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Berlin, October 26, 1997


Gerry Armstrong: Fugitive from the Law

"They searched the whole world for the leading speaker
against Scientology and all they found is a fugitive from
American Justice, who fled to Canada. His normal activities
consist of conversations with the dead" said lawyer Elliot
Aberson who represents the International Church of Scientology.
"To present such a psychotic person as Gerry Armstrong as a
reliable witness is a new low in the losing international
campaign, which is organized by people with governmental backing,
against the fundamental rights of the members of the Church of

"A 72 hour childish boycott campaign was called against the
March for Freedom of Religion. This is to curtail free speech of
the members of the Church of Scientology in tomorrow's march,
which has been organized by the interreligious organization FRG -
Freedom of Religion in Germany. This consists of adolescent
actions, like cancelling hotel reservations, transportation
arrangements and equipment orders, and the false announcement
that the March for Religious Freedom was cancelled."

"Some people, like some Government "experts," have
completely lost the ability to act rationally."

"Nothing in the recent past is comparable with the above
described kindergarten tactics. Germany is not only at the center
of harsh international politics, but it is becoming more and more
the laughing stock of the civilized world," said Mr. Abelson.

Mr. Armstrong, the so-called "Scientology Expert," was found
guilty of contempt of court. When he was ordered to report to
jail he fled the USA and is hiding in Canada. He stated in court
that he normally converses with the dead.

"That he was the only anti-Scientology speaker found by
Ursual Caberta and Renate Rennebach, shows how desperate they are
to find someone outside of Germany to support their base bigotry."

V.i.S.d.P. Ute Kock, Church of Scientology Berlin


Armstrong comments



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