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via CC
via Snr P PRO
Snr P PRO Res

15 Oct 1980


re: Archives


Dear Sir:

     I want to brief you on actions I've been involved
in concerning various categories of Archives materials
and propose some guidelines for future handlings.

          Brief history: Way back in early 1972 you asked
the Port Captain's Office to prepare a time track of the
ship's movements from when she left the UK up to PT (we
were then frequenting a few Moroccan and Portugese ports).

          I got the job and sat in Lower Hold 1 for several
days going through old log books and forming the track.

          At that time I became very interested in the SO
history and observed that no one really was writing one,
nor was anyone even preserving the docs and records one
would need to later write such a history. But I postulated
then to one day see that it got done. So, you provided
my initial nudge in that direction.

          Well 8 years marched by and I contributed my little
bit to the Sea Org but had nothing more to do with records,
archives and a history until the start of this year.

          In January there was a raid threat at SU and we all
held a shredding party and great amounts of old files were
pushed through the paper gobbler. I was then R Renos IC
and D/CO HU SU. Brenda Black, R Gear IC and my junior at
the time, came to me during the all hands shredding with
a beat-up cardboard box of old papers, which she said had
been found some time previously in the garage on the SU

          The old papers turned out to be R's diaries from
his trips to Asia between 1927 and 1929, some of his poems,
and personal correspondence in the 30's and 40's.

          I realized that not only were these materials of
inestimable value both in PR terms and hard collector's
cash but we (the Church and R) had come very close to
losing them. So I sought out Laurel and got them copied
and copies sent to Pers Sec Flag and Pers Librarian WW.



          Laurel, who had been R Pers PRO for several years,
did not know of the existence of these things. So then I
thought that if there was this one box, maybe there were

          And in going through some old DC inventories I
did find several more boxes then in the Rstorage space
at SU. These contained R fiction manuscripts (published
and unpublished), early correspondence, records from
various expeditions, naval records, etc.

          The value of these things is immense. They had
been kept in cardboard boxes since the 50's and they were
in danger in the SU storage space from weather and fire.
That space was at that time was quite open to the elements
and was a fire trap.

          So I took the liberty of removing these things to
the PR Bureau, acquired a bunch of file cabinets and sorted
the materials out and into files. At some time/s since DC
they appear to have been gone through and messed up to some

          At the same time I learned of the R biography
project which had been kicking around for several years
and which, I believe, had not achieved a product because
of the lack of documentation. So with these "new" records,
covering in detail R's history prior to Dianetics, a
biography seemed like a real possibility.

     At this point my transfer to the PR Bu was arranged
and I came on post as "Snr Pers PRO Researcher" to handle
two major projects: the biography research, and the formation
of a museum. The museum was my idea for getting maximum
value from these early materials and ensuring their preser-
vation. (There are other artifacts in storage at SU which
have considerable interest and value - like R's naval uniforms,
scout uniforms, gold pans from his Puerto Rican expedition,
etc. etc.)

          Archives : In the normal course of my work I became
acquainted with the various archives units in the Church.
I have seen your despatch of 26 August re: Archives, a copy
of which I've attached for your easy reference. (Att. 1)

          Archives generally are now receiving the attention
R intended for them. The C Archives is obviously the most
vital and is being handled professionally. SO Archives &
Artifacts under Frank McAll is making good progress after
little or no attention for years. My "rescue" of R's
personal records will assist. The "Archives Trust" will
be another step towards the optimum handling of these things.



          The R Originals Program (Att. 2) of the ex-R
Accts laid out, in addition to the financial benefit to R,
some far-reaching purposes:

          "That a charitable (non-profit) library would be
established, and would be the repository and reference
service for R originals for present and future generations'

          "That the library, as an independent and unbiased
body, could very well in the future become the "last word"
on what is correct and what isn't. Language changes over
the years, and as the years and decades and even centuries
go by it will become increasingly crucial that an independent
authority exist on source materials. This library could
very well serve in this capacity."

          Interestingly, I recently came across two R docs
from 1952 which evidence R's intention back then that a
similar institution to the planned "Archives Trust" be set
up. (Att. 3; Att. 4)

           Situations: There are a couples of situations I
have come across which I think can now be resolved by
alignment with the purpose of the "Archives Trust". (I
put "Archives Trust" in quotes because its title, form and
relationship to other "trusts" now being worked out - "R
Estate Trust" and "Trademark Trust" - have not been

           Situation A. It appears the various Churches
around the world are either doing nothing about or are
giving away their valuable artifacts.

