Hubbard, calls for people designated as
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"enemies" to be tricked, sued, lied to or destroyed." I am intimately familiar with this obnoxious policy.
5. As result of its "fair game" attacks on me and my family, I filed a lawsuit against Scientology in 1981. This lawsuit settled in 1986. I agreed to the monetary figure settling the case, but would not agree to the conditions Scientology sought to impose which would have stripped my personal liberties. I was, however, subjected to enormous pressure by those with control of the case, whom I believe to have been compromised by Scientology's fair game operations. It was well known at that time that Scientology had attempted to entrap and compromise a federal judge sitting on Scientology cases, and to frame and compromise other government officials, and had infiltrated legal offices involved in Scientology litigation. Being put in a hopeless corner, and having no other choice, I did succumb and did sign a "settlement agreement," which on its face prohibited me from discussing my experiences in Scientology, Hubbard, and the "religion" itself, and prohibited me from possessing its writings and counseling people concerning these writings.
6. I knew at the time that this "agreement" was illegal because it sought to keep me silent about the criminal past of an organization with present criminal intent, and criminal policies, which are a threat to decent people and civilized society everywhere. I hoped that Scientology would discontinue its "fair game" attitude and activities after the "settlement" and I hoped
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for peace for all. I also felt and feel that I have a moral obligation to counsel anyone who seeks me out concerning my knowledge of the dangers of this organization. I continue to do so, despite the risk its court orders and "fair game" activities are to my freedom and life.
7. Since leaving Scientology, and through the years of threats and attacks by this organization, a deep-felt spiritual conviction has developed in me concerning the religious nature of what I am involved in. Scientology claims that all of its policies and directives, even those which order attacks on critics, which call for using the legal system to harass innocent people, which declare and label people "suppressive persons" and "fair game, " which assert that people it views as "low- toned" have no civil rights, which state that some people have no right to life at all, all of these and more, are "religious scriptures." Scientology claims that all of its practices are religious in nature and protected by the US Constitution and the laws of every country granting religious liberty. Can, therefore, my activities, in opposing such antisocial policies and activities, be any less religious? Indeed, they are not! My conviction that I should speak out for freedom and against Scientology's tyranny, is as honestly held and as religious as the conviction of Scientology's leaders to promote and enforce their " religious" tyranny.
8. Scientology can no more prevent me, under the laws of civilized nations, from possessing its "scripture," or commenting
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on or counseling people about these "scriptures." or Hubbard, the source of these "scriptures" than a Christian church can prevent me from possessing, commenting on or counseling people about the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ or God Almighty. I protest that Scientology is not a church, and antithetical to religion. However, as long as it claims to be a church and a religion, and obtains the extraordinary benefits conferred by our laws on churches and religions, it cannot silence me about its past, its leader, its polices and practices, or my experiences of any kind in it or in relation to it.
9. I am going to continue to speak freely to anyone who seeks me out about Scientology, despite any threat from any court, or from Scientology itself. I am going to freely possess its " scriptures" and writings about its "scriptures," despite any threat. I am going to counsel anyone who seeks me out concerning my knowledge of these "scriptures" and Scientology's "religious practices," and my "religious experiences."
I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws Canada and the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed in Sutton West, Ont, Canada [this] April 5th [day of] , 1995.
Nancy McLean
Exhibit [A]
Order 09-17-1991
Nancy McLean et al. v. Church of Scientology of California