STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Los Angeles |
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I, GERALD ARMSTRONG, being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:
1. Since the time that I left the Church of Scientology there have been major changes within the Church. I am aware that in the early 1980’s there was a change in ecclesiastical management of the Church. One of the most significant things that the new management accomplished was the abolition of the Guardian’s Office.
2. The Guardian’s Office was an autonomous network within the Church hierarchy that was responsible for the handling of external affairs and security matters. Virtually all of the abuses that I perceived to be prevalent in the Church and which gave rise to any disagreements and conflicts that I had with the Church were perpetrated by members of the now defunct Guardian’s Office. For example, I have alleged that the Church took part in the practices of disseminating confessional information, harassing critics and hostile ex-members, filing frivolous litigation, and perpetrating certain fraudulent representations with respect to the Church publicly.
3. Recently I have learned that the abuses outlined in paragraph two above ware abolished as part of the process of the dismantling of the Guardian’s Office. I have also observed that the Church’s present management has taken a very
responsible and forthright position with respect to complaints made about alleged Church abuses. The new Church management seams to have returned to the basic and lawful policies and procedures as laid out by the founder of the religion, L. Ron Hubbard.
4. Because of the foregoing, I no longer have any conflict with the Church of Scientology or individual members affiliated with the Church. Accordingly, I have executed a mutual release agreement with the Church of Scientology and sign this affidavit in order to signify that I have no quarrel with any Church of Scientology or any of its members.
Signed and subscribed to before me This 6th day of December, 1986, at Los Angeles, California.
[signed] Jo-Ann Richardson
Notary Public for the State California
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