          Data : Over the past 5 or so years the market
value of LRH published works, including fiction, Dianetics
and Scientology early materials, plus things like early
meters, etc. has soared incredibly.

          Collecting LRH materials has become a fairly big
business and for some collectors is their whole occupation.
In fact it is a sort of sub-culture within Scientology.

          Some sample costs: BUCKSKIN BRIGADES can go for
as much as $1500.00; a set of DIANETIC AUDITOR BULLETINS
from the early 50's for $750.00; a red leather DMSMH for

          Just within the past two months many specifics
related to the above Situation A have come on my lines:

          a. Seattle - The R Comm had sold some org early mater-
ials (books, Abilities, etc.) to a Flag Reg who visited the
org on tour. (The reg is himself a collector).



          b. Seattle & Portland - the orgs gave lists of
old-timers who had dropped off lines to a collector who
has been going around picking up their old materials for
almost nothing. Only then did the org get onto contacting
these same old-timers.

          c. Berkeley - an early Dianeticist came into the
mission to donate his early materials and science-fiction
books as he was moving out of the area. The Treas Sec
recognized a good thing, took the materials personally
and has been selling them since.

          d. LA org had a bunch of early JOURNALS OF SCIEN-
TOLOGY (worth a couple of thousand dollars) left in an area
which floods regularly and they were all completely

          e. Jim Isaacson tells me that when LA org moved
to the current premises several boxes of early materials
including stacks of R originals were thrown away or lost.

          f. A great amount of early publications, meters
etc. were, within the past two weeks, removed from a room
in DC. The R Comm reported to me that they were "subject
to dampness and rats".

          A DC staff member wrote to R (and very luckily
SO#1 sent the comm to me) asking if he could keep the
projection meter found with these materials. This is the
only known projection meter in existence.

          The list goes on and on.

          Orgs are not viewing these early materials as
Church assets and they are not being cared for. More than
likely no policy exists to ensure their safety.

          I have mentioned to various old-timers who now
possess quantities of early valuable materials the possibility
of a museum being set up to house and preserve such materials
and got total agreement that that's where they would want
their things to go. This indicates to me that if the
Church/es were active in properly caring for and displaying
early materials more old, valuable materials would be attracted.

          My idea is that the "Archives Trust" can become the
repository for these early materials, in addition to the
original documents. It will have a preservation and display

          Until it is established however the Church should
become active in holding onto the materials it has.

          On the preservation of LRH fiction publications, I
recently came across an R note of 1969 (which apparently was
not complied with as intended): "Also preserve the SF library.
(Forrest Ackerman's) I have no copy of anything."(Att. 5)



           Situation B . The function of PR Archives WW, as
currently set up, is not clear and its original purpose
is apparently not being carried out.

          Data : As you know a PR Evaluator at WW has been
doing an eval to get the Archives materials sorted out
and located in their proper areas.

          I met with the evaluator while I was at WW and
she toured me through the PR Archives. From what she told
me, these Archives have not been given the attention they
should have received, were mixed up and to some degree are
unusable in their present form. Someone a few years back
combined with Archives a lot of GO PR files (PR situations
handled, subjects then of current interest to PR's, etc.)
with the intention that "Archives" would become usable
by PR's, which never happened.

          PR Archives is currently in an unheated, damp
building, and the smell of mildew pervades the area. (I
don't know that it is always like that but was when I
was there.) For this reason, if not anything else, it
needs a revamping as soon as possible.

          The function of the "historians of the company"
is very important. The data and materials collected are
themselves of great value, and assembled into a usable
reference library they have even more value. Additionally,
the fact of creation of an archives and library adds
importance, value and longevity to the subject in the
minds of anyone who hears of such a project.

          There are a couple of areas in which Church units
are not the authorities, but ought to be: LRH published
works, and early organization history.

          The experts in these areas (or at least the
accessible experts) are private collectors. There are two
or three collectors who have spent years researching LRH
pen names, fiction works published, and Dn and Scn works,
including all editions of every publication.

          Some collectors have researched R recommended
books (mentioned in Bulletins, P/L's, other publications
or on tapes) and have collected all these. Some also are
collecting any publication containing any mention of R
or Scn, plus squirrel publications and plagiarisms.

          The GO is very much the authority in some of these
things over the past decade or so but for the very early
days and early publications collectors' data is relied
on heavily.



          There are also collectors who have specialized
in histories of Scientology and Dianetics in various
geographical areas. They have interviewed early people and
pieced together time tracks. TTAPP has used their data
in the search for tapes and for inclusion in the Research
and Discovery books.

