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Miss Cabbage?

Xenu: Miracle sighting 2007

Christmas Sweets 2006

Christmas BTs 2005

Xenu's Village Gallery 2005

Happy Valentine's Day 2005

Roger cancels the last squirrel

75,000,038 years ago: Xenu's Holiday Special

Who or what are the odds?

Parody Section

Vanity Fair October 2006


Another Nightmare on L. Ron Hubbard Way

DM the Supermodel No. 3

Beep Beep, Here Come the Playmates

DM the Supermodel No. 2

DM the Supermodel No. 1

Scientology's Spirit of Christmas

Thankyou for Listening
The Real Source

Ron's Journal 2003

Little Fakir Supercop

Thursday afternoon at the movies

Doing Darshan with the Guru

A Dopey Training Film

Scamtology News

DM The Duck Fakir


IGN #1995 Pay-Up Call

Davey the Divinator®

Davey the Divinator® Answers
Rumpel Stilzchen

Hey OSA, Where's the Beef?

L. Ron Hubbard's 2003: A Space Idiocy


Person of the Billenium

Snow White and the Eleven Felons

Osama bin Hubbard


Find The Little Fakir

Little Fakir in Baghdad
Find the Little Fakir No. 10

L. Ron Spielberg
Find the Little Fakir No. 9

The Magnificent Eight
Find the Little Faquero No. 8

Nightmare on L. Ron Hubbard Way
Find the Little Fakir No. 7

Little Fakir Photoshopportunity
at the LA Sports Arena
No. 6

Little Fakir Wearing His Hat
Find the Little Fakir No. 5

Little Gasbag Fakir No. 4

Find the Little Fakir No. 3

Find the Little Fakir on Safari No. 2

Find the Little Fakir No. 1

Color the Magi Contest
(Coming Soon)


Xenuware for every occasion

Xenuware: April Collection

Xenuware: May Collection

Xenuware: Summer Collection


American Psychiatric Association declares that David Miscavige has met all requirements and is hereby certified Clear Sociopath! Hip Hip Hurray! How did Ron do it?


Thanks South Park -- Trapped in the chapel

You are so sued, kid.
© 2005 Gerry Armstrong and Caroline Letkeman Thanks South Park

Buffalo Pundit on South Park Episode 912

Tom Robot Man

Follow the adventures of
Tom Robot Man


Audit My Bank
Place your cursor over check for reverse auditing.



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Armstrong comments


Photo Gallery

Old News Background, not now used

Our Christmas Vacation 12-2001

Christmas Clams

International Kegel Competition

The Other Windows

Merry Christmas 2002

Happy Birthday Operation Clambake 2003

One day I was talking with God, and whatever He was saying struck me as ineffably funny. So I asked, “You've got a sense of humor, don't You?” And He came back, “I am a Sense of Humor.”

“...and as the Germans say, “OSA says, “ Bob said, “Have fun with it.””””


© 2004 God
“If it isn't funny, it isn't true.” - ga

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