          One collector has been travelling around locating
the earliest buildings which were important in the growth
of Dn and Scn (Elizabeth, LA, Wichita, Phoenix, Philadelphia,
Camden, DC, etc. etc). This guy is photographing the
buildings and checking on their availability for purchase.
He's also trying to locate early photos from the periods
when they were Dn and Scn establishments. Using these
photos and current building measurements he's having
paintings done of these buildings. He's also planning to
have scale models of the buildings built.

          These things could be viewed, when considered
against the really vital actions that must be done to
handle this planet, as frivolous, but I think they have
their place, and there will come a time when we will be
thankful for every bit of history which was preserved.

          These areas rightfully belong to the "Historians
of the Company". They would align with the R Originals
Program and be a valuable contribution of the "Archives

          In this way can be resolved what to do with
the materials in PR Archives. It isn't a question of
whether the "Archives Trust" is a GO unit or not. (Ob-
viously a tight liaison will always exist between the
"Archives Trust" and G0 Units.) The main point is that
the "Archives Trust" can become the true "historians of
the company". It very easily could be a part of the GO.

          Regardless of what body or network sponsors the
"Archives Trust", it should be to some degree an indepen-
dent unit. Otherwise it would be subject to unmock (or
unmanning) or involvement in current environmental
situations, both of which conditions apparently happened
at WW. Archives, other than providing historical data,
would not get involved in handlings.

           Situation C . An immediate sort-out is needed between
C Archives and Snr P PRO Researcher Archives of some materials.

          Data : I have in my possession some Technical
originals which should go to C Archives. C Archives has
some non-Tech and non-Policy materials (correspondence,
books, manuscripts, etc.) which would better be in my files.



          I have enjoyed, by the way, an excellent working
relationship with C Archives IC and have been able to find
for him a couple of dozen R tapes Archives did not have
previously, plus a great number of R lectures or auditing
sessions on soundscriber discs.

          The written Tech materials I have found mixed
in with non-Tech correspondence in some old DC boxes.
Mostly these are handwritten processes or Tech notes,
but also include some Tech manuscripts. I've now gone
through all the materials I have and removed all the Tech
materials for transfer to C Archives.

          I understand from C Archives IC that he has a
bunch of non-Tech/Policy materials which should go to me.
These would be helpful for my two projects (the biography
research and the museum/"archives trust").

          Ultimately all originals, Tech or non-Tech, will
probably be under the same "trust" umbrella. But for now,
and so that as much data is available as possible for the
biographer, I would like to arrange the exchange of the
materials between the two units.

          I realize that the foregoing is very discursive,
but wanted to give you as much data as possible. The
handlings for the three situations noted I've included
in a proposed program of immediate actions and a guideline
for future actions. This proposal follows, and if okayed
can be sent to the various people involved.

Much love,



-page break-



          The final disposition of the various archives
around the world has not been worked out and will depend
on the corporate legal actions now in progress. There
are, however, some guidelines which can be laid down here
and made known and some immediate actions to be taken.

          1. Aside from financial benefits for donors, the
proposed Archives Trust will have the following

          A. To preserve the Founder's original Technical
and non-Technical materials, writings and artifacts.

          B. To preserve copies of every publication of
the Founder's writings in their many forms, plus
related publications from the various Churches
and other sources.

          C. To be the "historians of the company", record,
research and preserve the history of the Founder
and the philosophy.

          D. To be the authority on the Founder and his

          E. To ensure the safety of all the materials
entrusted to its care for all time.

          F. To display and make available these materials
for all people.

          G. To be active in getting the Founder known,
understood and his subjects and products accepted.

          2. Attorneys involved with the corporate legal
actions to be briefed on the above 7 intended
functions of the Archives Trust so they have the
full scope of this unit in addition to financial
viewpoints. The Archives Trust is a major action
to ensure the perpetuity of Scientology.

          3. PR Archives WW files to be handled according to
the above intention for the Archives Trust and
the following:

          A. Those files which are usable by PR's (eg.
situation handling files, former PR active
files, etc.) to stay in PR WW files.



          B. Those files containing materials which should
be held by the "historians of the company" (eg.
manuscripts, ship records, book and promo editions,
etc.) to be separated out and preserved for the
Archives Trust. Location for these materials
to be designated later.

          4. By issue get all churches around the world to
secure and care for their valuable materials
and artifacts in anticipation of the establish-
ment of the museum/s.

          5. Exchange the Tech materials now in R Personal
files for the non-Tech materials in C Archives.

          6. Work out manning up the Archives Trust. There
is no need for all the legal to be done before
many of the functions can be started.

          7. Work out admin procedures and policies for
the Archives Trust, get them approved and


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